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The Batman Year Two Miniseries

Should I include the Deleted Scene between The Penguin and Selina?

  • Yes, I want more Colin Farrell in there!

  • No, doesn't add much to the story...

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Like the previous commenter, I came to this late but hope you don't mind me leaving you some feedback on your edit.

Firstly, thank you for sharing and well done. It is a great improvement on the original, which was already very good.

The story is much more digestible in this 4 part structure and I like the choice of small edits and rearrangement's. you have made which make for a better viewing experience.

However, there were still a few small scenes which bothered me personally and I wanted to get your take on them, possibly for a V1.1 down the line, if you would consider it possibly.

1. The unnecessarily long delay of the Batmobile before it comes through the flames during the car chase scene.
2. The very quick shot of Batman, from inside an office building looking out the window, of him whizzing past during the rooftop leap. Looked so odd.
3. The amount of times Batman is shot in this movie is quite unbelievable and if some shots of him being shot point blank could be removed, I think it would keep it these scenes more grounded and realistic, as the rest of the film is.
4. Maybe have Bruce and Selina ride off at the end of episode 3 and then start episode 4 with the Riddler reveal. This would save this duplicated shot of him at the end of 3 and then again at the start of 4 which I found jarring.

I hope you don't mind my suggestions and hope you will consider them as I think they would improve an already fantastic edit of yours even more.
Thanks for the detailed feedback, I really appreciate it 🙏

1. Maybe something could be done here but I'm not sure if it's better to reduce the delay of the Batmobile coming through the flames. I'm more leaning towards just cutting out the quick shot of the ramp conveniently falling into place. That way the audience doesn't know if he made it and the delay is actually kind of suspenseful.

2. I'd have to check this scene out again and if that shot is really that odd, removing it is not a problem.

3. Also something I'd have to check out again as I don't remember it bothering me that much.

4. I won't be changing the structure or placement of the scenes as I'm quite happy with how it turned out. This Miniseries was not meant to be binged in one go. The ideal way to watch it IMO would be one per day.
Repeating the ending shot of one episode somewhere in the beginning of the next one is very common in TV shows nowadays. The same goes for not immediately continuing the last scene of an episode at the beginning of the next but having an opening scene (sometimes a flashback or something else) before continuing were we left off. I don't find these things jarring at all.
Thanks for the quick reply and measured response to my suggestions.

1. I agree, cutting the ramp shot solves this issue and is the best choice in retrospect imo.
2. It is an odd perspective and the shot looks fake and out of place to me as for the rest of the shots, we are with Batman as he is falling except for this shot.
3. Batman just seemed to absorb an enormous amount of firepower. I’m thinking of the muzzle flare lit hallway shot where he is walking directly into open machine gun fire more than anything. The scene near the end where he gets shot and seriously hurt was fine but he seemed like Robocop up until that point.
4. I liked the way episode 3 ended on the Riddlers smile but then to see the same shot in the next episode after the opening scene of then riding their bikes off seemed a little out of place to me that’s all.

Please let me know once you have checked these scenes out again what you decide to alter, if any. Thank you again and congrats on a great edit.
Thanks for all the PMs and the interest in this edit. :)

To the people who already watched it: Did you pay attention and catch the three little "plot hole fillers" I added? If not here's a hint on where you'll find them.

Riddle me this:
I am as black as the night until you fill me with light.
If you manage to control me, you'll win my affections.
Put me on paper and I'll surround you from all directions.
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Okay I JUST finished my viewing. I watched it over 3 days (I was going to do 4 as it was meant to be, but I had a lapse of self-control this evening and I'm deeply ashamed) and I have a few critiques, but mostly praise! I'll start with the praise:

When I watched this movie for the first time, I myself thought about doing a Miniseries structure, but I was delighted to see DonKamillo do it and save me the trouble. Bottom line: This edit was masterfully done. I enjoyed the original film a great deal, with a few complaints here and there, and I feel almost exactly the same way about this edit, which is absolutely a compliment. I also think it kind of goes without saying, but I didn't see any noticeable transitions (I didn't catch that stray frame either) So all-in-all, excellent work DK!

