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Top Ten Movies

SonofSinbad said:
bionicbob said:
Rocky (all of them, yeah, even the street fight one lol)
Is that including Rocky Balboa and Creed or just the original 5

All of them.  It's a great series.  I agree, Rocky 4, while just one big long MTV music video, it really manipulates you perfectly so that you cheering by the final fight.

TVs Frink said:
Star Trek 3...Star Trek Generations...

What thread am I even in?

Hey man, in 2013, the BFI's Sight and Sound magazine ranked Star Trek Generations as the greatest film starring Patrick Stewart and Bill Shatner ever made. (I think.) :D
Gaith said:
Hey man, in 2013, the BFI's Sight and Sound magazine ranked Star Trek Generations as the greatest film starring Patrick Stewart and Bill Shatner ever made. (I think.) :D
Wait, are they both in any other movie together?
My lists will not be in a particular order (because I don't like picking favourites...)

"Top" Ten Nine Favourite Films:

There are many films I love, but only a few I can consider as absolute favourites - atm I can only list 9:

  1. Alien
  2. The Thing 
  3. Perfect Blue 
  4. Jurassic Park 
  5. Raiders of The Lost Ark 
  6. The Empire Strikes Back 
  7. Toy Story 
  8. The Fellowship of the Ring 
  9. Sword of The Stranger 

Honourable Mentions:

  1. Apocalypse Now
  2. King Kong (1933)
  3. Unforgiven
  4. Starship Troopers
  5. Kagemusha
  6. Memories of Murder 
  7. The Godfather
  8. Stalag 17 
  9. For A Few Dollars More
  10. The Pink Panther (1963)
Also, I only watched it for the first time recently, but "Rope" blew me away. It's easily a contender for one of the best Hitchcock films I've seen. 

I also think its worth mentioning directors and writers, since there are many I love the films of, despite not necessarily having one particular film of theirs listed as a favourite:

Favourite Director's/writers:

  1. Billy Wilder
  2. Alfred Hitchcock 
  3. Terry Gilliam 
  4. The Coen Brothers 
  5. Akira Kurosawa 
  6. Satoshi Kon 

Also, this thread should probably be merged with this one:

Well today it's

1 Back To The Future
2 Terminator 1/2 
3 Kill Bill 1/2
4 Reservoir Dogs
5 Rocky
6 Die Hard
7 Carrie 
8 Spiderman 2
9 Dirty Harry
10 To Live and Die in L.A

Damn no room for Jaws, Raiders, E.T, RoboCop, Scarface, Apocalypto
When i was learning how to edit a few years back i put together a montage of my favourite films and scenes to the hypnotic sounds of Miracle Fortress...see how many you can get....answers on a postcard please.


oh and i must do something about all them aspect ratio's and maybe a bit of colour correction and film grain wouldn't go a miss  :)
Ten that I never tire of re-watching:
Raiders of the Lost Ark
Blazing Saddles
Life of Brian
Lawrence of Arabia
Red Cliff (parts 1+2)
Star Wars IV, V, VI
The Shadow (1994)
Philadelphia Story
Superman - The Movie
Ant-man (and the funnier MCU's in general)

Ten for "wow" on first viewing:
Rear Window (and Hitchcock in general)
Sunset Boulevard (1950)
King Kong (1933)
Priscilla Queen of the Desert
Leaving Las Vegas
Wag the Dog
The Time Machine (1960)
Dr Strangelove
Last Impressions said:
When i was learning how to edit a few years back i put together a montage of my favourite films and scenes to the hypnotic sounds of Miracle Fortress...see how many you can get....answers on a postcard please.


oh and i must do something about all them aspect ratio's and maybe a bit of colour correction and film grain wouldn't go a miss  :)

Very nicely done some great films in there love the tune too
here goes
Mosquito Coast
Arlington Road Fearless??
Forrest Gump
The Straight Story
Into The Wild
A Simple Plan
Stepford Wives?
The Good Girl?
Immortal Beloved
Bicentennial Man
Benjamin Button
Mr Hollands Opus
Purple Rain
Southern Comfort
The Revenant
Empire Strikes Back
English Patient?
The Fountain
American Beauty
Three Colours Red?
Blade Runner
Martha Marcy May Marlene?
Mosquito Coast
Arlington Road Fearless??
Forrest Gump
The Straight Story
Into The Wild
A Simple Plan
Stepford Wives?
The Good Girl?
Immortal Beloved
Bicentennial Man
Benjamin Button
Mr Hollands Opus
Purple Rain
Southern Comfort
The Revenant
Empire Strikes Back
English Patient?
The Fountain
American Beauty
Three Colours Red?
Blade Runner
Martha Marcy May Marlene?

