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Highlander 2 - The Show Must Go On


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Well this has been a long time in the works! Certainly longer than I intended. But life has a funny habit of getting in the way of hobbies sometimes. Anyway, if you don’t want to read an exhaustive history of both the creation and the many subsequent reversions of Highlander 2 then feel free to skip to my second post which details my fanedit. If you do, then buckle up!

There should have been only one…

A joke that basically wrote itself over the years when looking at the sprawling Highlander series. At this point it has ballooned into a franchise encompassing 5 movies, a syndicated TV show, an anime OVA as well as a Saturday morning cartoon. All of varying quality but none reaching the level of the original film.

Highlander was a relatively low budget, independently financed film released in 1986. But with flashy direction from up & coming director Russell Mulcahy, multiple hit songs from Queen and a genuinely original premise; Highlander had all the ingredients to become a hit.

Unfortunately its US distribution rights were picked up by 20th Century Fox. Who had no idea how to market a film with such a high concept - an immortal warrior, living, loving and fighting throughout the centuries. Their poor marketing campaign (with a bafflingly ugly poster) didn’t help it find an audience in America. The film came and went without making much of a dent at the US box office. But across the pond, things were a different story. The international distributors knew what they had on their hands and went full out to support the release. In star Christopher Lambert’s home country of France the film was a smash hit. This extended to the UK and across the rest of Europe.

With this success, the producers found themselves repeatedly being asked by those very same distributors, when the sequel was coming. But of course there were no plans for a sequel. The producers tried to explain that the story was all tied up at the end of the film. There were no more immortals left to fight. In fact the one immortal who was still alive, wasn’t even an immortal any more! But those requests kept on coming. With the distributors confident they would somehow figure it out. And as long as the producers could come up with a Highlander 2, starring both Christopher Lambert and Sean Connery, there would be plenty of people willing to release it. So with the gauntlet thrown down the producers tried the think of how to get both the now mortal Lambert and the very much dead Connery back. Along with new immortals to battle. And so begins the creation of Highlander 2 - The Quickening. Once described as the worst sequel of all time.

For better or worse the decision was made to retcon the origin of the immortals to being aliens from another planet. The planet Zeist to be exact! The new lore was that all the immortals shown in the first film had previously been exiled from Zeist as punishment for trying to overthrow the dictatorial regime in charge there. Similar to how Superman only has powers when he’s near the yellow sun of Earth; on Zeist everyone is mortal. The immortality only kicks in as a byproduct of Zeistians being on Earth. Now why do they exile the rebels in this elaborate way, rather than just executing them on Zeist…? Never really explained other than saying it’s the tradition. Anyway, rebel leader Connor MacLeod and his Merlin-esque advisor Ramirez were captured and exiled to Earth 100s of years ago. Where they and their fellow immortal prisoners must compete in “The Game” of combat from the first film. With the final survivor gaining “The Prize”. Which is either to remain on Earth as a mortal or (unmentioned in the first film) return to Zeist as a free man. With this bat-shit crazy explanation in place, the story is free to conjure up as many new immortals as it needs just by beaming more Zeistians to Earth. Another crutch the sequel leans heavily on is the loosely defined but pretty coolly named power called The Quickening. The first film didn’t really explain what this was. What it wasn’t meant to be however, was the release of lightning and explosions that follows an immortal being beheaded. But in Highlander 2 it is changed to not only refer specifically to that but also the transfer of energy from a vanquished immortal to another. As well as any other mystical plot contrivance the script needs. One such example is how they got around Sean Connery’s death in the first film. They show him and MacLeod taking part in a blood-brothers like ceremony before being captured on Zeist. During which, the power of the Quickening apparently bonds their souls together. Ramirez promises that if MacLeod ever needs him that he only has to call out Ramirez’ name he’ll come running. This name calling coupled with the power released from a decapitated immortal is enough to just magic Ramirez back to life. So armed with these new retcons the stage is set for a confrontation between rebel leader MacLeod and the despot who wants to make sure he never returns to Zeist to finish overthrowing him - General Katana. Who I must say is played very entertainingly by the legendary Michael Ironside. Acting as if he’ll be fined by the production if any of the scenery is left unchewed!

But seemingly this wasn’t enough of a plot for the producers. And as it was the early 90s, they had something else more topical on their minds - the hole in the Ozone layer. If you weren’t around back then you may not know how big a news item this was at the time. A widening gap in the protective layer that stops excessive UV radiation reaching the Earth’s surface had developed over Australia. I’m not sure when the discovery was made public that our rampant use of CFC gases was the main culprit. But this led to their widespread ban. The Producers of Highlander 2 wanted to include the Ozone layer crisis of the time as a major plot point. They extrapolated a near future where the hole continued to widen unabated, leading to the Ozone layer totally disappearing and a worldwide death toll in the millions. Into this comes Connor Macload. Who uses the vague psychic abilities granted to him at the end of the first film, to help unite the world’s leaders behind the creation of The Shield. An electromagnetic force field that surrounds the entire planet and blocks the deadly UV radiation. Unfortunately it also blocks out all light from the Sun. So humanity was saved, but it has been living in perpetual darkness for decades by the time the main story begins in 2024. A general malaise hangs over the world as society slowly crumbles. And hope for a better tomorrow dwindles as time goes by…