As far as critiques go, I have a few that are personal preference and don't really expect you to change, because they'd improve MY enjoyment, but I can't say that they'd objectively make your edit any better. And then there's just one that I absolutely think would improve your edit (#2)

I got a bit long-winded here; just know that the length of my explanations does not correlate with my level of dissatisfaction with this edit. As I stated above, I thought it was excellent!

1) Personally I don't really care for the deleted Joker scene (WITHIN the film). I think it detracts from Riddler knowing that there's a (arguably I suppose) superior villain right around the corner. This scene was very reminiscent of Silence of the Lambs, except in this case it's kind of like if SotL played out without any further Hannibal Lecter scenes after the first one, and then Buffalo Bill was the villain, and....that's it. He was just an easter egg I guess. That being said, I do think it worked well with your cold-opening structure, and I do truly like the scene itself, outside of the structure of the film, and I don't think this nitpick is a very big deal. I also think Barry did a great job and I hope we see more of him!

1.5) Along this same vein, I always felt like the Joker/Riddler scene would have been better as a mid-credits scene

2) Speaking of Cold Openings, I actually really liked how Episode 4 started with the Bike-Goodbye scene, and I thought the swap back to Riddler worked just fine, as you said! (I also thought Episode 2's ending was *chef's kiss*).
However, I do think the cold-openings feel SLIGHTLY off, and I think the fix would be super easy. As they are now, when you click on the file to play the next episode, it boots up and plays immediately, almost as though I had the actual Movie paused and I was just hitting resume. I think all you need to do is throw in a quick IFDB disclaimer title card, or one of those quick 5-second clips (I really liked the one L8wrtr used in his American Gangster edit so I used it in mine, so that's my recommendation) to give that same feel of when you click on a new episode of Stranger Things or something and it plays that Netflix fade-in, just to give that little buffer before the episode starts up. Then it boots into the cold-open, and I think that'd be the sweet spot (I like where you have your opening credits placed, I'm not suggesting you move those, they're great!)

3) In the original, it felt like Falcone was confused by Selina saying that he's her daughter, despite the movie setting it up to us that he knew about it already. I think if you structured that scene to be

"This is for my mother"

it would eliminate that weird confusion, and turn it into more of a "caught-off-guard" thing. OR maybe I've just been misinterpreting the scene and you can shed some light on it XD

3.5) Bonus praise: You're absolutely right. Having Selina "decide" to go inside and help Batman in the final act was a PERFECT coincidence and I think it worked wonderfully.

4) This one is a little from column A and B! Ending the film with the Alfred scene was much better than the Bike ride, I just think the music should be adjusted just a little bit, as I think it actually detracts from the emotion a bit. I think you should fade it in at either 35:24 or 35:50.

5) (super minor here) For Volume 3 I think it'd play out better if you cut right to the Batcave after your "Sins of the Father" title card, instead of the follow-up shot of Catwoman walking away after the Not-kiss.

As it stands I'd give this edit a 9/10 (and I will!) and if you change any of these (especially #2) you'd easily snag a 9.5 or a 10 in my book.

Say one thing for DonKamillo, say he's a damn fine editor.
Thanks for the constructive criticism Stromboli 🙏

Now on to your points!

1) Yeah, the original placement of the Joker Deleted scene was supposed to be right after Batman and Gordon find the Rat riddle at the Morgue. I wanted to go full circle with the scene, having Vol.3 start with the Batman asking about the Riddler in Arkham and facing the Riddler at the end of the episode. Glad to hear that some of you liked that change as much as me :)

1.5) When I watched the movie I actually thought exactly the same. While planning out the scene placements for the Miniseries I had the idea of the Joker laugh waking up Alfred as a transition, and if you listen closely you can still hear him laughing right before Alfred wakes up. Transitioning from Batman looking up into the sky to Alfred waking up would've worked too I guess but I'm satisfied with how it is right now.

2) Good suggestion! I actually never watched the episodes back to back while editing so I didn't notice that missing pause at the beginning of each one. Will definitely add something at the beginning.

3) I have to go back and check the scene to be sure but I actually think, that was the first time he realized that she was his daughter. I think that was her intention in that scene. Him learning who she was right before dying by her hand.

3.5) Thanks! :)

4) I already heard that it's a bit too loud so I'm definitely going back to that scene and adjusting the music.

