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Flash (CW)


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I was almost put off from watching the pilot due to (A) being on the CW and (B) being a spin-off of Arrow (which my sources havn't said nice things about). That being said, I thought this was entertaining. I like the update to the mythos of how Barry gets his powers (rather than being a normal bolt of lightning hitting beakers of chemicals, it was a bolt of lightning created by a particle accelerator), I enjoy Iris and her dad, think there's room to grow for Not-Fitz and Not-Simmons, and Barry himself was good as well. He's like if Andrew Garfield slightly merged with Toby Maguire, and I'm interested where the mother murder storyline goes. My favorite part was at the end where Barry is talking to his dad (played by former Barry Allen John Wesley Shipp), though I admit I liked it mostly for meta reasons ("I'm glad to have your name, Dad" and all that). Shame I couldn't finish the end of it because CW extended it for 3 minutes and cut into my SHIELD time. My least favorite part was the Arrow cameo, since it only served to say "yup, this show connects with Arrow," and they guy who plays him just comes off as stiff for me. A minor nitpick I have is that the show does mention that Barry's suit is resistant to high friction, but his regular clothes never tear apart when he's running (making it surprising that his coat started burning after running 600 miles (and ONLY HIS COATR BURNS?!)), unlike the 90s show where it's clearly shown he can't go fast without burning up his normal wear. I like what I see, and I hope it gets better.

Edit: Especially since Tina McGee's coming back!!!

I'm not completely sold on it yet. I enjoyed it, but not as much as I thought I might. I'll definitely keep watching though. Outside of the 90's series and the DCAU films I'm not familiar with Flash so I had no idea that the show is a spin-off of Arrow. I was wondering what the connection was, since he appeared in tonight's episode, so I guess that answers my question. :D
For this TV season, episode 8 of both Flash and Arrow is when they will be having a crossover event. Maybe you guys will get a better glimpse of Arrow and be interested in the show. I've really enjoyed it! Season 1 is a little rough for a lot of people, but season 2 is AWESOME.
I watched it and enjoyed it. I'm unfamiliar with the Flash except for the "Smallville" incarnation (Bart Allen). It was definitely fun.

To the OP: I watched it all of the way through and then switched to S.H.I.E.L.D., and I didn't miss anything except the recap.
I concur with Ed, while season one of Arrow was very uneven with some mistakes made, season two was almost PERFECT from start to finish.

The character of Barry Allen was introduced in two episodes on Arrow. In many ways, the producers are going for the Superman/Batman dynamic -- Flash is a bright, hopeful, happy sci-fi character, while the Arrow is a dark, brooding noir action pulp character. Barry hero worships Arrow and in the episodes inspires Arrow to better himself. Barry even goes to far as to make Ollie his first mask, so he can show his face more and be a more public hero. So imo the Arrow cameo worked.

Here is a great list of 25 easter eggs from the pilot and is a nice primer for those not very familiar with Flash and the DC Universe....

Here is some more Flash History lessons....;-)

Saw the end of the pilot and I have more thoughts that I didn't express last night.

I wondered why they made the choice to put Barry in a coma for 9 months, when in the first show I think he was only out for a day. Turns out it was to give Iris a love interest and throw a wrench into her relationship with Barry, which is going to be a slog to get through.

So, did the particle accelorator enhance metahuman's bodies in general (extra durability, etc.), 'cause I think that explosion should have killed Clyde Mardon otherwise.

Grodd better be AMAZING.

I think my "Barry looks like a mixture of the two Spider-Man's" isn't unfounded, 'cause the music at the beginning sounds VERY much like Danny Elfman's theme from the Spider-Man films. Interesting, because while Elfman did write the theme for the 90s show, he hasn't done music for this one. It makes me think that the creative team behind this show really loved the 90s show as well as the character and want to do their best to make it good (then again, the pilot WAS written by Geoff Johns). Especially with the dialogue about the Flash Symbol:

Not-Simmons: "Why is it shaped like a lightning bolt?"