If you’ve never seen the film I hope you can tell that Highlander 2 pivots genres hard from the historical fantasy of the first movie to pure science fiction. Featuring aliens, force fields, hoverboards and more! I feel this is the main issue people have with it and why it has such a poor reputation within the fandom. It undoes so much of the mystique that people love about the first one. And whats worse it goes about it in a way that doesn’t even make sense within its new internal logic. Why do they exile the prisoners to Earth rather than killing them on Zeist? How come MacLeod and Ramirez have the same names on Zeist as they do on Earth? How is MacLeod sent to Earth as an adult when we know he was born in Scotland to the clan MacLeod in the 15th century. Why does General Katana wait until it’s 2024 before trying to kill MacLeod? The list goes on.

But on top of the choices made when writing the screenplay; the actual production itself was riddled with problems. Those that have done their own damage to its reputation, and have resulted in multiple attempts over the years to course correct its original release.

As with the first film, the financing for the production was independent from a major studio. So in an industry where you want as much of the budget to show on screen the decision was made to shoot in Argentina. The budget went much further there than in the US or Europe. This allowed for the creation of the vast sets designed to show the crumbling world of the future. The government was also very accommodating in allowing the use of several impressive locations as set. Such as the opera house and the hydroelectric dam that doubled as Shield Control. Unfortunately Argentina’s economy went spiralling out of control, making it impossible to keep the film on budget as rapid inflation increased local costs on a daily basis. The deal that had been struck with the insurance company was that if the production went over budget, they would step in to complete the film in the most economical way possible. And that’s exactly what happened. The shoot was abruptly cut short without completing everything. Mulcahy was kicked out of the editing room, leading to some scenes being structured out of their intended order. And the VFX shots were completed as cheaply as possible. This gave birth to what will be referred to as the US Theatrical Cut (US). This is the one that was first released in cinemas in 1991. And the one that garnered all the critical backlash at the time. People didn’t like the Zeist retcons to begin with. But this cut also removed scenes that helped clarify character motivations, it combined two separate sword fights into a single long one (despite Lambert wearing different clothes in each) and it ends very abruptly right after the destruction of the shield with an awkward freeze frame on MacLeod.

In a move I’ve not heard of on other films, the British distributor was able to reject releasing the US cut and somehow had the right to create their own version. This one I’ll refer to as the European cut (EURO) since it also screened across the rest of the continent. They brought Mulcahy and the Producers back to try and salvage as much of their original vision as they could. I suspect this is really the workprint that Mulcahy had already gotten pretty far with before the Insurance company vetoed it and made their changes for the US release. The editing is pretty much frame for frame identical in scenes both versions share, implying they must have been far along the editing process by the time they were removed from the cutting room. Anyway this version puts the film into the intended non-chronological order which was designed to mirror the flashback heavy style of the first film. It expands Virgina Madsen’s contributions to the plot and gives her character of ecoterrorist Louise Marcus more of a journey. It also included the original ending, who’s removal accounts for that abrupt freeze frame in the US cut. Here MacLeod chooses to return to Zeist and takes Louise with him. Disappearing into the stars in what is known as the Fairytale ending. Overall the film is certainly more complete and works better than the US cut. Unfortunately it is not widely known about. As although it was the Theatrical release across Europe it’s not been widely released there on home video. For example all UK video and DVD releases so far have just been the butchered US cut. It is available on DVD in Germany. But with very poor picture quality and only German dubbing.

Hoping that third time would be the charm, the film got another version in the mid 90s. The boom of special editions and director’s cuts appearing on laserdisc at the time prompted the producers and Mulcahy to try and tackle all the Zeist hate that hung over the film. By this time things were gearing up for Highlander 3 as well as the TV series. And the first sequel stuck out like a sore thumb compared to the lore of the rest. So they decided to remove Zeist altogether and change those scenes to taking place in a long forgotten past on Earth. Albeit one with advanced hover technology and machine guns! This change now introduces time travel to the proceedings as instead of being aliens exiled to Earth, the rebels are immortals exiled into the future. Their crime this time is not rebellion against a dictatorship but rebellion against a society that views their immortality as unholy. This actually fixes something that didn’t really make sense in the Zeist versions - the rule about never fighting on holy ground. Why do aliens care so much about human religions? But if they come from a society that persecutes them for being unholy, then making that a rule of their exile fits better. The knock on effect of all this is that the rebels in the Zeist scenes are now already immortal rather than gaining it when they are sent to Earth. It also makes General Katana an immortal. Which now seems strange that he’d be allowed to rise to such a high rank in a society that should spurn him. Luckily for the filmmakers (and myself later) the entire trial of MacLeod and Ramirez was conducted by an omnipresent voice over representing the judge in charge. This allowed them to easily swap the VO dialogue during this crucial scene to remove the Zeist references and insert the new time travel elements. Most of the rest of the cut plays out largely the same as the EURO structure. There are trims throughout to remove mentions of Zeist. And the fairytale ending was reworked into a version that is halfway between the too abrupt US cut and the longer EURO. But keeping both characters firmly on Earth by the end. It wasn’t all deletions though. They went back to finish a jeep chase scene that was never completed in Argentina. Getting Christopher Lambert and (I think just a stunt double for) Michael Ironside to film the missing parts. This version was released as the Renegade Cut (REN) on widescreen laserdisc and later non-anamorphic DVD.

