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    Vote now in wave 1 of the FEOTM Reboot!

The "Mixing Up TV/Movie Quotes" Thread


Iron hog man dancing in the wind
out in the morning light
he stayed up late
dealing with fate
and just made it through the night
now he's gone, gone and wont come back
not for a year or two
but flies high and he flies low
like an arrow straight and true


He's gotta get movin'
he's gotta get moving
he's got to get moo-oovin'
and find a cure for the cabin fever
he'll find a cure for his cabin fever.

"Ach du lieber! Das ist not eine boobie!"

STOP! Wait a minute! Stop it boy. What do you think you're doing? Thats no way to treat an expensive musical instrument.


Goddammit daddy, you know I love you. But you've go a hell of a lot to learn about ROCK AND ROLL.

...meanwhile, Ferenginar:

...and so:

"Everyone inside the car was FINE, Stanley"

"Why did you judge me? Why did you judge me?"

"You killed innocent people."

"The means to an end!"

"You started a massacre!"

"I caused a revolution!"

"You betrayed the law!"


"The human soul is corrupt, it only worships power. It keeps looking for new things to worship, because it has boundaries, drawn by its masters."

"Homosexuality is the best all-around cover an agent ever had."
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