5) Not sure if her asking him for his help without seeing a reaction from him and cutting to the next scene would work as well here. Otherwise you're correct, it would be a better transition visually. Maybe I can move his reaction to her question and her walking away to before the Intro Card. Then it would work I think. I'm gonna try that out.

Again thanks for all the suggestions. I'll wait for more feedback to come in (hopefully) and will collect all the points that make sense to me. There will definitely be a V2 of this before I finish the Noir Experience.
Regarding Strombolies 1.5 point above, I also agree that the Joker/Riddler scene would work better as mid/after credits scene imo.

However, this is just a personal choice and again, don’t expect you to change this.

Please let us know when a 1.1 version is ready following feedback and your already mentioned revisions.
4) I already heard that it's a bit too loud so I'm definitely going back to that scene and adjusting the music.
I didn't notice it the first time. But I just checked this out, and yes. The placement of the scene is very wise and the music choice is great, but it's a little loud.
I gotta hand it to you D. This a genius way to edit this show. I was only going to watch the first one tonight and each one hooks me into the next. And I've watched the original movie. I'm not looking to pick it apart. I'm enjoying it as it is. Awesome! Thank you for sharing!
However, I do think the cold-openings feel SLIGHTLY off, and I think the fix would be super easy. As they are now, when you click on the file to play the next episode, it boots up and plays immediately, almost as though I had the actual Movie paused and I was just hitting resume. I think all you need to do is throw in a quick IFDB disclaimer title card, or one of those quick 5-second clips

The Batman Year Two Miniseries was just sold to:

The Batman Year Two Miniseries was just sold to:


Anytime I see you reply to me in this thread

v2 is mostly finished.

It contains the following revisions:

- Added DonKamillo Box Office Entertainment Intro to all episodes
- Cut the shot of Batman flying by an office window after jumping off the GCPD building (Vol.2). Now we stay with him during the whole flight sequence.
- Cut the shot where a ramp for the Batmobile conveniently falls into place at the right time during the Penguin car chase sequence (Vol.2).
- Restructured the Vol.3 intro
- Reduced music volume in the final scene of Vol.4

The rest stays the same. Those who are interested in checking it out, let me know via PM and I'll get back to you with the links in a day or two.
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To the people who already watched it: Did you pay attention and catch the three little "plot hole fillers" I added? If not here's a hint on where you'll find them.

Riddle me this:
1) I am as black as the night until you fill me with light.
2) If you manage to control me, you'll win my affections.
3) Put me on paper and I'll surround you from all directions.

Let's clear that up...

I'm definitely not Batman, lol. The first one is a TV I think.

You were closer than you think @DirtyCop1036

2) You turn it on -> TV
3) It surrounds U from all directions. On paper, that looks like this: ...O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z -> TV

So that means all three hints are found on a TV screen.

Let me set the scene...

Riddler's Grand Finale:
When Edward was done prepping the lifeless body of the Mayor, he took a seat next to his wrapped gift for the Batman and pondered his next moves. The next steps were clear but something was missing. A grand finale to rid Gotham of all sin and corruption once and for all. Hadn't there been something on the TV when he was watching together with his friend here?

Hint #1 in Vol.1

He picked up the remote from the floor, where the Mayor's cold dead hand was just gripping it moments ago and turned on the TV. There they were, both candidates, lying to the people of Gotham. One of those liars was lying still now. The other one would be silenced soon enough.

The debate was followed by some news report about the Gotham City Seawall Restoration project. There was a big workers strike and even though there was talk about the wall being in horrible condition, and having several weak spots, in desperate need of repair, apparently there was not enough in the budget for it this year. The poor Mayor was being forced to shut down the project and postpone it until after the election. "Renewal is a lie..." Nobody seemed to care that the safety wall, protecting the city and its people from drowning in the Gotham River, was slowly crumbling away around them.

He felt a smile creeping up on his face under the mask. "Nobody cares... but me". There it was... His grand finale, right in front of him. "Thank you Mr. Mayor..."

The plan was simple but there were a lot of moving parts. He had to hurry. Fortunately his new found followers were eager to help...

First he had to get his hands on a couple of 10 lbs bags of ammonium nitrate blasting agents, typically used in construction...

Hint #2 in Vol.2

He also needed vehicles to transport the explosives through Gotham without attracting attention. Inconspicuous vans, that couldn't easily be traced back to him...

