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The Emotional Support Thread

*Laughs in Steam Library*

Episode 9 GIF by The Simpsons

Seriously though it is a bad habit, I need to work on it myself.
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I collect books and comics I intend to read but never have the time for, I collect brewing supplies for beers I'll never make, and I collect DVDs and fanedits of movies I'll never get around to watching. But I want to get to all of them!
Edit: whoops this was a dumb post, move along.
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I think my sister caught COVID. She's showing many of the serious symptoms, and she isn't vaxxed.
Has she gotten better since then?

Turns out she didn't have COVID after all.

My sister's a dump truck driver. The day she got sick she was working at the local landfill, in an area where they were composting human waste. She was there for hours, breathing in all the dust in the air without a mask. She got really sick from it, and the symptoms match those of COVID, but she got better after a couple days. I told her she better have enough sense to wear a mask the next time she has to work in an environment like that.
Turns out she didn't have COVID after all.

My sister's a dump truck driver. The day she got sick she was working at the local landfill, in an area where they were composting human waste. She was there for hours, breathing in all the dust in the air without a mask. She got really sick from it, and the symptoms match those of COVID, but she got better after a couple days. I told her she better have enough sense to wear a mask the next time she has to work in an environment like that.
I'm glad she's all right.
For the first time, my mom opened up to me about how bad her time with my dad was for her. She never wanted to turn me against my dad so she's always shied away from talking about their relationship, and talking about him in general really. I've only ever heard his side, and while he's been honest about his past alcoholism, he definitely left out some things and made it seem like they were both at fault. I'm not blindly listening to my mother's words, a few of the things she said were questionable, but she was undoubtably hurt by him. I haven't been on good terms with my dad for months now, and she figured that now being honest with me wouldn't make me like him any less.
so i had truly bad day at work thursday learning new position and well it ended up with me walking in traffic
spending 40 hours in a ER hospital bed, then spending two days in behavior hospital.
my boss lied bout both me keeping my job to men and others
lied bout paid time off and ho to use it and ill never get it.
and lied about workers comp and unemployment for a injury i had at work a week
ago and still hurting.
i have mental disorder and to save face they tossed me aside
its getting harder in my area to find a job especially on foot
i also have a degree in graphic design but havent managed to make any money ay
home doing it.

trying to remain positive bout my recovery but im already 2 weeks behind
my water just got off and electric and rent is due in bout 2 weeks
I'm starting to repair my relationship with my stepfather, and I'm happy about that. I used to say that he's the one person in the world who I truly hate, but now I realize that I was just childish and didn't understand. He's done a lot for me over the years, and I regret always pushing him away. There was a big fight in 2019 that led to me leaving home, it made me hate him even more and I refused to see him again until this past Thanksgiving, but I didn't actually talk to him again until two days ago. He's not a bad guy at all, and I feel so bad for my attitude towards him in the past. I'm at a point where I'd rather see him than my dad, and that's crazy considering how much of my life I've spent practically worshipping my dad.
Today after five years of being kept on the waiting list, I rejected the call to have an ablasion to treat my Wolf Parkinson White condition. I need to focus on my weight issues before I risk an op like that.
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That's a tough call to make, Zarius. Good luck to you getting everything under control.
I keep forgetting this thread exists, lol.

Anyway, there's this group I started hanging out with during Covid who have a whole podcasting network (which will be nameless) that I've actually been on quite a bit. They seemed pretty cool, but as time went on, some of the group (who'd been through college together) turned out fairweather friends or a-holes, and the people who've stayed have just gotten meaner, more surly, more defeatist, etc. I know I need to cut them out, but it's just hard because there's one guy who's still chill & sweet, but I just don't know how he manages being friends with such jerks.

Like, being on the podcasts is fun and all, but I'm in the part of my life where I'm done just coasting by & want to be a voice actor. Problem is I'm worried about something I said in the past on those podcast being taken out of context & worry that I'll have to take a hard stance of "that was a part of my life I'm done with, I don't stand for those people anymore." Except, then I'm the fairweather friend in that scenario, & it all just sucks no matter how you slice it.
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