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What have you been playing recently?

Dragon Age 2 really took me by surprise, I played Origins but didnt play it for very long as it just wasnt my type of gameplay, DA2 however is much more action packed and feels more like a cross between TES and ME.
BTTF Episode 3.

that is all.
elbarto1 said:
Dragon Age 2 really took me by surprise, I played Origins but didnt play it for very long as it just wasnt my type of gameplay, DA2 however is much more action packed and feels more like a cross between TES and ME.

I've been reading mixed reviews about DA2. I really liked the first with the exception that I was too long. The story was epic and very engaging, but I've heard they simplified the story so they could rush it out the door. I'm all for upping the action, but not sacrificing the story. The same sort of thing happened with Crysis 2 from what I've heard.

nOmArch said:
BTTF Episode 3.

I'll have to download it tonight. Have you been enjoying the series? It's pretty basic for an adventure game, and I'm a little disappointed.

I'm finishing up a couple DLC for Mass Effect 2, and then I'll probably take a short break until Portal 2 is released. There is a game I cannot wait for!
thunderclap said:
I'll have to download it tonight. Have you been enjoying the series? It's pretty basic for an adventure game, and I'm a little disappointed.

This debate has been raging all over the TT forums since the first episode was released. Firstly, TT said at the start of the season (although not very clearly) that BTTF was going to be designed primarily for casual gamers and fans of the series hence it was going to be a lot more like an interactive movie than a straight adventure game.

Of course all the hardcore gamers have been wailing and gnashing their teeth saying that this is the end of TT and they have sold out blah blah etc etc.

My personal view is that for what it is the game is FANTASTIC, a really good BTTF Feel and storyline with lots of lovely little in jokes for the fans of the series and TT in general, seeing Biff do the chicken dance (guybrush happy dance) for example was hilarious.

As an adventure game it sucks absolute balls as it is waaaaay too easy and most of the time you feel like you're being guided and pushed in the direction the game wants you to go. But, like I said, TT never intended this to be a proper P&C game in the style of say MI or Gabriel Knight it's supposed to be a casual experience you play more for the atmosphere and enjoyment of being in the BTTF universe again.

Anyway, I'm playing it for the story not for the challenge and in that respect it totally wins.

Taken as an adventure game 3/10
Taken as what it is 8/10

I also just pre-ordered Duke Nukem Forever :oops:
nOmArch said:
But, like I said, TT never intended this to be a proper P&C game in the style of say MI or Gabriel Knight it's supposed to be a casual experience you play more for the atmosphere and enjoyment of being in the BTTF universe again.

I had never read that, but I can certainly see it.

I also just pre-ordered Duke Nukem Forever :oops:

I figure I've waited this long for DNF I can wait a little longer (Steam winter sale at 1/2 off?). I did pre-order Portal 2 and The Witcher 2 though. Both those look fantastic.

I'm going to wait on DA2 until I can get it on sale.
portal 2 on ps3 is apparently going to be cross platform w/ pc. so while i'll get my ass whipped by pc users, i'll have to play you guys!
elbarto1 said:
portal 2 on ps3 is apparently going to be cross platform w/ pc. so while i'll get my ass whipped by pc users, i'll have to play you guys!

I'm curious to see how Valve will compensate the difference between the two, and I would love to try the co-op version.

I just finished the DLC "The Shadow Broker" for Mass Effect 2. Really good campaign! I am now starting "The Arrial". All I can say is Mass Effect 3 can't get here fast enough!
Is Mass Effect really that good? All I've heard is good things about it ever since it was released.
nOmArch said:
Is Mass Effect really that good? All I've heard is good things about it ever since it was released.

If you like action RPG's and scifi you'll probably really like it. You can pick up the first game pretty cheap these days. I highly recommend it.
Woot! Black Mirror III got released yesterday for digital download. Adventureshop.com has it for $15 which includes a free copy of BM2.

Definitely one of my favourite P&C game series.
Preordered Portal 2 for PS3 today and was pleased to learn that -

a. its instantly $5 off on amazon
b. it comes w/ a $20 credit for anything on amazon (if you preorder)
c. the PS3 version includes a free steam download of the full game for PC (or mac).

now thats a friggin good deal!
Finally got around to playing and finishing the final episode of Back to the Future. As I've said before it's not much of an adventure game. Pretty weak actually, but it was a fun story none-the-less. That is up until the end. I can't say I much cared for the ending. It felt very forced to me.

Anyone else finish it yet? What were your thoughts?

I'm moving on to Puzzle Agent 2 next, and then The Witcher 2.
Well, BTTF was conceived to bring non adventure gamers into the fold so it was always going to be a tad on the easy side*, that being said I thoroughly enjoyed the 'story' though but as an adventure game? Really quite disappointing.

Walking Dead is looking very, very good and I will be buying it as soon as it's available.

In the mean time I would highly recommend 'A New Beginning' it's a proper old school P&C adventure, it's a great game even if the user interface is a bit convoluted at times.
What did you think of Michael J Fox's cameo? I was really disappointed with his voice acting. I know he has parkinsans (sic?) but still. When his character appeared the game ground to a halt.
I'm midway through episode 3 of back to the future and I haven't felt particularly inclined to play it. I'll hget back to it soon though.

In the meantime I have been playing Limbo which I enjoyed but wish I'd waited for the price to drop on PSN because it was rather short, but it was a fun 4 hours and the ending open to interpretation, sort of like Braid, excellent stuff.

I've also been playing dead rising 2 which I started off with rather terrible and hated, I was unable to defeat any of the psychos until the time the game forces you to fight the twins in the story. After that I found going after the other psychos easier and managed to get the S-ending (something I've never gotten or bothered to achieved in a Capcom game before)
I'm currently stalling Duke Nukem Forever on PS3 (damn loading times), keep coming back to Arkham Asylum in preparation for Arkham City, and still have to play Yakuza 3 (just got away from the orphanage). With Yakuza 4 already released, Of the End on its way, and God of War Origins Collection hot on its tail, I've got too little time for too much awesomeness :)
thunderclap said:
What did you think of Michael J Fox's cameo? I was really disappointed with his voice acting. I know he has parkinsans (sic?) but still. When his character appeared the game ground to a halt.

TBH I thought MJF's voiceover was pretty good considering how difficult talking is for him these days still it was a nice nod to have him do a cameo even if it was ultimately pointless. Overall I didn't really enjoy Ep 5 much plus I got stuck somewhere and had to replay the first third of the game again :mad: which certainly didn't help. Looking back I think Ep 2 was my favourite.

New JP in game pics, They've certainly tidied up the graphics engine a bit!


As I'm horrible at gaming and a cheap ass when it comes to buying games, I tend to play older, somewhat easier games.

That said, I'm loving the hell out of Transformers War for Cybertron (probably the best TF game ever) and Warhawk (really fun capture the flag type play).
reave said:
As I'm horrible at gaming and a cheap ass when it comes to buying games, I tend to play older, somewhat easier games.

That said, I'm loving the hell out of Transformers War for Cybertron (probably the best TF game ever) and Warhawk (really fun capture the flag type play).

An amazing game .... first one that I felt true to the TF canon
revel911 said:
An amazing game .... first one that I felt true to the TF canon

Definitely. I would make a fanedit of it if I could capture the video.
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