Hint #3 in Vol.3

The only thing left now was to find some of the many weak spots of Gotham City's sea wall and...

Everything comes together in Vol.4


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Let's clear that up...

You were closer than you think @DirtyCop1036

2) You turn it on -> TV
3) It surrounds U from all directions. On paper, that looks like this: ...O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z -> TV

So that means all three hints are found on a TV screen. 😁

Let me set the scene...

When Edward was done prepping the lifeless body of the Mayor, he took a seat next to his wrapped gift for the Batman and pondered his next moves. The next steps were clear but something was missing. A grand finale to rid Gotham of all sin and corruption once and for all. Hadn't there been something on the TV when he was watching together with his friend here?


Hint #1 in Vol.1

He picked up the remote from the floor, where the Mayor's cold dead hand was just gripping it moments ago and turned on the TV. There they were, both candidates, lying to the people of Gotham. One of those liars was lying still now. The other one would be silenced soon enough.

The debate was followed by some news report about the Gotham City Seawall Restoration project. There was a big workers strike and even though there was talk about the wall being in horrible condition, and having several weak spots, in desperate need of repair, apparently there was not enough in the budget for it this year. The poor Mayor was being forced to shut down the project and postpone it until after the election. "Renewal is a lie..." Nobody seemed to care that the safety wall, protecting the city and its people from drowning in the Gotham River, was slowly crumbling away around them.

He felt a smile creeping up on his face under the mask. "Nobody cares... but me". There it was... His grand finale, right in front of him. "Thank you Mr. Mayor..."

The plan was simple but there were a lot of moving parts. He had to hurry. Fortunately his new found followers were eager to help...

First he had to get his hands on a couple of 10 lbs bags of ammonium nitrate blasting agents, typically used in construction...


Hint #2 in Vol.2

He also needed vehicles to transport the explosives through Gotham without attracting attention. Inconspicuous vans, that couldn't easily be traced back to him...


Hint #3 in Vol.3

The only thing left now was to find some of the many weak spots of Gotham City's sea wall and...


Everything comes together in Vol.4


Holy shit, I'm really impressed man, this is true dedication. All is cristal clear now. When I first watched your mini-series, I thought that it was an excellent format, but it can't replace the actual movie. But now, with the amount of changes you made, the details you added. The Batman Year Two is definitely my way to go version.
Let's clear that up...

You were closer than you think @DirtyCop1036

2) You turn it on -> TV
3) It surrounds U from all directions. On paper, that looks like this: ...O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z -> TV

So that means all three hints are found on a TV screen. 😁

Let me set the scene...

When Edward was done prepping the lifeless body of the Mayor, he took a seat next to his wrapped gift for the Batman and pondered his next moves. The next steps were clear but something was missing. A grand finale to rid Gotham of all sin and corruption once and for all. Hadn't there been something on the TV when he was watching together with his friend here?


Hint #1 in Vol.1

He picked up the remote from the floor, where the Mayor's cold dead hand was just gripping it moments ago and turned on the TV. There they were, both candidates, lying to the people of Gotham. One of those liars was lying still now. The other one would be silenced soon enough.

The debate was followed by some news report about the Gotham City Seawall Restoration project. There was a big workers strike and even though there was talk about the wall being in horrible condition, and having several weak spots, in desperate need of repair, apparently there was not enough in the budget for it this year. The poor Mayor was being forced to shut down the project and postpone it until after the election. "Renewal is a lie..." Nobody seemed to care that the safety wall, protecting the city and its people from drowning in the Gotham River, was slowly crumbling away around them.

He felt a smile creeping up on his face under the mask. "Nobody cares... but me". There it was... His grand finale, right in front of him. "Thank you Mr. Mayor..."

The plan was simple but there were a lot of moving parts. He had to hurry. Fortunately his new found followers were eager to help...

First he had to get his hands on a couple of 10 lbs bags of ammonium nitrate blasting agents, typically used in construction...


Hint #2 in Vol.2

He also needed vehicles to transport the explosives through Gotham without attracting attention. Inconspicuous vans, that couldn't easily be traced back to him...


Hint #3 in Vol.3

The only thing left now was to find some of the many weak spots of Gotham City's sea wall and...


Everything comes together in Vol.4



What incredible, incredible work!!!
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