Not-Fits: "So it's not boring."

Stuff like that just puts a smile on my face, especially the Crisis on Infinite Earth reference, though I really hope we don't have to wait 10 years for that to happen. And with Tina McGee coming back, I hope it means we get to see John Wesley Shipp in the suit again (either as the first Barry Allen, a reality where this Barry Allen's dad was The Flash, or some other way). Like I said, hoping for good things to come from this series.
musiced921 said:
For this TV season, episode 8 of both Flash and Arrow is when they will be having a crossover event. Maybe you guys will get a better glimpse of Arrow and be interested in the show. I've really enjoyed it! Season 1 is a little rough for a lot of people, but season 2 is AWESOME.

I've been tempted to check out Arrow for quite some time now. I don't get the CW, but I believe it also airs on CTV here in Canada. I just don't know on which day. My brother watches it though so maybe I can borrow the first two seasons from him and then catch up on third.

bionicbob said:
while the Arrow is a dark, brooding noir action pulp character.

Sounds like I'd really enjoy it in that case.
Nic said:
I wondered why they made the choice to put Barry in a coma for 9 months, when in the first show I think he was only out for a day. Turns out it was to give Iris a love interest and throw a wrench into her relationship with Barry, which is going to be a slog to get through.

Well originally, Barry was suppose to return towards the end of the second season of ARROW as the FLASH. The Network was so impressed, they fast tracked the pilot and bumped his Flash debut. So the 9 month coma, along with being a good dramatic device, helped to keep the two shows timeline continuities aligned ;-)
So are the producers setting up another spin-off already????

The character Dr. Caitlin Snow mentions her fiancé died in the collider accident.

Or did he?

He fiancé turns out to be RONNIE RAYMOND. Ronnie is the superhero FIRESTORM.
Firestorm is a being who can transform matter, he is the merging of TWO beings into a new entity.

In the original comic, Ronnie bonds with Dr. Martin Stein. Ronnie is the muscle, with Stein is the disembodied intellect guiding them as Firestorm.

Yesterday, they announced actor VICTOR GERBER (of ALIAS fame) has been cast as Stein, with Robbie Amell cast as Ronnie.

Also, Dr. Snow becomes Firestorm's archenemy ICE MAIDEN.

So we have the possibility of both FIRESTORM and THE ATOM (Brandon Routh) showing up on The Flash series.:)
I liked the pilot well enough, but could do without yet another boy in love with the girl next door/his oldest childhood friend. It's not romantic, it is a little icky, and it deprives us of the sense of characters getting to know each other. (Laurel/Oliver on Arrow more or less works for me due in large part to how much the five years changed Ollie.)

I'm still not yet sold on how a show will work in which the hero can duck any punch or outrun any obstacle. And will Ollie call Barry up every time he's up against the wall, as he was towards the end of Arrow's S2, while Barry was still hibernating?

So, nothing earth-shattering, and I hope all this doesn't mess up Arrow's vibe too much, but I am interested to see where things go.
Much stronger episode than the premiere, with a greater sense of fun and what it means to the Flash. I really enjoyed it.

The COSMIC TREADMILL!!!!!!!!! Fanboy squeal! lol!

So it seems the series may be setting up TWO Prof. Zooms - Reverse Flash; Dr. Blessing, the psycho number one Flash fan from the future or is it Detective Thawne? From online photos we know Zoom will appear fairly early in the series. If you look closely at the photos, Zoom is wearing a Flash Ring.... I wonder if this is how Barry will get his ring?
Think this episode set up more ground work for the series as well as rules for Barry, like eating more in order to maintain a good metabolism and his relationship with Joe West. My favorite part was at the end of the episode where Barry narrates what it's like when kids dream of being a superhero, and how when you are a hero nothing really changes. Again, it reminds me a lot of Spider-Man, specifically the deconstruction he originally started as, in that gaining superpowers wouldn't make your life automatically better, and that you actually have to do more than the average person. Speaking, my "Flash as mash-up of Toby Maguire and Andrew Garfield" seems to be continuing, as Barry seems to have Maguire's "I just really want to help people" motivation and Garfield's "screw you, you're not my dad" angsty BS in this episode. Hopefully this is the last of that, but somehow I doubt it.

