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The Three Mothers Trilogy Boxset


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With my Inglorious Basterds Roadshow Version nearly complete, and my Blade Runner project beginning, I have an idea for not another fanedit persay. Over the past three years of so, I have recently come to develop an interest in Dario Argento's Three Mothers Trilogy. I immediately fell in love with these films, though Mother of Tears was a little disappointing compared to Suspiria and Inferno.

What I want to do is make a 3-disc Trilogy boxset that will have the best versions possible of all three films in one place instead of multiple releases scattered around different regions.

Mother of Tears will probably be easy since I already have a friend who's tracking down a copy for me. I read somewhere that Koch Media had a good release of Inferno, but I'm curious as to if this release has any color timing and audio issues among other problems that might need to be fixed.

The biggest problem would probably be Suspiria. I know a lot of people aren't trying to touch Suspiria because Synapse is doing a 4K restoration of it for BD, but honestly, there's no telling when this will even hit the light of day, and I'm kinda impatient when it comes to this classic. I've heard that there are no good copies of it out in the world, and the closest to a decent version was Dr. Sapirstein's Restored and Preserved DVD, which is no longer available, and I read somewhere that it was basically an upscale of the Anchor Bay DVD (which was my first experience of the film), which is kinda disappointing. I've also heard that the Japanese BD is actually a good copy, but I don't know anything about it. I also read that 84 Entertainment's Germany BD has the best audio source available.

It would be awesome if I could get some confirmations on any of this before attempting to gather the sources and create this lovely boxset.
The Sapirstein 'Suspiria' is HD (HD-TV capture mixed with Blu-Rays???).
TM2YC said:
I think the Sapirstein 'Suspiria' is HD somehow (HD-TV capture???).

I don't even know. I thought it was a HDTV capture too, but I read somewhere else (granted not from the Sapirman himself) that it was an upscale.

EDIT: There's still the fact that it has been discontinued, unfortunately.
Do you already own the trilogy on DVD?
Vultural said:
Do you already own the trilogy on DVD?

I have the Blue Underground BD releases of Suspiria and Inferno, and the Dimension Extreme DVD of Mother of Tears.
Thank you.
Not meaning to give you a hard time.

Have you contacted Dr Saperstein via his gmail address?
No worries. Rules have to be followed after all.

I hadn't given it a thought, if I'm honest. I kinda figured if he pulled it from his site then there was no chance of getting it.
A friend of mine ran me over a hard drive with a copy of Suspiria over after I told him about this project. The copy of Suspiria he provided was a BD rip downscaled to 720p with just a 5.1 soundtrack. I noticed there was ridiculously pink overtones, a lot of blown out highlights, and lobster faces. That was just the first 20 mins alone.






I'm not sure if I'm just going to purchase the Japanese BD from Happinet and switch out the audio with the audio options from 84 Entertainment BD, or I'm actually gonna try to upscale this copy here and try to recolor it. It's a really tough call.
kidjupiter92 said:
A friend of mine ran me over a hard drive with a copy of Suspiria over after I told him about this project.

I'm actually gonna try to upscale this copy here and try to recolor it. It's a really tough call.

No harm in your friend sharing his copy so you can evaluate it's merits but if you are actually going to use it for an edit, you should buy yourself a copy.
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