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Revenge of the Sith: Rebalanced

Siliconmaster said:
2. Escape Pod Transition

The music ended naturally, albeit abruptly, right at the cut with the escape pods blasting off. I've time-stretched the final note to try to give it a little bit of overlap into the next shot. I'm hoping that's enough to smooth the transition:

The original scene does extend musically and there is a slight musical jump at the 0:04-0:05 mark where the music is truncated. A possible longer audio fade and/or starting the next part a tad later might work. My only other thought is that you could possibly extend the music by using the soundtrack as the original will be riddled with lightsaber sfx and screaming droids. The notes before the escape pods are fine as the original source is musicless.

3. Artoo Shot

The interpolation used in the VFX shot resulted in some jittery motion on the droids. I've removed the duplicate frames and then re-time-stretched the resulting footage using Premiere's optical flow interpolation to get a version with more fluid motion. I've also added a minor audio cue that I think helps sell the sequence:

Can you try fading in the oncoming scene at 0:13 to help the transition there? I like how abrupt r2 stops on command. The added timpani roll is fantastic and really brings that classic Star Wars feel. Great choice there. The shot of Anakin and Obi-wan is still jittery. Why not just cut from the battle droids saying "hands up Jedi" and transition straight to the outer bridge scene using the timpani roll? We just saw Anakin and Obi-Wan, cutting them wouldn't hurt and would remove the jitter due to the changing of the speed of the video. You could also just restore the original speed of the shot, though that might make it feel pretty jumpy.

The other edits look and sounded good :) Your wife's suggestion on replacing the music when the pregnancy is revealed was pretty great. The scene went from creepola to, "Yeah, I remember that feeling when I found out we were having a baby".
Thanks for the feedback, I appreciate it. I'm glad you liked the other edits!

DigModiFicaTion said:
2. Escape Pod Transition

The original scene does extend musically and there is a slight musical jump at the 0:04-0:05 mark where the music is truncated. A possible longer audio fade and/or starting the next part a tad later might work. My only other thought is that you could possibly extend the music by using the soundtrack as the original will be riddled with lightsaber sfx and screaming droids. The notes before the escape pods are fine as the original source is musicless.

I woke up early this morning to take a look at this one. First I tried pushing the second half of the edit back to make room for the last note of the quasi-Grievous theme, but that exposed two seconds of droids running through hallways, and I don't think I could time stretch the footage believably to make up for the time.

My second attempt used part of the soundtrack like you suggested. It resulted in something very similar to the version posted above, but without the music hiccup. Now, instead of theme --> half-note --> new music, it should go theme --> new music. The new music should come in right at the beat without any unsteadiness.

See what you think, is this enough to fix it?

DigModiFicaTion said:
3. Artoo Shot

Can you try fading in the oncoming scene at 0:13 to help the transition there? I like how abrupt r2 stops on command. The added timpani roll is fantastic and really brings that classic Star Wars feel. Great choice there. The shot of Anakin and Obi-wan is still jittery. Why not just cut from the battle droids saying "hands up Jedi" and transition straight to the outer bridge scene using the timpani roll? We just saw Anakin and Obi-Wan, cutting them wouldn't hurt and would remove the jitter due to the changing of the speed of the video. You could also just restore the original speed of the shot, though that might make it feel pretty jumpy.

I will take a look at this edit when I have a little more time. Admittedly I like seeing Anakin's reaction to getting caught like an idiot, but you're right that for the length of time it needs to sell the point it's obviously time-stretched. Hopefully ending on the shot of the droids like you suggested will work well enough. If I'm lucky, there's an extra second of droid footage without much slapstick or stupid dialogue so I can hold there for a beat.

So close! I'm determined to get these changes ironed out, as I would love to get this released during my birthday month. I should have a new version of the Artoo edit within a day or two.
I was able to look at the Artoo edit sooner than expected. Here are my results:

In the interest of exploring all options, here's what the scene looks like without any time remapping. It works, but that last shot definitely feels rushed:

And here is the version that I'd probably pick, which as you suggested removes the shot in question entirely. I've retimed the music cue to hopefully still fit well. There was not any additional footage from that shot of the two droids sadly, I could have used an extra few frames but didn't want to time remap anything if possible:

Both sound good. If the second one is your choice I'd probably move the timpani closer to the transition to the next scene, but that's just personal preference. I think we just need to verify fps and video quality on a final version of the whole thing.
DigModiFicaTion said:
Both sound good. If the second one is your choice I'd probably move the timpani closer to the transition to the next scene, but that's just personal preference. I think we just need to verify fps and video quality on a final version of the whole thing.

Agreed. Here's a version with that timpani roll timing tweaked:

I'll begin exporting a full version and let you know when I have it ready for final approval. I have to tweak the chapter points because the timing of the movie changed for these last two edits. As a result it will take a little bit, but hopefully not long.

Edit: Updated the above video to v5, after a discussion between myself and DigMod.

Congratulations @"Siliconmaster". One of the keys to a strong edit is attention to detail, especially during transitions. Siliconmaster has demonstrated prowess in this area. Like a true Jedi, he has persevered through the feedback and trial that is the review process. No longer a Padawan are you, a Jedi now you will be (Yoda speech for welcome to the approved faneditor club  ;) )​

Aspiring faneditors please take note of Siliconmaster's utilization of feedback and openness. Very responsive and open is the key to producing the best work possible. I know I took a few notes for my future ventures :)

If you liked Hal's Labyrinth of Evil, but wanted a little it more swashbuckling spins, this edit may just be for you. Congrats again Siliconmaster.​
Fantastic news, thanks DigMod! It feels good to reach the finish line!