But it’s never been released in high definition. In fact none of the previously discussed cuts of Highlander 2 have been released in anything better than Standard Def on home video. When it came time to put out a blu-ray there was another opportunity to tinker with things. In fairness all the work that had been done to make the Renegade version was completed in SD. And would have to be redone in HD anyway. The cut itself would stay largely the same as the Renegade version - except for inexplicably removing a gunfight between MacLeod and the Shield control guards just before MacLeod heads for the final confrontation with Katana. I have no idea why they took it out. As once again it gave Louise something proactive to do as she tries to hold the guards off herself while Connor goes for the Shield. But the big change was the VFX and colour grade. If you remember, the effects shots were fairly rushed out the door when making the initial US cut. And they have largely stayed the same in all subsequent versions. The Renegade cut did some extra colour grading to enhance the redness of those old Shield effects but that was all. It seems they didn’t really know what the shield would look like when they were originally shooting. It’s an orangey/yellow colour in most of the VFX shots. But the on set cinematography pushes towards more neutral tones and most windows have blueish light coming through them. It really doesn’t feel like there’s a big red dome hanging over the entire planet. So for the new HD Special Edition (SPEC) they decided to double down on the blue. If there’s lighting already going that way, let’s redo all the shield VFX with modern CGI and make it a blue shield rather than a red one! These don’t gel well with a movie from the era of practical effects and optical compositing. And in my opinion have now dated more than the old effects have. On top of this, a blue shield really spoils the thematic beats of Louise’s story. She talks of dreaming about being able to see a blue sky as she was born after the Shield was created. Her eco-terrorism group is even named Cobalt after this goal of getting the blue sky back by taking down the redundant Shield. This is now undercut by the majority of the film being regraded with a very extreme blue tint. There are also rumours that they ran out of money to complete this version in true high definition. During several scenes the picture quality of the Blu-Ray takes a very noticeable dip. Displaying all the hallmarks of being poorly deinterlaced video rather than scanned film. There are jagged diagonal lines and lots of dot crawl. The theory being that they plugged the missing gaps in the actual HD sections with upscaled video from the old Renegade Cut master tapes.
So after that “brief” history of Highlander 2 and its many versions we come to my fanedit:

Highlander 2 - The Show Must Go On

In case you couldn’t guess from the title, one of the changes I’ve made is to insert Queen songs into the film. Something I missed from the sequel and feel is intrinsically linked to the Highlander franchise. Now instead of just using the same songs from the first film (those from the Kind of Magic album) I’ve imagined what would have happened if they’d gotten Queen to provide songs when Highlander 2 was originally released in 1991. And thankfully Queen did indeed have an album come out that very same year. The final album before Freddie Mercury’s death - Innuendo. So I’ve added half a dozen songs from this album into the edit. From the opening title song right through to the end credits. I’ll mention their placement in the cut list below.

I’ve also rewritten the VO dialogue during that key trial scene to create a new origin story for the immortals. They’re still not aliens from Zeist but they’re also not from Earth’s distant past. I’m leaning into the fact that the Zeist stuff really looks like a society with advanced technology. Now these scenes are set in the future. With the immortals still persecuted for being unholy but now exiled to the past. I’ve also tried to tie the main Shield plot and the exiled immortals plot together by implying that the future the immortals come from is the one where the Ozone layer totally disappeared but there was no Shield to protect the planet. Eventually this gave rise to mutations that allowed certain people to survive the Sun’s radiation. This is the origin of the Immortals. We now get into changing timelines, paradoxes as well as genetic mutations acting like magic powers. But if you were ok when Back to the Future 2 and X-Men did it, hopefully you can just go with it here! So for example the reason they don’t execute the immortals in the future is the Quickening. If they know that only beheading can kill immortals but it also releases a crazy lightning storm, they would be wary of mass executions. There are a couple more plot changes but I’ll leave those as a surprise for first time viewers. And to see if it actually all makes sense when I’ve not explained my intentions beforehand!

As the Special Edition Blu-Ray has the best picture quality (in the scenes that are not a bad SD upscale) it’s the primary source I’ve used. But I’ve reverted back to the original red shield concept and used the old optical VFX shots from the 90’s instead of the redone CGI. And with a lot of help from my friend Scott the edit has been colour corrected to look appropriately warm instead of cool blue.

Special Edition BluRay

Show Must Go On Fanedit

For scenes with poor picture quality on the Blu-Ray, I’ve replaced them with the next best available release - which is the new Amazon Prime release of US Theatrical Cut. This was only made available after my initial V1 version of the edit was complete. So the current V3 version replaces my upscaled DVD of the US Cut with this actual HD source. It’s still softer than the Blu-Ray in like-for-like scenes (especially as the Blu-Ray has artificial sharpening applied to it) but its much more pleasant to look at when compared to the dodgy ones.

