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    Vote now in wave 1 of the FEOTM Reboot!

Blue Owl

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There are more than an hour and a half of deleted scenes from the 1992 film Fire Walk With Me - enough that it could have been a mini season. So that's exactly what this editing project set out to accomplish. The film was reimagined into 3 episodes that are each an hour long and change.

The most notable differences between this edit and other edits that are out there are:

1) The fact that it's split into 3 parts, instead of a 3 hour film.

2) The storyline has been reordered, so that the Laura Palmer plotline appears first and the Chet Desmond plotline is intercut with it.

3) There is a custom intro to each episode like in the original show.

Here are the episode titles:

Episode 1 - The Owl Ring

Episode 2 - The Path to The Pink Room

Episode 3 - Beyond Angels & Owls

-3 episodes - 1 hour long each
-Includes Fire Walk with Me in its entirety and most scenes from The Missing Pieces (some cuts had to be made for coherency)
-New custom intro credits sequence
-Music added to scenes from The Missing Pieces
-Audio and video transitions as well as volume adjustment for the smoothest fan edit watching experience of this film
-Color correction of The Missing Pieces to match the official film
-No noise reduction for the audio to prevent distortion and no use of effects or destructive edits on the video

Sources ripped at highest bit rates from:
Fire Walk with Me - Criterion blu-ray - a 4K to HD transfer supervised by David Lynch himself
The Missing Pieces - The Entire Mystery blu-ray - Only exists in HD
Clips from Seasons 1-3 - Z to A blu-ray boxed set - 4K and HD


Retro Trailer:
The style for this one is supposed to be a cheesy television promo from the 90s on ABC, because the edit reimagines the film as if it were a TV mini season.

New Opening Title Credits:

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I haven't given it detailed thought - it's just one of my many ideas that I've jotted down in the heat of the moment! My only recollection is that I wanted to see if some of the black and white/past segments from The Return could be used as a sort of prologue. I seem to remember them adding a lot of interesting context for the story of Laura Palmer.

Will your episodes be in 4:3 to correspond with the original series? Or if not, will the opening titles be cropped to match the aspect ratio of the film?
I haven't given it detailed thought - it's just one of my many ideas that I've jotted down in the heat of the moment! My only recollection is that I wanted to see if some of the black and white/past segments from The Return could be used as a sort of prologue. I seem to remember them adding a lot of interesting context for the story of Laura Palmer.

Will your episodes be in 4:3 to correspond with the original series? Or if not, will the opening titles be cropped to match the aspect ratio of the film?
The episodes will actually be in widescreen. One of my favorite parts of this edit was creating the title sequence. I was able to keep the first few shots and then turn it into something that was very logical for the movie
This edit is currently being previewed prior to submission for approval. All interested parties who own the appropriate source material, are welcome to contact the editor via pm to request access to the workprint (at the editor's discretion) and offer preview feedback! Please post your feedback on this project thread so that the editor, all previewers and the official reviewer may assess it into their consideration. Thank you!
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This edit is currently being previewed prior to submission for approval. All interested parties who own the appropriate source material, are welcome to contact the editor via pm to request access to the workprint (at the editor's discretion) and offer preview feedback! Please post your feedback on this project thread so that the editor, all previewers and the official reviewer may assess it into their consideration. Thank you!
Yes absolutely! This edit is very close to finished!
It's going to be called now:
"Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me - The Missing Season"
I'd be happy to get some more eyes on it to make sure there aren't any little errors and overall to see how it hits people. This is an edit for Twin Peaks fans, so I'd be happy to have input! You can send me a PM if interested.

I'm working on making a few different versions of posters for the edit. Here's one I came up with based on the original ads for the show in 1991 from abc.
Here's what I drew reference from:
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I can see your point ..but watching Twin Peaks from day one, Lara Flynn Boyle is Donna . The recast doesn't bother me though as i've been watching Fire Walk with me for 30years so well i'm kinda used to the change...Solo or Sarah Connor in the new Terminator films are the ones that bother me the most :)

Right - lets stay on track - we don't all want to go down a deepfake hole..:)
I like your poster but think that you should remove the station logos at the bottom. They make it kind of meh...
I like your poster but think that you should remove the station logos at the bottom. They make it kind of meh...
Meh in what sense? Lol
For me, it's definitely a joke. But I can understand if it detracts in some way for some people. But I'd love to know more what bothers you about it.
I just feel without it, it's not obvious what the design is, and it's otherwise not an amazing design on its own without the joke.
I could change it completely. Still working on a few things
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