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The Warriors - Theatrical Cut Reconstruction (HD) V2 Finished

SilverWook said:
As the theatrical is being discussed on another forum, I was wondering if the Netflix version is 99% theatrical except for the lighting shot? You didn't find any other DC crap sneaking in? Just want to get my facts straight. :)

As far as I can work out, the Netflix version (on my UK netflix service at least) is basically the TC but with the DC grade. Colour/brightness wise it is 100% the DC. So a third/a half (?) of the scenes have been digitally darkened a lot, that lighting shot has been brightened to an insane level and some scenes (such as the finale beach sequence) obviously lack the warm tinting of the TC. Don't let anybody tell you the brightness differences are due to it being a different scan, of a different print. It's the same scan, down to the pixel.

But unlike some other hybrid streaming versions I haven't noticed any cropping (most of the DC has been cropped). It looks like DVD quality to me (but compressed). You'd be better just buying the TC DVD (which is a great transfer). IIRC correctly, the itunes TC version is true HD (but compressed for streaming) but is also colour/brightness, 100% the DC.

Bottom line is, if you don't much care about the grade/brightness being accurate, then all versions are more or less the TC. If they don't have the comic panels, you are going to have a good time.
Thanks for the info, I'll pass that along. :)

I still wish an old print would turn up.
Been quietly following this project for a bit now. Just wanted to say, keep up the good work. I can't imagine how long it has to take for this kind of intense color correction and regrading throughout the entire movie, much less the other work done to upscale the visual elements from the DVD for transitions. I'm really excited to see the final project and get the true The Warriors experience the official blu-ray failed to provide. I can't wait!
Urfbownd123 said:
Been quietly following this project for a bit now. Just wanted to say, keep up the good work. I can't imagine how long it has to take for this kind of intense color correction and regrading throughout the entire movie, much less the other work done to upscale the visual elements from the DVD for transitions. I'm really excited to see the final project and get the true The Warriors experience the official blu-ray failed to provide. I can't wait!

Not done much on this recently as I'm currently devoting all of my regrading-patience-quota to Man of Steel. Once that is done, I'm hoping to get back to this.
I was asked via PM about the grade on this project. I've been doing some work on it this weekend. Here is a comparison of one shot...

(Password: fanedit.org)

Starts off with Theatrical DVD, then wipes on the Director's Cut Blu-Ray, then finally the fanedit (blu-ray graded to the TC DVD). As you can see, even when editing or cropping changes have not been made to the DC, the grade is still much changed.
Any further progress on this project? The anticipation to finally see a true high-quality version of this classic is almost maddening.
Urfbownd123 said:
Any further progress on this project? The anticipation to finally see a true high-quality version of this classic is almost maddening.

Now MOS is done, I will probably get back to this soon and finish it off.
Neglify said:

Progress has been made in this last week. I'm onto fine-tuning the grading in the final beach scene now.
A possible cover idea (because I love what @"theryaney" is doing)...


(I'll do a poster-replica style cover too as an alternate)
First half of the final beach scene is getting there. It's really taking some serious time to get every individual element of every shot just right. The theatrical-cut of the beach scene has a golden tint applied to the flesh tones while maintaining strong skies, the director's-cut just has a blanket blueish-pink hue to everything. It's like for the DC they forgot the scene was supposed to be at sunrise and forgot to apply the tint.

So to confirm, the recent Amazon theatrical version is not the true theatrical?
reave said:
So to confirm, the recent Amazon theatrical version is not the true theatrical?

I'll have to check but it didn't used to be (like a year ago?). It used to be the DC with the extra scenes cut out IIRC.
reave said:
So to confirm, the recent Amazon theatrical version is not the true theatrical?

I just purchased a copy to look into it.

The Amazon version is close. Unlike other earlier streaming versions that purported to be the Theatrical Cut:

- It does not have the hundreds of digital zooms and digitally cropped shots from the DC. So as far as I can tell, it is the TC in terms of framing.

- It does not have the more obvious revisionist changes like the police spotlights (at 13.17) being digitally brightened to an extreme degree.

It does have the overall altered DC grade though. The image is generally slightly desaturated and violet tinted by a small amount. For the most part the brightness levels are identical to the TC but like the DC, some scenes have been darkened noticeably (e.g. the Lizzies hideout scenes at around an hour in). A more obvious difference is the whole beach finale. The TC has a very noticeable warm yellowish tint added to it but in the DC and in the Amazon stream it looks like they forgot to add the tint, so it looks like the grey washed-out day that the beach scene was probably shot on (this film having a limited budget).


So in brief, the Amazon stream is the Theatrical Cut but looks like the Director's Cut. It'll satisfy everybody but the nerdy obsessive types (like me) that want a Harmy-esque version ;) .
TM2YC said:

So in brief, the Amazon stream is the Theatrical Cut but looks like the Director's Cut. It'll satisfy everybody but the nerdy obsessive types (like me) that want a Harmy-esque version ;) .

Good to know. Hopefully there's some usable footage in there. Looking forward to your finished project.
With my Rogue One edit nearing completion it's time to once again try pushing this project over the finish line :D . Every shot takes a lot of time. This is was one of the hardest to correct and took me over an hour today to get all the layers just right. The blu-ray grade was just soooo far from the DVD:

A solid 24-hours working on this and it's finally done. Just the video editing though. The audio prep, rendering and blu-ray mastering still need doing which might take a good while yet.

Final timeline:

(^ Click image to see full res image)

The top video track contains the shots from the blu-ray that have not been altered (re-grade aside) and total aprox 37 minutes. The other tracks contain all the shots that are a mixture of DVD and Blu-ray material. So 56 minutes has needed to be carefully restored to the way it looked in the Theatrical Cut. It's surprising to find that 2/3rds of the film had been "George Lucased".
I hoping to make a really nice 50GB blu-ray for this project. Animated menus, deleted-scenes, 6x audio mixes (including the great VHS mix provided by @"SilverWook" , 2x fan commentaries (one was a DC commentary which I've edited to fit the TC) and I'm currently trying to make an isolated score track.
Finished making the Isolated-Score track and discovered DVD-Architect only allows 8-audio tracks and the new track makes 9 total :mad: . Sadly it's adiós to the Spanish Stereo track :D  (* I'll probably include it as an option to mux in). It's been tricky to find where all the bits of music fit from the soundtrack album, loop some bits, trim others and even some speed-up or slow-down to sync with the play speed of the movie audio.

I'm now struggling to find a good source for the deleted scenes from the TV cut.
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