Example of jagged edges in the Special Edition BluRay (along with a severely cropped image all round)

Show Must Go On Fanedit

Moiré pattern visible on the jacket in the Special Edition BluRay

Show Must Go On Fanedit

Then there are the scenes I wanted to include that only appear in the European cut. Thankfully a user on the Original Trilogy forum called Hippiedalek procured himself a 35mm print of this cut from Russia and kindly scanned and released it to the community. Being a film print from over 30 years ago it’s in pretty dirty shape. There are marks and scratches throughout as well as some missing frames. But the inherent picture quality is very good and I’ve done a lot of work to clean up the sections I’ve used.


Highlander 2 Special Edition Blu-Ray
Highlander 2 US Theatrical Cut Prime Video
Highlander 2 US Theatrical Cut TFI DVD
Highlander 2 European Cut Grindhouse Edition by Hippiedalek
Highlander 2 Renegade Cut DVD
Highlander 2: Die Rukker European Cut German DVD
Highlander 2 Cannes Teaser Trailer
Highlander 1 Blu-Ray
Highlander 3 Japanese Blu-Ray
Highlander: Endgame Blu-Ray for 1 shot

Army of Darkness Blu-Ray for 1 shot
You Only Live Twice DVD for 1 Connery line

Queen Innuendo Album 1991
Queen Innuendo Album 2011 remaster
Queen The eYe soundtrack
Highlander 2 soundtrack
Highlander - The Scores soundtrack
Royal Philharmonic plays Queen’s Rhapsody
George Solti’s Gotterdammerung


Added opening Fanedit.org logo

Opening scene based on the EURO version showing Brenda’s death. Onscreen date changed from incorrect 1994 to 1995 to match her gravestone seen later in film.

Custom opening credits. Red text on black a la Highlander 1. New Queen song - THE SHOW MUST GO ON.

MacLeod drives to the opera. Based on how the US cut places this scene. It has expository VO from MacLeod explaining the Shield and how it affects life in 2024. I’ve put this scene before the opera like the US cut did, instead of its intended place afterwards. The Shield is such a far out premise you really need some backstory on what’s happened between the 1995 prologue and the jump to 2024. I don’t like the text dump they used up front to achieve this in the SPEC version. A couple of EURO shots in there as well so we transition from MacLeod surveying the decaying state of things to outside the Opera house. All Zeist references removed or replaced.

The Opera. Cut the original opening credit sequence that played over a long sweeping shot inside the opera house. Shifted and reworked the audio of Gotterdammerung to hit story beats a bit better. Used SPEC pics but with additional VO lines for both MacLeod and Ramirez taken from US cut (minus any Zeist specific references).

First Opera flashback. Added shot of the Sun pulled from Army of Darkness to show there is no Shield here. Mostly used SPEC pics but with the heavy orange colour they applied in that version removed. Red/Orange are the Shield colours so it would not make this part distinct. Used the original VFX shot featuring the downed flying ship from the US cut. It's funky and it fits the future timeline I’m placing these scenes in better than the ruined stone buildings that the SPEC replaced it with. Custom on screen text revealing that we are indeed in the far future.

Ramirez addresses the rebels. Mostly SPEC but removed a line where he is addressed as Ramirez by a man in the crowd. We never reveal what his and MacLeod’s names are in this future. Trying to sidestep that potential plot hole. Added lines referring to the Quickening back in from the US cut. Removed the sudden attack by General Katana’s forces at the end. To me it made it seem like this was the same battle we are just about to see. As if Connor was chosen as leader, got immediately attacked, was defeated and captured all in the space of a single afternoon! We instead transition back to the opera house after Ramirez says “You start with Katana”. Added back the audio of MacLeod actually saying “Katana” out loud from the US cut instead of just mouthing it.

Second opera flashback. Largely SPEC with the same orange tint removed. Swapped some shots with ones unique to the EURO version that featured more machine guns and explosions.

MacLeod in Dungeon - all SPEC.

Trial scene. Custom VO dialogue for the omnipresent Judge. Trying my best to clarify as many motivations and logic as I could think of. Things still require a fair bit of suspension of disbelief! Grabbed shots from all versions to cover the duration required. MacLeod and Ramirez’ exchange is taken from the US cut to put back the Quickening references and the kind of magic call back which I like.

Cobalt break into Shield control. This is the first scene where the SPEC picture quality really takes a nose dive. Mostly used the US cut for picture. So no pointless talk amongst the guards about there being fish being in the lake. Any extra bits that weren’t in the US cut were taken from the EURO version.

Cut MacLeod trying to call Alan and being accosted by street thugs. MacLeod scaring off the thugs with just a look is too badass for him at this stage in the proceedings. He really should only get his mojo back once he’s immortal again.

Katana receives his orders. Picture quality again was very poor in SPEC so this uses upscaled REN pictures as this scene isn’t present in any of the theatrical releases. Again new VO from the omnipresent Judge to give more plot explanation and motivation for Katana. Custom VFX of holographic newspaper created by me to give a reason for going to 2024 of all years.

