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Alternate cuts of movies you would love to see

That's interesting, I wonder what was in there that gave it the R.
Could be anything, really.

For comparison's sake, James Gunn confirmed that the live-action Scooby-Doo movie originally received an R rating because of a single joke that the MPAA thought was about oral sex. The joke was cut, and it received a PG-13 second time around, and then further cuts and changes were made (a scene of Velma dancing in a bikini, a scene of Velma and Daphne kissing, shots of Velma's cleavage CGI'd over, and a vague reference to marijuana) for it to finally get a PG rating.

With lines between ratings that thin, a John Woo-directed movie probably wouldn't need a lot to be pushed into R territory. I've read the rumours of neck cracks as well, but a shot lingering too long on a dead body, one too many bullet impacts, or a few too many depictions of blood would also also do it.
Similar thread from a few years ago with the same subject manner

Lots of great stuff in there too!

I got to see the Thomas and the Magic Railroad directors cut.

It was a massive disappointment. In hindsight, if I was a kid like I was when I discovered the existence of the directors cut, I probably would have loved it.

But I’m an adult now with much more brain power, and the theatrical cut is far superior.

The directors cut is much slower, boring and has barley anything to do with Thomas the Tank Engine.

The theatrical cut is probably the best version we could have got with rewrites/reshoots.
Another cut I'll bring up that I thought doesent exist but once did is the 6hr cut of Cleopatra. Does anyone know of youtube videos that go into the production issues? It sounds like a mess but I'd love to hear how this epic was mishandled and cut into the wreck that it is.
Can you combine them? Into 1 forum please (Nevermind)

Does anyone have information on this lost epic? I really want to know what cuts of the 1963 epic existed or exist.
Since the thread was first created, a lot of these mentioned alternate cuts, or at least a lot of elements from early cuts have shown up!

-Thomas and the Magic Railroad, director's cut: I have fond memories of watching this movie growing up and considering what little is available of the director's cut (the chase at the end) at the moment, I would love to see this.

The workprint, along with copious amounts of deleted scenes, have since been released on Blu-Ray. Apparently its much worse, but I am not a train expert sadly.

-Suicide Squad, David Ayer cut: Considering that he's been sharing more info on Twitter recently about his cut, we might be getting this sooner rather than later.

The entire shooting script for this one is also out there, and man it's, different? Not great but different for sure.

Of course there's Batman Forever, which was recut to be more childish or something like that. I forget the specifics, but there's a better version out there.

Recently screened a few times by Kevin Smith at his cinema, as a November 1994 workprint has somehow surfaced.

Another one that is referred to often is The Warriors theatrical cut which TM2YC restored.

Released on Blu-Ray with a double disc set, with both the director's and theatrical cut.

I would also love to see the uncut versions of Friday the 13th before the MPAA forced censorship upon them, but I doubt the footage exsits anymore.

Some uncut footage from 2 and 4 was released on a recent Blu-Ray set I believe.

- Ghostbusters II Pre-Reshoots - There is a lot of differences with reshuffling and reshooting scenes and adding things to change the narrative, even Eugene Levy made an appearance as Louis Tully's cousin.

A bunch of new deleted material was released on Blu-Ray, including the Eugene Levy scene!

The original 3½-hour cut of Planes, Trains and Automobiles.

Over 70 minutes of workprint material was released with the 4k disc, which was all incredible, showing off the talents of both Candy and Martin!

There's this article describing earlier cuts of Scream 3, and it sounds like the movie was slightly better at 1 point

The 140-min Assembly Cut was recently leaked, and seems to be the very first cut of the film after shooting, and before additional photography.
Another cut I'll bring up that I thought doesent exist but once did is the 6hr cut of Cleopatra. Does anyone know of youtube videos that go into the production issues? It sounds like a mess but I'd love to hear how this epic was mishandled and cut into the wreck that it is.
Sounds like the first cut was 5:20, then 4:30, then 3:57, and then reshoots happened before landing at the final runtime of 4:11.

Ones I have heard of:
Blade Runner rumored 4hr workprint (aka the 8th cut)

Never existed as far as I'm aware. Early cuts were long but not that long. Only source for that runtime is an off-handed comment from one of the writers, David Peoples, in Dangerous Days: Making Blade Runner. No one else has ever mentioned this, in any other making-of material, commentary or books, so I'll take it as an over-exaggeration in the same way as Jake Lloyd said there was a 6hr cut of TPM.

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There was lots of discussion back then on the JW Fan forums (John Williams). I think Revenge of the Sith was meant to include a lot more order 66 scenes. Each clip would have been a lot longer, and be almost a mini clone wars episode before the jedi is killed. Also it took over an hour just until they leave the Invisible Hand (Griveous' ship). I doubt they ever filmed these scenes though
In Making-Of footage, the visual effects artists show a lot of the work they did on the various worlds all the Jedi were on, including several Jedi cut out of the Order 66 scene totally. including Agen Kolar (one of the Jedi Council). The VFX guys lament that they spent months and months getting that footage looking great, each one or two of them responsible for a different world, building on a bit of live action footage for each and expanding to portray the environments, the different creatures and ships involved in battles there... the mandate from George was that they shouldn't just be "generic water planet, generic forest planet" but to have many more distinctive elements and be clearly different from each other.

