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The Force Unleashed II


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If any of you are thinking about purchasing this game...DONT!!!!!!!!!

I have never felt so ripped off in my entire life. The gameplay is almost exactly the same as the first game, there are 4 (4, as in FOUR and IV) levels (!) in the entire game, and you can beat it in as long as it takes to watch Das Boot. There's no multiplayer, only a couple of lame challenge maps for you to play after you beat the core story.

I use the word "story" very loosely as this doesn't really have anything a story requires. There's no beginning, middle or end, there's no motivation for the character to do any of the things he does, and there's no reason for you to care about anything that's, well, NOT happening.

Being a huge Star Wars fan, and a lover of the first game, I couldn't wait to play this. I am absolutely and horrendously disappointed. This is a rental at best, but if you spend more than $5 on that rental you may still feel cheated. Me? I'm trying to pass my copy off to some unsuspecting soul on eBay.

But it is pretty looking. I will say that.
Collector's Edition is on the way from Amazon UK, so I'm just going to bite the bullet and sit it through :)
Even if it does disappoint, it at least adds another paragraph to Starkiller's bio :wink:
I did one of the challenges which gives another cutscene, didn't watch it properly but I think it was a flash animation that might try to bridge the events of the first game with this one, but I can't be bothered with trying to get them all when I know in a few weeks someone will have put them on youtube. Overall I was dissapointed like you Spence, there wasn't a whole lot of sense going on.
According to Aztek, the game's awesome, so it's all a matter of opinion, I guess :)
I was watching ELECTRIC PLAYGROUND the other day and they were reviewing the new ENDOR expansion (is that what you call it? I am soooo not a gamer) and they called it the mosted disturbed gameplay they ever experienced.

Apparently (SPOILER WARNING) the game allows you to not only battle Chewie and Han, but it also lets you KILL THEM in graphic detail!!!! Then I guess you get to battle and kill LEIA, who is Jedi in this alternate timeline! Sounds crazy to me!:p

Though it might have made the ROTJ a better movie!:-D
Haha yeah that DLC levels for both games have been pretty good all around. The Hoth mission in the first game was also a lot of fun and kind of hilarious. The fact that they only charged 99cents for this new level is also nice, as the old ones cost 10 bucks. I guess there wouldve been a big revolt if they made people spend more than a dollar extra on this piece of crap game.
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