Katana dispatches Korda and Reno. US cut pictures again. Katana’s dialogue changed with AI to reference going to the past instead of the future. Also Katana leaves at the same time as the 2 assassins instead of sending them on ahead. I wanted to limit the amount of information the future could know about the past to explain the choice of going to 2024. So unlike the other versions, Katana has no way of knowing that they fail to kill MacLeod. I figured it was best to send them all together and just assume Katana is exploring elsewhere when Korda and Reno attack.

Shield control reacts to time travel disruption - all EURO shots.

MacLeod goes to the bar. We’re still in bad SPEC picture quality here. So the US cut is used for most of this scene. The SPEC version actually inserts the “Katana Receives His Orders” scene into the middle of this scene by showing them able to observe MacLeod in the present somehow. Thankfully the US cut has the original uninterrupted version. The shot of MacLeod looking up at the disturbance in the shield is pulled from EURO cut. The wound healing is also taken from the EURO cut. Removed A Kind of Magic from the jukebox. A more appropriately downbeat song from Innuendo plays instead - LOST OPPORTUNITIES.

Louise meets MacLeod outside the bar. SPEC returns to actual HD here so it’s used for everything until they drive away in the Porsche. Then we switch to US for red shield optical effects as well as the conversation with Louise where she mentions she used to work at The Shield Corporation before she was fired for asking too many questions. Again not sure why the later versions took this plot point out. But it helps explain how she can hack into TSC tech and that will pay off down the line. Extra lines about MacLeod knowing he’s close to dying and his sudden convolutions being caused by the Quickening are taken from EURO.

Korda and Reno attack. Largely SPEC except for 1 red shield VFX shot that’s from the US cut. Reduced the amount Korda laughs manically throughout. Added extra flames to completely hide MacLeod inside the tanker explosion to maintain shot continuity.

Hoverboard fight. Removed the weird visual pun where Korda sets a passerby on fire after he asks for a light. Trimmed the time for Korda’s flaming corpse to hit the ground as it hangs a tad too long. This whole sequence is now scored with the first full on Queen song since the opening - HEADLONG. Appropriate that we only get rocking Queen music again once MacLeod has his youth back.

Ramirez appears in Scotland. Red shield VFX from EURO and US cuts. Rest of scene untouched from SPEC.

Cut scene where Louise and MacLeod inexplicably have sex in an alleyway immediately after he has become young again. Not only is it a bizarre choice but they will not be romantically involved in this edit. MacLeod has already had two major loves in his life, Heather and Brenda. He’s not looking for another.

Louse and MacLeod talk at his home. Moved the establishing shot of the building exterior from a later scene to here in order to shorten a long take that’s used to open this scene. Louse used to recap all the aliens, Zeist and MacLeod becoming immortal again in this single long take. I kept only the parts of her speech that could still apply to this edit and trimmed the rest of the shot to fit. Rest of the scene is untouched and all uses SPEC.

Ramirez gets a new outfit. I cut the opening of this scene which shows him walking down a street and admiring some modern technology. It clearly looks like daytime and the whole point of the shield is it’s always night. We start as he enters the tailors and then the scene plays out as it does in the SPEC.

Ramirez on the plane. Used the US cut VFX shot of the plane as it has the red Shield with a lovely practical model of the plane. SPEC used for the shot of Ramirez looking out the window but shifted red instead of blue. Cut all the scenes set inside the plane as they’re just over the top comic relief and add little.

Louise asks about a blue sky. The establisher for MacLeod’s house was pulled from this scene. So since it’s already been used I bring in Louise’s question about the blue sky over Ramirez looking out the window of the plane in disbelief at the red shield. The rest of the scene uses unaltered SPEC footage.

Cut Katana’s arrival scene and the entire subway derailment. I assume the subway scene is trying to outdo the Kurgen running amuck in the first film. But it goes way too far for my liking with everyone on the train dying. So I was always going to cut it. Now that I’ve made Katana travel to the past at the same time as Korda and Reno it serves no purpose anyway. As an aside, in my opinion the scene worked the best in the Zeist versions of the film where Katana has literally just become immortal for the first time and becomes drunk with his newfound power. In the later versions where he’s always been immortal he just comes off as suddenly maniacal.

MacLeod visits Alan at the Shield Corporation. Again the picture quality of the SPEC goes back to being bad for this scene. So the EURO version is used for MacLeods arrival as the outisde of the TSC building isn't shown in the US cut here. The first part of the conversion with Alan is all US. Once they turn to reminisce about the launch of the shield we go to the REN cut before transitioning back to the US once the flashback begins. The US cut has all the original VFX and a more appropriate colour grade for this flashback. On screen caption changed to “Shield Control December 1999”. Another FYI, the original plan was for there to be a total of 12 Shield installations spread across the globe. Each one codenamed after a different month. What we see in the film was supposed to be the final one, called the December Installation. That’s why the plaque on the model says December 1999. It’s the installation name, not a month. But this idea wasn’t well conveyed in the theatrical cuts and flat out dropped by the later versions so that there is just one single Shield Control. Thankfully the December thing can be hand waved away by making it the month the Shield was activated.