One thing I didn't mention last week that I didn't, it's kind of refreshing to have a hero who, at the very least, isn't motivated by their father's death, but their mother's. Last guy who had that motivation was Erik Lensher in X-Men First Class, and he ended up becoming Magneto. And before anyone mentions Kick-Ass, the movie made it clear that his mom dying had no bearing on his wanting to play hero. It was all, as he put it, "the perfect combination of optimism and naivety."
Saw about a minute of this show and it looked like garbage. Thought I'd let everyone know.
DominicCobb said:
Saw about a minute of this show and it looked like garbage. Thought I'd let everyone know.

Looks can be deceiving. :D:):)
DominicCobb said:
Saw about a minute of this show and it looked like garbage. Thought I'd let everyone know.
It's packed more fun into either of its eps than Nolan has did in both of his latest movies. Thought you should be informed. :p

... I'm still not yet sold on how a show will work in which the hero can duck any punch or outrun any obstacle, but that was a fun and often quite funny second ep.
LOVED IT! I think I smiled through the whole episode.

It is fun, sweet, sentimental....

A straight forward escapist fun super heroics.

And all the little references....

The Blue Devil movie.
The Flash Museum.
Fire and Ice.

How about that, last week I talk about how Spider-Man's purpose was showing that powers don't make your life easier, and they mention that very fact at the end coda. I'm not dissing the creator's decisions to base Barry off Peter Parker, after all, the original Barry Allen was a straight-laced, bland white guy, and it's nice to see SOMEONE doing Spider-Man right in this day and age.

Speaking of straight-laced, bland white guys, Iris' boyfriend Eddie Thawne. I know that the name is a reference to Professor Zoom/Reverse-Flash (in fact, it's probably very likely), but since the pilot referenced THE comic crossover, I wonder if he's a Flash from an alternate universe. I still hope that privileged is reserved for John Wesley Shipp (maybe the show will reference Flashpoint where Barry prevents his mom's death, but then he ends up in a reality where he doesn't exist and his dad is the Flash. And maybe unlike Flashpoint Paradox, the story won't be filled with so much gore for the sake of gore because they're going to REBOOT THE UNIVERSE ANYWAY! Sorry, went off on a rant there, but Justice League Flashpoint Paradox is an exploitative piece of trash).

I really love how smartly written Barry is. When Caitlin is having traumatic flashbacks to the accelerator exploision, Barry recognizes it and cleverly get her out of the situation. And I don't know if he planned it out or came up with it on the fly, but running back to the lap after getting poisoned by Mist (btw, LOVE how the villain's last name is Nimbus, perfectly comic booky) was a very smart move on the writer's part, as well as how Mist ultimately gets defeated.

I get the feeling that turning the particle accelerator into a metahuman jail could be something that could be criticized, but I see it more as making the best out of a bad situation, since some of them might not be able to get killed and Joe West can't always be there to put a bullet in the head, nor should he. Another nice good episode of setting how the show will operate. Though, is anyone getting tired of the flashback narrative. Not that it's bad, but does anyone get the feeling that the set-up bits, while good for drama, doesn't entirely mesh with the freak-of-the-week plots of these episodes.
This has very quickly found it's feet. An extremely enjoyable episode. Captain Cold was PERFECT.
The Felicity guest role was a delight.

Though the whole Cisco creating the Cold Gun seemed wedged in and out of character to me. There was nothing in the previous 3 episodes that suggested to me that Cisco has any reservations about Barry or his powers, unless I missed something?
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