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Star Wars edits / highlights


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Just found this forum/site yesterday and I'm very intrigued. I can't wait to check out some of these edits.

I looked around the board for a comparison of the SW edits but found none. Does anyone prefer certain version over others?

Also, are there any "highlight" edits? I'd love to have a 30 minutes dvd of all the lightsaber battles from the SW saga. I may try and do that myself after I read up on the editing technique some more
hello bm697,

no, there is no comparison currently, we are thinking about including a rating system soon, but haven't yet.
What do you mean with highlight? Like greatest hits?
We could start a monthly poll for best fanedit and post the results on a page on fanedit.org, this could be fun.
For the rules of this: one fanedit only per faneditor, the winner receives fame and glory and (if somebody creates it, a logo for best fanedit of the month). Finally there coudl be the best fanedit of the year with all the winners of the former contests. Looks like a go for ADM, but what the heck, it could be fun.
I am going to set up a forum entry for this.
Yes, "greatest hits"

For instance, I'd love to have one edit featuring the Duel of the fates, yoda/Palpatine, Obi-wan/Anakin, Luke/Vader, etc. In sequence would be nice too! No jumping from Obi/Ankain to Yoda/Palpy, which happened so frequently in the prequels.
this is a close to impossible edit audiowise.
I'm not familiar enough with your editing methods to know why that is so. My skills haven't advanced past editing camcorder footage.
Star Wars is a very score heavy movie, especially during action scenes. if you cut from aheavily cut sequence, you will mix score segments. this will sound terrible, unless totally re-scored.
Someone did a lightsaber fights compilation. There's a thread about it somewhere on originaltrilogy.com.
It is also here:
http://www.fanedit.org/preservations/Da ... sabre.html

Ah! The score! yes, that makes perfect sense.

Thanks for the link. I'll check it out
Damn, its not on the fanedit torrent page. I'll have to do some more diggin.
nope, it is currently not available via download. Some people might have it and be willing to trade.
Just throw my two cents down on the original topic...

The Phantom Editor's cuts of Epsiodes I & II are without question worth checking out. The story surgery he pulled on "Clones" is quite frankly staggering, and his cut of "Menace" redeemed the film for me. He was the guy who ostensibly started the fan-edit ball rolling, so check them out.

About Ep. 3-- I honestly don't know much about what's out there. I wish someone would post a comparison review article like the one for the Matrix edits.

Maybe some day that person will be me... When I get some actual time on my hands...
wow...thanks a lot. I could upload it to rapidshare for everyone then.
One thing definitely worth pointing out is that Attack of the Phantom is without a doubt the most professionally made fan edit ever.
except for all the swearing on the commentary. Gotta be careful to watch that with the right company! A lot of star wars fans aren't old enough that hearing those words is not a big deal.
That's true. The commentary itself was more professional in The Phantom Edit. I think he got way too profane in the 2nd one. Still, aside from that, the production itself was of the highest quality.
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