Alan reveals the Ozone layer has repaired itself. Once we return from the flashback we again use a mixture of REN and US footage. I cut the shot of Blake eavesdropping on their conversion as it gives away that he knows what they are discussing. Without it his entrance is more of a shock and we hope MacLeod and Alan have gotten away with it. I’ve also trimmed the time between Alan typing the first half of the coordinates and Blake interrupting him as it was too long of a pause.

MacLeod visits Brenda’s grave. Although the SPEC footage isn’t as bad here it’s been colour graded to hell and back. Plus the scene of Brenda’s death that I use to open my edit is inserted as a flashback in the middle of this scene in the SPEC. Thankfully this scene is present without the flashback in the US cut (though curiously not it’s not in the EURO cut at all) So that has been used here. I’ve removed any talk of returning to Zeist and shifted some lines about as well.

Louise explores MacLeod’s artefact room. All SPEC footage as we’re back to proper HD again. Nothing changed.

Katana in the taxi. Largely SPEC footage. Trims to the taxi driver’s annoying stream of consciousness dialogue. We use US footage for the pan up to the roof and the VFX shot of Katana up there. This scene usually comes before the Brenda’s Grave scene. But I’ve rejigged the order so I can have Katana on the rooftop directly transition into MacLeod arriving below. This is to let a new Queen song play across both scenes - BIJOU.

MacLeod fights Katana. Most shots downstairs are from SPEC. Audio of Katana talking about power as MacLeod is ascending the staircase has been added from the EURO version. Fixed the aspect ratio of the POV camera that drops towards MacLeod. Once we’re reach the dome for the fight itself we are all US. The grading in the SPEC was especially harsh for this scene and couldn’t be corrected without sending some parts of the image up the left. Thank god for the neutrally graded US Cut!

Louise and MacLeod talk about his past loves. All SPEC and basically untouched. Cut MacLeod saying “No” in response to Louise asking if he ever gets used to being alone. Lambert’s expression sold the answer without words.

MacLeod and Ramirez spar. Untouched SPEC footage. Replaced Ramirez saying “To Zeist” when they toast with just “Cheers”. Pulled from You Only Live Twice.

Katana crashes the board meeting. This and the following scene in Alan’s office follow the technically incorrect US cut order. As written, Blake sends Alan to the prison Max for being a traitor first and then we hear him gloating about it when Katana comes into the boardroom. But I think the reverse order actually works better. Katana wants Blake’s help in finding MacLeod, Alan being sent to Max is therefore the plan they hatch to bait MacLeod into trying to rescue him. That helps connect the dots to why Blake and Katana are already waiting at Max when MacLeod arrives.

Alan is sent to Max. Same details as above. All SPEC footage except for the final shot which is from the US cut as it had a stronger ending to the scene with Blake snapping his fingers.

MacLeod and Ramirez discuss the Shield. All SPEC except for the VFX shot outside the window that comes from the EURO version.

Breaking into Max. The old VFX shots showing the outside of Max were in my opinion the most underwhelming ones in the film. The limited structure shown is either out of scale or layered incorrectly in the comp as MacLeod’s car seems to pass behind it as if it’s a small building in the foreground rather than a large one in the background. So this is the one redone effect that I’ve kept from the Special edition. I’ve replaced the Shield in these shots with one of the original 90s red ones so that only the Max building itself is new CGI. All of the footage for this scene is from the SPEC version. But with a new Queen song - THE HITMAN.

MacLeod and Ramirez return to life. No changes. All SPEC.

The group splits up and finds Alan. No changes. All SPEC.

Fan room trap. This is another example of Louise getting sidelined in the later versions. In the EURO cut we actually see her try to hack the keypad to get them out. So I’ve put those shots back in. The rest is from the SPEC version. I’ve also added a digital countdown timer to the door display to show she did manage to actually hack it. They just have to wait 60 secs for it to open. This is what Ramirez must buy time for with his sacrifice. It gives a reason for the doors to finally open rather than it being random. I’ve also cut out Ramirez driving his sword into the ground and I’ve painted it out of any subsequent shots where you can see it. There’s a big plot hole regarding how MacLeod gets this sword back. He uses it to fight Katana at the climax but we see it’s still stuck in the ground as they escape the fan explosion. Since there’s no footage of Ramirez giving it back to MacLeod then it’s best not to draw the audience’s attention to it here.

Jeep theft and fight with Katana. All unchanged from SPEC except for trying to change the look to a red day-for-night style to match the Shield in this version.

Cut scene where Blake and Katana are seemingly bored waiting for MacLeod. Katana asks if Blake is still on his side. Inconsequential and actually contradictory to their mood in the scenes that immediately follow.