When everything they did was assembled, it ran something like 15+ minutes as I recall. The Order 66 scene had become a truly epic battle with death after death, a heartbreaking, operatic massacre. Some VFX people teared up with pride just describing it.... but it was too much. This was, after all, supposed to be something kids could handle. Some of them knew they had gone too far, but figured George could always trim it back. He ended up using just a few second from each of their work. (On the plus side, since Agen Kolar's world was cut entirely, George decided to put him and two other Jedi Council members with Mace Windu when they went to confront Palpatine. Originally Mace was going to be the only Master.)

You can see clips of some of this footage being discussed by the VFX guys online, and of George talking about changing the Palpatine confrontation. Some of it is in Bobson's documentary on the making of Episode III. That also has a lot of unreleased (some of it uncompleted) footage of that whole beginning opening on the Invisible Hand. The live action parts were filmed. There was a whole sequence for example where Anakin and Obi-Wan climb on the outside of the ship with Palpatine. George really had too much story to tell in Episode II and III and the end result was a bit rushed/incomplete feeling.
There multiple Steven Seagal films that have alternate versions that have yet to see the light of day:

-Fire Down Below was heavily cut down by the studio to maximise profits (which obviously failed). This apparently includes multiple action scenes.

-Half Past Dead was heavily censored because of 9/11 (and it’s pretty obvious).

-Attack Force had its entire plot changed in post-production, which originally involved aliens, there are no aliens in the final film.
-Half Past Dead was heavily censored because of 9/11 (and it’s pretty obvious).
I actually was a Seagal movie fan up until that one...it's the one that broke me. He was still turning in some enjoyable surprises like Exit Wounds up to that point, but Half Past Dead was one of the worst films I'd ever seen. I didn't really pick up on the 9/11 stuff at that point, it just seemed rushed, badly-written and badly-directed.
In Making-Of footage, the visual effects artists show a lot of the work they did on the various worlds all the Jedi were on, including several Jedi cut out of the Order 66 scene totally. including Agen Kolar (one of the Jedi Council). The VFX guys lament that they spent months and months getting that footage looking great, each one or two of them responsible for a different world, building on a bit of live action footage for each and expanding to portray the environments, the different creatures and ships involved in battles there... the mandate from George was that they shouldn't just be "generic water planet, generic forest planet" but to have many more distinctive elements and be clearly different from each other.

When everything they did was assembled, it ran something like 15+ minutes as I recall. The Order 66 scene had become a truly epic battle with death after death, a heartbreaking, operatic massacre. Some VFX people teared up with pride just describing it.... but it was too much. This was, after all, supposed to be something kids could handle. Some of them knew they had gone too far, but figured George could always trim it back. He ended up using just a few second from each of their work. (On the plus side, since Agen Kolar's world was cut entirely, George decided to put him and two other Jedi Council members with Mace Windu when they went to confront Palpatine. Originally Mace was going to be the only Master.)

You can see clips of some of this footage being discussed by the VFX guys online, and of George talking about changing the Palpatine confrontation. Some of it is in Bobson's documentary on the making of Episode III. That also has a lot of unreleased (some of it uncompleted) footage of that whole beginning opening on the Invisible Hand. The live action parts were filmed. There was a whole sequence for example where Anakin and Obi-Wan climb on the outside of the ship with Palpatine. George really had too much story to tell in Episode II and III and the end result was a bit rushed/incomplete feeling.
In some trailers whether they be fanmade or actual cut footage, I'm not sure but there's been clips of like Obi Wan & Anakin fighting like on a huge mountain with no lava background, does any of this actually exist? Is there an extended portion with this alleged cut footage?
In some trailers whether they be fanmade or actual cut footage, I'm not sure but there's been clips of like Obi Wan & Anakin fighting like on a huge mountain with no lava background, does any of this actually exist? Is there an extended portion with this alleged cut footage?
There's also this excellent video going into deleted scenes we've never gotten,
I really like it and want them to do more!
There's also this excellent video going into deleted scenes we've never gotten, I really like it and want them to do more!

A lot of inaccuracies and incorrect identifications of scenes from B-Roll of publicity images, but not bad overall. About 90% of the major deleted scenes for the first Star Wars has been released, only a few major things from the script are really missing.

- Han and Luke congratulate each other after taking down the TIE Fighters

- John D the X-Wing Pilot during the DS Battle

- Luke deciding against reattaching C-3PO's restraining bolt in Ben's Hut

- Another scene with Obi-Wan looking down on the tractor beam controls from an elevated walkway

Anything else really is superficial stuff that was just extra shots of this or that, with no real attachment to the story or script. Mainly extra B-Roll or 2nd unit stuff in the Cantina, Death Star, on Tatooine, Yavin IV. There are of course some alternate takes, longer shots, and slightly extended scenes, but just about everything has since been released. ESB and ROTJ are whole other stories though

In some trailers whether they be fanmade or actual cut footage, I'm not sure but there's been clips of like Obi Wan & Anakin fighting like on a huge mountain with no lava background, does any of this actually exist? Is there an extended portion with this alleged cut footage?

Images like these;




Are taken from a fanmade trailer, from Feb 2005. Many of the shots on Mustafar are taken from the "Return of Darth Vader" featurette on the 2004 OT Bonus Disc, which had raw blue-screen footage. VFX Artist Daniel Broadway (aka PixelMagic) took these plates and added his own Mustafar backdrops, which is why the shots all look different from the final film. Some of the shots are taken from elsewhere in the film and recontexualised in the duel.



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Here's another Disney film with a lost cut, Frozen II, The Darker Material Cut, proven to exist by the into the unknown documentary, and cut trailer footage, any news on how this occurred? Or extra info to add?
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