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    Vote now in wave 1 of the FEOTM Reboot!

Catwoman: Poisoned First Fan Film EVER :)

Lori Savvy

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I finally (FINALLY) got to make my first fan film! I didn't think I'd be able to pull it off considering I have...well...nothing. No experience, money, sets, actors...or anything except myself and a few cosplay costumes. But I finally threw one together and I was hoping you'd give me some feedback on what you think? :)

I can take the criticism! I'll have to since I'm considering coming out with a second one :/ Thanks :)

-- Lori aka piratesavvy07
:thumb: based on the YouTube thumbnail alone.

Oh and welcome to the site. :)
Aye, welcome to the board! :)

As for the short, I dig the eye candy (and wouldn't just say so if it weren't so clearly deliberately prominent), and the atmosphere is pretty effective - I definitely shared in the character's experience of disorientation, even if I was a bit confused as to several characters appearing to share a face.

By all means keep us updated on your efforts! Whereabouts are you based?
Gaith said:
By all means keep us updated on your efforts! Whereabouts are you based?

Asked out of genuine interest and nothing to do with finding out if she's close enough to date. :p
Looks like chicken, tastes like spam
please prove me wrong so I can eat my words (or maybe just alphabet soup)
with a side order of humble pie
Omaru1982 said:
Looks like chicken, tastes like spam

Chicken is the most underrated pizza topping ever.
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