Louse and MacLeod climb above the Shield. OK this was a tricky one. The shots where they are climbing the hill before going up the ladder are only in the EURO cut (although this scene takes place much earlier in the film there) The ladder ascent all looked good in the SPEC version. But the following scene where we learn that Blake is well aware the Ozone layer is fixed, as well as Katana’s belief that MacLeod will come to him if they just wait, have the worst picture quality of the whole SPEC. Interlaced artefacts baked into oddly smeary frames. I had a look at the same scene in the Renegade DVD and those issues are there as well. This lends credence to my theory that several sections of the Blu-Ray are just lifted straight from the old Renegade master tapes and have inherited all their analog issues. But I wanted this scene in there to get this information across. And I found a workaround using the Cannes Teaser Trailer included on the Blu-Ray’s extras. This is a 9 minutes teaser designed to drum up distribution support for the film at Cannes back while they were still filming in Argentina. It has a few short sections from this problematic scene crosscut with other things. And the bits we do have look so much better than what’s in the Special Edition itself! So I’ve employed the same cross-cutting technique to add these little snippets into the ladder climb sequence with Blake and Katana’s conversation playing out over the action.

The offending scene in question in the Special Edition Blu-Ray

Show Must Go On Fanedit

Above the Shield. This is a combination of SPEC and EURO with some new custom red shield VFX shots. Most importantly I’ve included the pay off from the EURO cut where Louise is overjoyed at finally seeing a blue sky.

Katana turns on Blake. The long opening shot with the metal shutter is only found in the EURO cut. It helps clear up what Katana and Blake are talking about here. Katana is still expecting MacLeod to come to him but Blake spots their stolen jeep heading for the Shield generator instead. When he mocks Katana with “Looks like you fucked up partner” this is what he’s referring to. The REN and SPEC versions lose Blake looking out the window and have Katana spotting the jeep instead which muddies the waters a bit as Blake isn’t even facing the window in those versions. Once Katana’s turns on Blake we’re back to SPEC footage except for the VFX shot of his body falling, which is from the US cut.

Shield Control shootout and final sword fight. As mentioned before this gunfight is gone from the SPEC cut. MacLeod just walks straight to the beam chamber while Louise seemingly hides round a corner. Always happy to give Louise more to do I’ve reinserted the gunfight using a mixture of US and EURO footage. Once inside the main chamber all the beam effects in the SPEC were augmented with new swirling CGI. I’ve used the old solid beam effects from the US cut and overlaid them on top of the SPEC footage to try and get the best of both worlds. Some shots were not worth trying to combine sources and so they’re just pure US only. I’ve edited things so the action now bounces back and forth between MacLeod and Louse several times and this whole sequence is scored with the title track from the Queen album - INNUENDO.

MacLeod destroys the shield. I’ve moved the final Quickening from before MacLeod steps into the beam to happening while he’s in there. I assume that with Katana dead, MacLeod is once more the last immortal and so he should become mortal again after experiencing this Quickening. And the Shield beam would kill him instantly if he goes into it then. In this edit he is still immortal when he steps into the beam and it’s the power of the Quickening being released inside it that destroys the Shield. Mostly used the US cut with some SPEC reaction shots of Louise and a couple of custom VFX created to show a glimpse of things once the Shield is gone. Rescored with the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra’s cover of Innuendo.

New ending montage. Set to Queen song - THESE ARE THE DAYS OF OUR LIVES.

Second End credits song - RIDE THE WILD WIND

Adding closing Fanedit.org logo over the tail end of the song.
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Do you need anyone to offer feedback, or is this edit already finished?
Thanks @TinyBreadMouse! I am personally very happy with how the edits sits at the mo. And would be happy to release as is.

But I certainly would welcome anyone who would want to preview it and give feedback! A fresh pair of eyes can usually spot things I've long since overlooked.
I absolutely love this. The big stupid grin on my face when Bijou came on... I forgot to PM you to check this out, will do so now. Can't wait
I absolutely love this. The big stupid grin on my face when Bijou came on... I forgot to PM you to check this out, will do so now. Can't wait

Thank you so much! It was a fun challange trying to find ways to fit the Innuendo songs in. But I'm thriled that you liked how Bijou worked out.

Thanks for the PM also!

Fanedit poster design using the French theatrical poster.

I’ve always loved the simplicity of this image. Just the red corona engulfing a pure black circle to represent the Shield surrounding the Earth. The white beam of light shooting upwards into space with Christopher Lambert stood (sword drawn) in the middle of it, foreshadowing the end of the film. Lovely Stuff!
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The edit is now up on IFDB! Massive thanks to @TinyBreadMouse for previewing it before release.

I’ve come to really appreciate Highlander 2 over the long while I’ve spent creating this edit. Maybe it’s Stockholm syndrome at this point, I honestly don’t know anymore! But I never find it dull and I’m constantly entertained throughout (Which is more than I can say for the more positively received Highlander 3). It repeatedly takes big swings. And even if you don’t think any of them land, I’ll always support going for them over being boring.

So I hope you enjoy Highlander 2 - The Show Must Go On. Die hard Highlander fans will probably not be on board with my changes to the lore and to Connor’s story. This edit doesn’t make the film slot any better into the subsequent Highlander franchise. It’s not supposed to. But as a bizarre standalone follow up to the already pretty wild original… maybe there really can be more than one.
To me, all time-travel from Dir Cut doesnt make any sense. Especially because of the scene where Katana is watching what is happening in the future and decide that he need to travel there (so why didnt he check out a little farther and see if there's a point to do it?). If Katana IS in the future it still doesnt make sense to travle into the past as he could easily check if Connor will try to return to his times.

