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Worst Edit You Can Imagine

I would probably say a Star Wars A New Hope edit where the Deathstar explodes, while everybody is inside during the middle of the film. Cuts to credits.
You can literally take any movie and add yourself into it during the important or dramatic parts and completely change the context of the scene to the point of ruining it. Like I did here. I would like to see a bad fan edit of different movies done like this.
Suspect Green does that all the time.
What about taking a Paul Thomas Anderson movie, and editing it in the style of Paul WS Anderson? There Will Be Blood, with quicker cuts and a blue filter, insert Milla Jovovitch somehow, give it a new techno theme song (just take the Mortal Kombat theme and replace "MORTAL KOMBAT" with "THERE WILL BE BLOOD", it's the same number of syllables so it should work).
Take any horror movie, and try to cut the horror and tension in an attempt to make it a different genre, basically take the horror out of it.
It’d be pretty cool to do a community edit where everyone edits the same movie, but intentionally tries to make it bad and cheesy.
It’d be pretty cool to do a community edit where everyone edits the same movie, but intentionally tries to make it bad and cheesy.
I've seen ones where they give 60 people 2-mins each of a film, and they have to film a funny clip to take the place of that part of the film. They did one for Robocop, which is where that "shooting everyone in the dick" scene came from.
Take any movie, then dub the soundtrack so whenever anyone speaks, you hear nothing but a zombie groan. Extra points if you can get the mouths of the characters to remain open when they make the gutteral noise. If you can't get the mouth to stay open, then possibly syncing up dialog from "The Sims" games. Basically have them make no sense.
2001:No Odyssey

Ape throws bone up, cut to Starchild: roll credits
Back to the future but rotoscope him into historical events, make the band playing scene be at the whitehouse, and add the scrapped ending of the nuke and the car being a fridge.

I actually think a historical event time-travel / multiverse film could be really funny: Maybe use Ai to turn the villain into a hated political figure?
The Lord of The Rings: Disney Edition

For context on the inspiration of the atrocious concept above Tolkien isn't a big fan of Disney.

The Star Wars Prequels but Palpatine is Anakins love interest instead of Padme, could easily work with the right music and trimming of certain scenes.

''Vader was seduced by the dark side of the force''

For those who may need them here are your puke buckets.

The Star Wars Prequels Retcon Edition

Extrapolate everything that people deem wrong with the prequels and edit them in a way that they can no longer link up with the OT Trilogy, for example in Revenge of The Sith have Anakin wait in the council chambers while Mace slices Palps like chop suey than rearrange his dialogue in the earlier Jedi Council scene so that he grants Anakin the rank of Master.

Would be very infuriating for OT purists.
Groundhog Day (1993)

I would call this the Hogwash Cut.

Two choices here:

A) simply make a short version, so there's no repeating days but everything goes perfectly into the next day. It's basically then a short romance.

B) well, the days loop, multiple stuff occurs. So much that you could probably cut together different outcomes/endings. You could keep the worst ones but make sure to keep the premise that there is no such thing as "looping days". That way you could have it so the main character goes on a downward spiral unhappy with his job/coworkers and winds up killing himself using the footage from the multiple same days in the film.

It's actually ripe for multiple cuts, depending on what you want the main focus to be.
Groundhog Day (1993)

I would call this the Hogwash Cut.

simply make a short version, so there's no repeating days but everything goes perfectly into the next day. It's basically then a short romance.

Ouch, don't tell Adabisi you think their idea is hogwash /s

The Star Wars Prequels but Anakin likes sand

Phantom Sand: He wouldn't want to leave Tatooine because of his love for the substance so Qui Gon would be forced to kidnap him.

Attack of The Sand: He would only agree to be Padmes bodyguard so that he can secretly sneak back to Tatooine and be with his beloved sand and escape his Jedi captors and their anti sand beliefs.

Revenge of The Sand: Not much that can be done with this other than maybe have Vader scream in vitriolic zeolot like rage when Obi Wan dares to deliver Luke and tred upon his sacred holy ground.

Alternatively mesh all three films together to better form this more ideosincratic plotline.
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