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Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Very good season ender. I applaud them not going the traditional everyone left in jeopardy cliffhanger... I so hate and tire of those. Nice tie up of the main season story arc while planting seeds for season two.

But did the Garrett ending seem a little weird and out of place? Wouldn't have the authorities taken Garrett's dead body away? Why was he left behind with a single lab coat? It seemed the whole scene was created just for the joke pay off. While funny, it made no sense to me.
It did seem a little odd. I was like, "what is that still doing here?" but it felt right for the show. My buddy and I were sitting there watching it, thinking "damn, interesting season 2 setup" and NOPE. Great moment.
My absolute favorite part was when

Nick Fury reveals he considers Coulson an AVENGER!!!! AWESOME!!!
Great season ending.

It seemed to me that Garrett's demise at the end was set up by Coulson. Coulson didn't just stumble on Garrett resurrecting himself, he had placed Garrett there and waited until the most ironic moment in which to execute him. It also seemed to me that he was covering for himself by pretending to discover the weapon he had supposedly gone into the room for.
Watched this last night. It was the first episode that had watched on the same night it had aired. Had been binge watching the entire series pretty much to do so. And have to say that I am really proud of Season 1. Really looking forward to Season 2.

And yeah Bob, that was definitely one of my favorite moments as well. And it's actually true as well. Now, it's time for rebuilding of SHIELD. :)
I'm so happy that
Ward was still bad at the end, Tripp was left alone to continue on into the next season, Deathlok has been redeemed, and Fury considers Coulson an Avenger and a fitting person to rebuild SHIELD as its new director

The only part I rolled my eyes at and maybe had a little groan was
seeing Patton Oswalt popping up again
Didn't like him that much to begin with and kind of thought it would be a one off appearance.

While it did feel a little lackluster, it had a lot of great moments and I truly hope that the show continues on in the vein of the post Cap 2 episodes.
Wow, what a nice episode. I really loved The Noisemaker.
Eh, I liked most of it, but since I don't watch a lot of TV, I don't know if its the norm for plot points to be unresolved until the next season. I'm so used to movies telling a singular story that the fact that this show
let Raina and Quinn escape with the gravitonium and didn't reveal the nature of the blue alien or Skye's powers
was really jarring to me. That said, major props to the scene where Jemma and Fitz are talking about death at the bottom of the ocean. The dialogue in that scene reminded me a lot of the end of Angels in America. Kudos.
Also, called it about Fitz, somewhat. Doesn't seem he's going to be part of the cast much next season.

Also, funny tidbit I read in a recap about this episode.

Bob Chipman said:
It says some interesting things about the way fandom approaches different "types" of characters that Skye was so universally trashed as a "Mary Sue" that the show actually had to reference it... while Coulson's entire arc from Avengers to this episode has been having the A-Listers of the Marvel Universe repeatedly tell him how awesome he is and how they all want to be his friend. Just sayin.
A mostly good ep, though I'm not quite sure why F&S tried to escape the pod in the first place, given that they'd already established they'd be in the middle of a watery nowhere with no one looking for them. Faced with such a situation, I'd be much more concerned about boning, myself. (And I'm not talking Fitz's broken arm! Hey-yo! :p) Would've been much better if they'd decided to bone and then been contacted via radio by Fury, and then it'd be too awkward to. I guess that wouldn't have achieved the plot point of severely messing Fitz up, but really... what was his big plan? To give his lady the honor of getting eaten by a shark without one last climax? And I'm not talking about the end of an episode. Hey-yo! Okay, I'll stop now.
Good ol' AV Club commentariat, on the casting of Adrianne Palicki on a role in the show:

That was quite the season premier! Easily among the best episodes of the series so far. I think they really took their time to evaluate what worked about season 1 and what didn't. These Mission Impossible with supervillain type episodes are always enjoyable. Skye's acting seems to have improved significantly. Lots of intriguing developments - really looking forward to seeing where they take things.

The Fitz/Simmons reveal gutted me.
^ Agreed. Solid premiere! Loved the Agent Carter and Howling Commandos cameo. And yeah, the twist ending was heart wrenching.
Not up on all my Marvel Lore (I am a DC guy), the Hydra villain, is he from the comics??? The only big Three Hydra baddies I know are Red Skull, Baron Strucker and Zemo.... ?

That was a Quinjet, right??? The future Avengers plane! Cool!

What was that blue thing in the box Carter closed so quickly? Is it the alien they used to save Coulson?
First off, that ending had me like:


Secondly, I kinda love how after spending nearly a season building up Mike Peterson's progression into Deathlok, this premiere just went "screw it, give 'em Absorbing Man!" Overall, this premiere feels a lot tighter than season 1, and I'm really digging Lance Hunter, aka, the "not a big picture" guy
who survives the car crash at the end[SPOILER/], and I look forward seeing how he operates with the rest of the group.
Okay, I'm a bit late, but I gotta say last week's ep (with the ice dude) was great, probably the show's best yet! Damaged torturer Fitz was seriously unexpected, in a good way, and the whole thing was tense and better-written than most of what's come before. As for Chloe Bennett, I don't think she's improved; I think her writing has (not that I ever blamed her for her character's blah-ness, but it is good to see her getting darker). My only nitpick was I'm not sure Simmons would really have woken up with a smile on her face given her day-to-day life. Maybe she was dreaming about me... :)
Another really good episode. So far, this season has been great. Not many shows have this kind of quality leap between seasons. Reminds me a lot TNG's third season compared to the first two. They really know what works now.
Fun episode but not as strong as the previous ones.
And I think the whole dance bit fizzled rather than sizzled. I mean could they pick a worst piece of music for that scene? lol
Find it very interesting that Fitz, the one character I wish got axed at the end of season 1, is now becoming my favorite character. Then again, I can really relate to the words never coming out the right way when talking to people, as well as wanting to prove myself. Really love the ending, too, where he's having a drink with Hunter and Mac. Though, if I can be a might snarky, not sure it's wise for the brain-damaged guy to be drinking beer.
Also like how Whitehall apparently said to Raina "you are NOT dicking us around with long drawn out mystery crap anymore," since apparently we'll see Skye reunite with her father. Also, wonder if Coulson's going to die this season.
Wow, lots and lots of plot going on this season. Every episode has advanced some aspect of the overall arc in some way or another. No filler in sight. No new episode next week, but I'm up for that Marvel documentary. And Agent Carter looks to be of similar quality. Just might have to invest in a streaming plan if the other Marvel shows are like this.
Theory time....

The alien writing is a map of a city.

My first thought was Atlantis. But I am not clear if Marvel currently has the rights to Namor/Atlantis???

Plus, we are dealing with aliens... presumedly Kree. And there have been rumblings Marvel wants to introduce THE INHUMANS to their verse.

So I am going to guess the map is to Attilan.
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