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Controversial Fanedits


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I know this is a forum that likes to keep things positive and avoid criticising people's work for entertainment, but as someone who's new to the fanediting scene I was wondering if there are any fanedits that are well known for being unpopular or poorly received.
Are there any edits that have an infamous reputation within the community?
Ivan Ortega's edit of The Last Jedi is one that comes to mind. Someone who uses false promises and deception to gain an audience and profit from it. From a technical standpoint, it's a mess.
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Controversial edits or bad/poor edits?

I see controversial more as "divisive" than just bad, but maybe in english that word has slightly different meaning, I dont know.

I've never seen any really bad edit, because I usually read some reviews before watching. "Mortal Kombat: The Blood Cut" was kinda disappointing though. Not the edit itself, but the changelist - I didnt watched it in its entirety, only checked the changed parts. On the other hand it was also very inspiring so I'm glad that it was made :>
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Because of the approval process this is mostly avoided. And I won't name names.

What would be probably the most common "controversies" usually would be edits that simply don't fit with or follow the rules, or edits by forum members who have had their account banned for whatever reason. If an edit you're thinking of has more to the story than that it may really be something interesting. But yeah most of the drama is just rule breaking.
I see controversial more as "divisive" than just bad, but maybe in english that word has slightly different meaning, I dont know.
The real meaning of the word is "divisive", but I'm using it more to mean something that causes drama or is bad in an exceptional way like 'The Room'
Back to the Future: Reality Cut. The moviejim1 classic.
I feel like I would have enjoyed this edit, but I've just gone and spoiled it for myself, so there's no point watching it now 😅
Is the original version actually avaliable anywhere after failing the IFDB standards?
Ivan Ortega's edit of The Last Jedi is one that comes to mind.
I don't know about this guy except for vaguely recognising the name, put putting a fanedit behind a pay wall definitely violates the "Grey Area" concept.
I can't imagine ever paying for a fanedit either.
Because of the approval process this is mostly avoided.
That makes sense. I think the best part about this forum is that people are pushed to keep to a high standard and a professional attitude.
Ivan Ortega's edit of The Last Jedi is one that comes to mind. Someone who uses false promises and deception to gain an audience and profit from it.
I have plenty of negative things I could say about his finished TLJ edit. I think he made some great choices to meet his goals, and I really enjoyed his videos where he talked through the why, and gave us a glimpse of the how. But I don't agree he was taking advantage of folks or trying to deceiving anyone. I'll concede that he may have made some choices that lead to those optics, however.
Not going to get into the specifics because IMO that stuff doesn't deserve an audience, but there are a couple of edits of certain notoriety out there that are nothing but racist and sexist hate pieces.
^^ I've never seen that kind of blunt negative response to an edit on FE. Either times have changed or folks are just fiercely loyal to Caddyshack.

I was sure I would get slayed when I said I was tampering with Harryhausen's stop motion effects, but that actually went down really well. I'm not sure i've received a single negative comment! (yet)
I don't know if I'd call it controversial, but a lot of people absolutely hated it when I cut 8 minutes out of Caddyshack. The highlight of my fanediting career was when Penthouse magazine said it "required almost no imagination".
I think you've misunderstood them. The article says that a chronological cut of Pulp Fiction requires almost no imagination, which I would agree with even though it's a fun way to rewatch the movie if it's done well. The only thing they said about yours was that it removes elements deemed irritating.
Penthouse said:
Some fan edits require almost no imagination (the title Pulp Fiction: The Chronological Edit speaks for itself); some remove elements deemed irritating (Rodney Dangerfield’s character is mostly absent in Caddyshack: No Respect, as is the syrupy love story in Pearl Harbor: Strength and Honor Edition). Others—like Batman and Robin De-Assified— are complete overhauls.
I think you've misunderstood them. The article says that a chronological cut of Pulp Fiction requires almost no imagination, which I would agree with even though it's a fun way to rewatch the movie if it's done well. The only thing they said about yours was that it removes elements deemed irritating.

Ah, yes, you're right. Well, it was still nice to get mentioned in a porno mag.
Avengers Endgame De-Feminized Fanedit. It's just absolutely despicable.

Not even controversial, just downright horrible in every sense of the word.
Yup, that was what I was referring to, along with that other thing by the same person. For everyone else reading this: it's not even worth a hate-watch or the notoriety of bad publicity. Please let it slip into total obscurity.

To give you an idea of the kind of thing it is and of what taste: it starts with a text that reads "Wakanda Productions presents a film by Nick Gurr". (If you don't realize, say it out loud, but do it when you are completely alone and prepare to feel embarrassed anyways).
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That time someone did a cut of Star Wars to remove the “walking carpet” line from Leia when referring to Chewie. The editor called it xenophobic.

I don’t have the thread on me but I remember a lot of discussion over it
Call me old fashioned but I think it's OK to be mean to fictional aliens.

Avengers Endgame De-Feminized Fanedits.
I didn't realise the "de-femiminised" guy was an actual faneditor. I remember seeing the Last Jedi one years ago, and other than the opening bomber scene being more exciting none of it really made sense to be edited that way. It seemed like it was just cut up by someone in an afternoon who didn't really care whether the result was good.
That was actually the first fanedit I ever heard of and it made me think "what if someone re-edited a movie but actually tried to make it good?"
For everyone else reading this: it's not even worth a hate-watch or the notoriety of bad publicity. Please let it slip into total obscurity.
I don't even think that this thing is around anymore, you have to dig it reaaalllyyyy hard to even find a copy that is still up in some site.
EDIT: it is. unfortunaly.

But yeah, that's by far the most bizarre, unethical, and downright bad fanedit I ever seen. I guess saying that the fanedit community has something for everyone is true after all, but the thing is, there are things for everyone. Even for racists, homophobes and misogynists.
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I found the thread I was looking for, turns out @Gaith was the one behind it all!

- remove Leia's line about Chewie being a "walking carpet." Lucas was willing to airbrush Han's (self-defense!) killing of Greedo, but not Leia's mind-blasting racism?!

There is much discussion in the thread about this change...

I'll also link some threads of interest too, as there is a lot of interesting discussion in these pages. Controversial? I'll leave that for you to decided...

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