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The DC Extended Universe Thread

More thoughts....

Of all the cameos, I am really disappointed LYNDA CARTER was not included (but she does show up in my CRISIS fan edit ;) ) or a proper Arrowverse character. I have read mixed reports that was NOT Teddy Sears as the Golden Age Flash but an original character CGI render?
Oh man! I'm eager to get to next week so I can finally do this Multiverse marathon with The Flash, Spider-Verse 2 and @bionicbob 's Crisis movie. I hope The Flash is as good as people say, everybody dunks on CGI, but that's the only valid complaint I heard so far.
There's this new rumor running wild that Tom Cruise could potentially join the DC family. Take it with a grain of salt of course.

He's been fan-cast as Hal Jordan for quite a long time. But I don't know if he'll accept to be typecast as "maverick" again. Without mentioning the fact that Lanterns is a streaming project, at least for now. And we all know of Tom's legendary love for streaming.
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There's this new rumor running wild that Tom Cruise could potentially join the DC family. Take it with a grain of salt of course.

He's been fan-cast as Hal Jordan for quite a long time. But I don't know if he'll accept to be typecast as "maverick" again. Without mentioning the fact that Lanterns is a streaming project, at least for now. And we all know of Tom's legendary love for streaming.
Well... we know how Cruise LOVES to run in all his movies, and considering his age, how about casting him as the Golden Age Flash Jay Garrick! lol
Well... we know how Cruise LOVES to run in all his movies, and considering his age, how about casting him as the Golden Age Flash Jay Garrick! lol
I hope it's for something secondary like Commissioner Gordon, Perry White, Zatarra in a Zatanna story, or a villain like Maxwell Lord, Lex Luthor.

But he'll actually probably be the new Jor El or Pa Kent. I predict, if he ends up in one at all.
The trailer for Aquaman And The Lost Kingdom has (finally) been released.

And outside one shit shot, it looks amazing. Love that James Wan is unashamedly embracing the comic book roots with these movies.
Lookin' good, but I feel like they've transferred some screentime from Heard to Kidman during reshoots.
Home sick, so I rented this today...

Dumb, silly and fun.

Continuing the bright, colourful video game/cartoon aesthetic of the first movie, this sequel and final entry in the Snyder spawned DCU does a deep dive into the Buddy Action Comedy genre. And for the most part it works.

While I will not lie and say the DCU is going out on a high, this last gasp is certainly more fun and better constructed than the last few mediocre movies. The characters are likeable, the story is unoriginal but well paced and full of Silver/Bronze Age comic book action. I mean this movie has Aquaman's octopus sidekick TOPO!!! lol

For a movie in Post-Production for 2-3 years, the CGI is bizarrely uneven at times but still light years better than the recent Flash.

So not a disaster but far from a classic too.
Light, forgettable, popcorn fare.
Nowhere close to Flash.
Actually, I was bored most of the time, but finale wasn't that bad.
The last DCEU flick I saw at the cinema was The Flash. I got to see it in ScreenX since it was my birthday. An 8/10 movie for me: fun, frenetic and filled with heart. Time will tell if I prefer it over Aquaman 2, which I will be checking out this weekend. I actually can't wait to see it for myself. šŸ˜
I had a lot of fun watching The Flash. It had some genuine nostalgia feels and lots of heart. But it also had some absolutely awful humour and I hated the idiotic, insulting endingā€”Supergirl and Batman die, and Barry learns absolutely NOTHING from the experience.

So for me, Aquaman 2 is a slightly (not by much) better movie. While it too is more of a straight up comedy, I did not cringe as much and the conclusion was more satisfying for me.
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