For me, only Zeist option makes any sense in that plot... unless you corrected it somehow (some TL, DR version of the change list could be helpful here).

For some reason I really like this movie, I bought three DVD editions years ago (theatrical, renegade and SE).
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To me, all time-travel from Dir Cut doesnt make any sense. Especially because of the scene where Katana is watching what is happening in the future and decide that he need to travel there (so why didnt he check out a little farther and see if there's a point to do it?). If Katana IS in the future it still doesnt make sense to travle into the past as he could easily check if Connor will try to return to his times.

For me, only Zeist option makes any sense in that plot... unless you corrected it somehow (some TL, DR version of the change list could be helpful here).

For some reason I really like this movie, I bought three DVD editions years ago (theatrical, renegade and SE).
Ha! You never can have too many copies of this movie it seems. I’ve certainly got a decent pile of them myself by now.

You make an excellent point about watching what’s happening in the future. Such an overpowered ability! And as you say, Katana squanders it by not just skipping ahead to preview how things play out. I’ve removed that ability in my edit. They have no way of observing what’s happening in the past. All they have access to are some old archives. Similar to the Skynet controlled future in Terminator, a lot of historical records have been lost due to the collapse of society. They have part of an old newspaper that confirms Connor is in New York in 2024 and that’s it. So they go to that particular time to find him as its the only clue they've got.

I’ll see if I can draft a more succinct change list as an alternative to the huge one. That was more a stream of consciousness that I just had to get out of my brain and written down. But its definitely not the easiest to parse at a glance!
Hi Robulon! We talked over on FanRestore; I finally managed to navigate the forum's tempramental registration process so can now talk to you here rather than off site!

Thanks for reaching out to me, and thank you for crediting my 35mm scan. I thought you did an excellent job cleaning up the parts you used! You'll have to let me know your secret!

How crazy is it that we both completed our own takes on this film at the same time?! I guess it is 2024.

I watched this edit last night and really enjoyed it. I found it amusing how even though we took very different approaches to our edits we still made very similar decisions at key points.

I'll be sure to leave full review when I can, and I'll have a good look around here, learn the rules, and hopefully soon get my own edit listed too.

Keep up the great work!
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Thanks so much @HippieDalek ! Couldn't have done it without your efforts! And yes, there's no better time to be releasing Highlander 2 edits than 2024. Thank God our actual 2024 is going (at least slightly) better than the one in the film

Great to have you on board here too!
This looks incredible!! I saw the Euro cut in the cinema when it came out, and although the movie is flawed, I always loved what they tried to do and hope this version comes more or less closer to the original vision they had. Love the idea of you adding Queen songs to it, as I was always a big fan of the band in the 80's.
I would love to see this...
Thanks @mazonemayu! Queen makes everything better just by being there 😄

If it wasn’t for posts like yours I’d start to believe the Euro cut was never released anywhere. It has unfortunately gotten more and more buried with each subsequent revision. There is some great stuff in it that shouldn’t have been tossed out of the later cuts. I’ve tried to include some of the best bits in my edit. I’ll shoot you a PM about it.
Hugh thank-yous to @dugl1n, @MistarerX, @speedpreacher, @bionicbob and of course @TinyBreadMouse for posting reviews. I really appreciate it!

Also got some great feedback and suggestions from @alshim72 which has already resulted in an extra Queen song being included in the edit. They pointed out the long stretch in the second act which was devoid of any Queen music. And their absence was indeed felt as most of the tracks were all loaded towards the later half of the edit. So to address this, the track “Headlong” now scores the hoverboard chase scene. Since Macleod has literally just regained his youth it seemed like the most thematically appropriate time to bring back Queen in full force since the opening titles. The V2 version of the edit with the new track was stealth dropped last week so some of you may already have it. But is available for anyone who only has the original release.

In other Highlander 2 news, the much maligned US Theatrical cut is now available to buy or rent on UK Prime Video. And for the first time ever its in actual HD! So if you’ve only seen the later Renegade based cuts I highly recommend you give this a watch just to see the troubled edit that started it all. I’ll hopefully be able to release a V3 soon with some improved picture quality replacing a lot of the upscaled DVD footage.
Will the V3 be sporting improved picture quantity - a la aspect ratio cropping focused on 'The Highlander' sequel theme?
Will the V3 be sporting improved picture quantity - a la aspect ratio cropping focused on 'The Highlander' sequel theme?

It wont be the main focus for now. I plan to release the V3 version in the original scope aspect ratio. I’m still experimenting with how to get the most out of the new source. Its softer than the BluRay but has much more controlled highlights, without all the clipping that the BluRay has. There’s opportunity to use it for more than just replacing the DVD scenes by trying to recover some of that lost detail. So I want to get that right before looking into a cropped 1.85 version to match the first film. But I’m not ruling it out down the road!
I'm honestly very glad others enjoyed this edit. I don't get around to seeing as many edits as I used to, but still this has been one of my favorites of 2024 so far.
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