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Star Trek: Picard

For some reason during the dogfight when they were hiding in the nebula and the sweeping shots of the alternate bridge perspectives I kept getting wrath of Kahn flashbacks and at one point I swear I was hearing the battle tune in my head (battle in the mutara nebula)
The first two seasons for me felt more like a well funded fan project, whereas the thirst season feels more like a tng continuation,I dont know if it is because of the original tng cast or better writers, but whatever it is ,this season has my full attention. I'm loving the back and forth between riker and picard.
This third season, and especially the fourth episode feel the most like a 21st Century continuation of TNG. At least they're getting the right general tone, but I do wish they had a brighter view of the future. DS9 did a much better job trying to fit the darkness of war and life outside the Federation with the Starfleet crew still doing their best to uphold those ideals in difficult circumstances. And when they faltered (like O'Brien's racism toward Cardassians), it's viewed as a personal shortcoming not tolerated by the rest of the crew, and they grow to overcome their personal faults. The cast of Picard does this to some extent, but it somehow feels different.
Another great episode with another massive pay off to a loose Next Generation plot thread. Direct references to some of the best and worst TNG movies too.
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PICARD S3E5 "Imposters"

OMG! It just keeps getting better and better! The stakes keep going up and the mystery deepens.
Some fantastic writing. Terry Matalas KNOWS these characters. I got really choked up, even watery eyes at one point. Paramount better reward him with another Trek series after this wraps.

As much as I enjoy both Discovery and Strange New Worlds, this is easily the BEST Star Trek since the Berman Era.

I found this to be a real crackerjack episode. Great tension, solid character beats and good plot development.

Interestingly, many Trek sites have given this a lower rating compared to the previous episodes. I wonder if that is because this one had far less callbacks and fan servicing?

For example, last episode "The Bounty" I absolutely LOVED, but I can acknowledge that was due in a large part to all the Trek Porn lol.
However, my bride found the first half of that episode BORING. Being only a casual Trek fan, most of the fan service was completely lost on her and she did not become engaged in the episode until it started exploring the character elements, particularly the Parent Themes.

I found this to be a real crackerjack episode. Great tension, solid character beats and good plot development.

Interestingly, many Trek sites have given this a lower rating compared to the previous episodes. I wonder if that is because this one had far less callbacks and fan servicing?

For example, last episode "The Bounty" I absolutely LOVED, but I can acknowledge that was due in a large part to all the Trek Porn lol.
However, my bride found the first half of that episode BORING. Being only a casual Trek fan, most of the fan service was completely lost on her and she did not become engaged in the episode until it started exploring the character elements, particularly the Parent Themes.
I think it's because it felt too exposition heavy and revealed Vaddick's character wasn't anything all that special. And Jack's powers are boardering on Last Action Hero at this point and get more and more sensational/gary stu-like.
I think it's because it felt too exposition heavy and revealed Vaddick's character wasn't anything all that special.
Fascinating. I found the Vadic reveal to be very powerful and to be of classic Trek allegory.

As for Jack? I am loving everything Matalas has done so far and trust his Jack reveal will be worth the wait.
Am I crazy or did Riker and Troi hating on Nepenthe and their house there feel like Matalas hating on Season 1?
Am I crazy or did Riker and Troi hating on Nepenthe and their house there feel like Matalas hating on Season 1?
I thought
bringing Data back after season 1 specifically was set up to kill him a second time
was a big example of Matalas hating on Season 1. Not that I disagree with the sentiment, just thought it was kind of funny.
The best episode of any Star Trek in a long time.

Not saying a great deal there but I know what you mean. This season does sound like it's finally getting it right in the opinion of pretty much everyone I hear. If you all don't hate the final episode, I might actually watch S3. I've read enough about the S1 and S2 travesties to not need to watch them exposition wise. Hopefully I can pretend this franchise went from the last TNG movie, straight to S3 Picard, with nothing in between ;) . I'll still have a hard time getting past how ugly and dark it looks visually though.
. Hopefully I can pretend this franchise went from the last TNG movie, straight to S3 Picard, with nothing in between ;) .
Do not think that will be possible. The plot is intricately connected to season one.

But take my word for it, this is classic STAR TREK. It is wonderful love letter to TNG fans.
Terry Matalas apprenticed under Berman and Braga, along with being a hardcore Trek fan, so he knows this era and these character intimately well.
I have loved every moment of this season.

And apparently, Season Three is the FIRST nuTrek series to crack the Streaming Top Ten.
Like many, I truly hope Paramount rewards Matatlas with his proposed LEGACY series.
Not saying a great deal there but I know what you mean.
Well I was not trying to say a great deal, just that I liked it, and I think I accomplished that just fine.
Hopefully I can pretend this franchise went from the last TNG movie, straight to S3 Picard, with nothing in between
Do not think that will be possible. The plot is intricately connected to season one.
Maybe someday someone can put together a short edit of S1 and S2 (like 1 or 2 ep length) that tells you just enough to understand S3. šŸ˜
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