I've submitted my information for the IFDB listing. Files for v1.3 are online and available in the same place as older editions were. Anyone who wants links, PM me and I'll respond as quickly as I can.
Congratulations! Read through the thread and amazing progress on your part!

I haven't seen RotS for years - I'd love a PM to check yours out in the near future and to lose my virginity once more.
Just a reminder that users receive alerts that they get PM's. No need to post ;)
Haha fair enough. I would have posted saying thanks no matter what though  ;)
Well, apparently that rogue audio clip I removed from v1.2? It made it back into all 3 versions somehow. At 36:11 that damned music clip plays loudly for a few seconds.

After taking a few deep breaths, I'm ready to remove it and re-upload. I will update as soon as I can. Apologies to anyone who already downloaded it.
All files are replaced and ready to go on Google Drive. 1.4 is live!

In addition to fixing the audio glitch, I took the opportunity to remove the "She's lost the will to live" line during the birthing scene. Simple, but definitely an improvement. Better vague than specifically dumb.

I've added a 5GB MKV option to the Drive folder by request of some viewers. I was also having trouble uploading the Blu Ray in 10 GB pieces, so that is in 5 GB parts as well. Probably easier for people to download in the long run anyway.
Does this incorporate HAL9000's ending where Pandme is holding the baby?
It does not. It's a great idea, and it does fix the plot hole, but it always seemed too noticeable to me. Since one of the biggest goals of this edit was to make it as seamless as possible, I decided I had to use a modified version of the original.
I can't believe that nobody has posted here since 2019. Well, first of all, thanks for this edit. :)

It does not. It's a great idea, and it does fix the plot hole, but it always seemed too noticeable to me. Since one of the biggest goals of this edit was to make it as seamless as possible, I decided I had to use a modified version of the original.
I absolutely agree. I was glad that Hal9000 listened to the many suggestions and did an alternate ending with Padme's funeral scene. I'm happy that Siliconmaster chose the same path. Thank you for that!

With that said, it's a real pity that there are no subs for this one. Not for the hard-of-hearing, but for all those who need subs to properly understand english (probably 90% of people in the world, lol). I understand that it takes a lot of time for the editor, and that it's not very rewarding when you don't need subs yourself. Maybe somebody else will do it someday. If that's the case, let him be rewarded by knowing that it will open this fantastic edit to a lot more people. That's why subs exist in the first place! ;)
Thanks! I had a blast working on the project and I'm glad people are still enjoying it.

I am truly sorry there are no subtitles. If anyone is willing to make a set, I'd gladly reupload v1.4 with those embedded. Unfortunately these days I just don't have the time to transcribe an entire movie, let alone figure out how to export a sub file. One day hopefully!
At long last I am finally working on subtitles for RotS: Rebalanced.

It's proving to be an interesting project. I'm referencing the official Blu Ray subtitles for most of the content, which is very useful.

I do have a minor dilemma though: Should I subtitle only the dialogue, or go the SDH/Modern Streaming approach and subtitle sound effects as well? For instance, in the Blu Ray subtitles any droid beeping or Wookiee roars are entirely excluded. The Disney Plus version has subs like [Wookiees Roaring].

I am tempted to at least include the Wookiees and other non-verbal communication. However, I decided it would be good to ask here in case there was a large group of people who would prefer either excluding the non-verbal parts or would like a full SDH hearing approach for the entire film. I'd prefer to avoid having both versions to keep it simple.

Edit: I'm also running into things like obvious beeping sounds from consoles, which feel right to subtitle. I'll have to keep thinking about whether it would be worth having two full sub tracks, one as "subtitles" and the other as "subtitles - SDH".
Last edited:
I still have a long ways to go, but I have completed the following:
  • Full SDH subs for the MKV version (includes sound effects, music cues, etc. similar to the Disney+ presentation)
  • Multiple minor audio fixes (Yes that means this is actually v1.5. I'll have a full list with details when I finish.)
  • Modified the AotC establishing shot of Padmé's apartment so that it has the same coloring as the scene directly following it
  • Exported full quality ProRes master files for the MKV and Blu Ray versions, each about 300GB. From these I can recompress into usable sizes.
  • Recreated chapter file for MKV version, now with named chapters. Apparently after v1.2 the MKVs stopped having chapters at all, whoops.
  • Initial brainstorming and asset gathering for a new subtitle menu on the Blu Ray. This will be the huge time sink of this project, but I'm hoping it won't be so bad.

    To do:

  • Rewatch entire movie at least once to check subtitle timings and make sure no visual or audio glitches snuck back into the exports
  • Derive dialogue-only subtitle track from SDH version after I confirm timings
  • Create modified-timing sub versions for the Blu Ray version, which has the Fan Edit warning before the menus rather than at the start of the movie itself as the MKV does.
  • Design and create subtitle menu for Blu Ray version, including transition sequences
The good news is that I have a 30GB MKV with chapters and subs already viewable. Obviously still a lot to do, and I'm pretty short on free time these days, but I'll try to keep working on this and get everyone a v1.5 they'll be happy with.
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