Close -i'll see if anyone else can guess before i unveil the answers

Bully's special prize is a year's supply of Shepherd's pie
Requiem for a Dream
Pee Wee’s Big Adventure
It Follows
The Warriors
Mad Max: Fury Road
In no order

-Avengers Infinity War
-Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back
-The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (original)
-The Terminator
-Blade Runner
-Forrest Gump
-Mission Impossible; Fallout
-Fight Club
DigModiFicaTion said:
Gaith said:
Hey man, in 2013, the BFI's Sight and Sound magazine ranked Star Trek Generations as the greatest film starring Patrick Stewart and Bill Shatner ever made. (I think.) :D
Wait, are they both in any other movie together?

No - hence the joke. :p
in no particular hors d'oeuvre:

raiders of the lost ark
the man from earth
jacob's ladder
bad lieutenant
the terminator
sympathy for mr. vengeance

honorable munition:

mad max: fury road
ex machina
the shawshank redemption
the killing fields
what we do in the shadows
the power of kangwon province
reservoir dogs
the thin red line
ssj said:

Which one? (The correct answer is the original).

ssj said:

Which one? (The correct answer is the original).

ssj said:
bad lieutenant

Which one? (The correct answer is the remake).

My favourites today but not necessarily yesterday, or tomorrow... ;)

Top-10 "Genre/Pop-Culture/Popcorn/Whatever" films from the 1980s because it's a decade that demands it's own separate list, just to give the other years a chance! (one per Franchise and Director). Alphabetical order:

Aliens (1986) James Cameron
Back to the Future (1985) Robert Zemeckis
Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom (1984) Steven Spielberg
The Killer (1989) John Woo
Predator (1987) John McTiernan
Return of the Jedi (1983) Richard Marquand
Robocop (1987) Paul Verhoeven
Star Trek III: The Search for Spock (1984) Leonard Nimoy
The Thing (1982) John Carpenter
The Untouchables (1987) Brian De Palma

Top-10 from other decades (one per Director). Alphabetical order:

13 Assassins (2010) Takashi Miike
A Day at the Races (1937) Sam Wood (Marx Brothers)
Citizen Kane (1941) Orson Welles
The Godfather (1972) Francis Ford Coppola
Interstellar (2014) Christopher Nolan
The Life and Death of Colonel Blimp (1943) Michael Powell & Emeric Pressburger
Life Is Beautiful (1997) Roberto Benigni
Mad Max: Fury Road (2015) George Miller
Once Upon a Time in the West (1968) Sergio Leone
Paths of Glory (1957) Stanley Kubrick

10 more "honourable mentions":

Apocalypse Now (1979) Francis Coppola
City Lights (1931) Charlie Chaplin
Dredd (2012) Pete Travis & Alex Garland
His Girl Friday (1940) Howard Hawks
Jaws (1975) Steven Spielberg
The Living Daylights (1987) John Glen
The Memphis Belle (1990) Michael Caton-Jones
The Muppet Christmas Carol (1992) Brian Henson
The Terminator (1984) James Cameron
Tremors (1990) Ron Underwood

(Okay so I cheated and picked 30 :D ).
2001: A Space Odyssey
Close Encounters of the Third Kind
The Graduate
The Spy who loved me
Star Wars
Master & Commander
Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan
All the President's men
A Hard Day's Night
TM2YC said:
The Muppet Christmas Carol (1992) Brian Henson

Yes! I forgot to put this on honorable mentions. :D

Saying that, is it ok for me to declare a movie a favourite if I've fanedited it to preference...? 

Obviously, the point of a fan-fix is to make it how you think it should be, and therefore it should (in theory) be perfect in your eyes - however, it also feels akin to, say, writing a novel and saying that it's your favourite book.
TM2YC said:
ssj said:

Which one? (The correct answer is the original).

ssj said:
bad lieutenant

Which one? (The correct answer is the remake).
Agree on both but Spike Lee's Oldboy while kinda pointless wasn't half as bad as expected.

My top 10 movies of the 70s in chronological order

1. Dirty Harry
2. Deliverance
3. Harold and Maude
4. Taking of Pelham 123
5. Jaws
6. Rocky
7. Carrie
8. Network
9 Apocalypse Now
10. Alien

Honourable mentions
The Godfather (yeah I know)
Theatre of Blood
French Connection
And that War of the Stars film  :p
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