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A Game of Thrones (SPOILER EDITION)

My one disappointment so far is that the Reed siblings haven't gotten much attention. I wish they could have been introduced last season like in the book.
geminigod said:
My one disappointment so far is that the Reed siblings haven't gotten much attention. I wish they could have been introduced last season like in the book.

I'm very curious what their story will be.
i read the second book after the season and didn't really think they added much to the story. I even started thinking they would merge Jojen and Bran as they seem to have the same talent... but apparently there is more to come

please take my comment from the perspective of a clash of kings only reader. I have no idea what the reeds will or will not do, just from the clash of kings storyline they didn't really add to it, so I kinda prefer their mysterious entry this season

that being said: episode 3 was just super action packed -holy hell did he really say "climb the wall"?
and boy i think they realized they had no sexposition last week.... what a scene that dragged... but the payoff was funny

I'm shocked there aren't posts about the latest episode. I have been salivating in anticipation of the end scene. Happy to say it didn't disappoint. Gave me chills!

Regarding Jojen and Bran, they don't have the same abilities. Bran is a Warg, whereas Jojen is more like a... psychic? Actually I'm being forgetful now. I'll shutup now before I give something away.
I thought my "damn" might suffice. Crazy stuff all around in the episode to be honest, not just in the super awesome final scene.

Anyway, Lady Oleenna still seems honest, but, while Varys's explanation of why Littlefinger must not marry Sansa made me happy she'll marry Lorras instead, I then realized what would happen in that scenario if Lorras was Sansa's husband instead. I'm not liking the fact that the Tyrells will have a possible hand in both the Lannister/Baratheon and Stark armies. Making me suspicious of their goals.
Enjoying this series, but I do feel more aware than ever that the budget is constrained to 1 action moment per episode, and the remainder are well lit, well acted, well shot stand and talk scenes. Not really a problem, but the formula feels evident each week... Until another black water style episode I guess.

anyway, the payoff scenes in this episode were excellent, and once again Tyrion made me laff
They should put out a family tree or encyclopedia or something prior to each episode to help people with who all the characters are, their factions, etc.

That said, this past episode was frickin' brilliant.
You get those in the books, Family Tree's and Character Profiles, not that I've ever bothered reading them.
before the episode we said two words:

Dracarys Motherfucker!

So glad that it happened!
Q2 said:
They should put out a family tree or encyclopedia or something prior to each episode to help people with who all the characters are, their factions, etc.

That said, this past episode was frickin' brilliant.

Just go to HBO.com. they have awesome family trees, maps, and other cool shit. If I hadn't read the books, I would totally have hbo.com queued up while watching each episode.
[MENTION=8922]njvc[/MENTION]: I totally agree. It bothered me a bit in 2nd season and this season with the awkward fades anytime an action scene is supposed to take place. I know there's budget constraints and all but it seems like there has to be a better middle ground compromise here.
I don't understand why

the man who rescued Theon Greyjoy in the last episode handed him back in this one. Presumably he was on the same side as those he killed. Was it to receive sole credit for returning Theon?

And why did he use the Stark words, "Winter is coming," in last week's episode? At the time, I guessed he was in the Stark fold and rescued Theon because he had not heard of his duplicity. Now, I've no idea. I don't want an answer that reveals what's to come, but I do wonder if I've overlooked something that's happened so far.

On another note, Jaime's situation brings Maedhros to mind.
Captain Khajiit said:
I don't understand why

the man who rescued Theon Greyjoy in the last episode handed him back in this one. Presumably he was on the same side as those he killed. Was it to receive sole credit for returning Theon?

And why did he use the Stark words, "Winter is coming," in last week's episode? At the time, I guessed he was in the Stark fold and rescued Theon because he had not heard of his duplicity. Now, I've no idea. I don't want an answer that reveals what's to come, but I do wonder if I've overlooked something that's happened so far.

On another note, Jaime's situation brings Maedhros to mind.

You didn't, it will be explained...but if you want a somewhat general answer:
That man is one seriously sick and twisted bastard. Very fucked in the head. There are hints to who he is if you are paying attention to certain things.
Sunarep said:
before the episode we said two words:

Dracarys Motherfucker!

So glad that it happened!

Freaking f*cking A!

Daenerys is becoming a great leader. It was all around an awesome episode.
Would of been nice to see the sacking of the slavers though.
Yeah, CK, you are confused because you are supposed to be confused. That thread should make more sense in the next couple episodes. Its pretty f#$@ed up.
about the action part:

while it is true that there is pretty much one action/vfx piece per episode I think it still is super impressive how much the budget has grown. Watching the first season I would have never imagined to get a scene like the dragons burning the slavers - and that was just one episode down the road and not a major final episode.

also the theon chase sequence last episode was incredibly well done

The only problem i have is right now that this season there is not as much "narrative glue" right now. In season 1 we had ned and in season 2 everything pretty much revolved around king's landing and the inevitable attack whereas this season we kinda jump from character to character and the connection is no longer as strong because the characters are scattered so far apart
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