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Rebel Moon

Based on what @Bobson Dugnutt shared from that reddit post, it's possible that the extended cut will be a huge improvement, but the Snyder-isms will always be prevalent.
I might watch the extended cut but I have no interest in whatever this current version is.
I've watched the first one 3 times now, once in the cinema and twice on Netflix and it improves with each watch. I'm very excited for the extended cuts and absolutely will be putting out and edit (or edits) once the content is readily ability. I have issues with it but genuinely I really really like it.

Also; the new trailer for part 2 is out and it looks really fun!
I've watched the first one 3 times now, once in the cinema and twice on Netflix and it improves with each watch. I'm very excited for the extended cuts and absolutely will be putting out and edit (or edits) once the content is readily ability. I have issues with it but genuinely I really really like it.

Also; the new trailer for part 2 is out and it looks really fun!

Part 1 and Part 2 together as a single thing would be very interesting. I'm interested to see that, if that's in your plans!
I mean I'm.still to formalise plans but I have a wish list from having watched the first film several times.

I envision doing at least edits both combining the two parts, one for the theatrical release and one for the directors cut but we'll see
I've watched the first one 3 times now, once in the cinema and twice on Netflix and it improves with each watch. I'm very excited for the extended cuts and absolutely will be putting out and edit (or edits) once the content is readily ability. I have issues with it but genuinely I really really like it.

Also; the new trailer for part 2 is out and it looks really fun!
I can’t remember my reaction to the Part 1 trailer, but the part 2 trailer looked more action packed than I felt the whole of part 1 was. But trailers can do that; especially Snyder trailers. I think my review is somewhere earlier in the thread but I was surprised at just how boring I found the first one, the one thing I didn’t expect for a Snyder movie. I’ll watch the part 2 at some point I’m sure but part 1 felt wildly uneven to me.
Fair enough Moe I'd definitely suggest revisiting it and knowing what to expect going in. Hopefully my eventual edit will redeem Rebel Moon for some of you
I can’t remember my reaction to the Part 1 trailer, but the part 2 trailer looked more action packed than I felt the whole of part 1 was. But trailers can do that; especially Snyder trailers. I think my review is somewhere earlier in the thread but I was surprised at just how boring I found the first one, the one thing I didn’t expect for a Snyder movie. I’ll watch the part 2 at some point I’m sure but part 1 felt wildly uneven to me.
Rebel Moon is genuinely one of the most dull and lifeless movies I've ever trudged through, so you're far from alone. It felt Snyder-by-numbers, with him cramming in all of his worse traits – dialogue that veers from flat and insipid to hammy clichés, one-dimensional characters that are introduced and promptly disappear into the background, the overuse of slow-mo, and the aggressive desaturation that sucks all the life and beauty out of all his movies. And it feels so long. What does Zack have against editors?

I don't really see the Director's Cut improving it if all it adds is gore and foul language, but a fanedit combining the two parts might produce something a little more to my taste.
I don't really see the Director's Cut improving it if all it adds is gore and foul language, but a fanedit combining the two parts might produce something a little more to my taste.
I read that Snyder himself called the Director’s Cuts of these movies “Verhoevenesque.” I worry that means lots more graphic sex and violence but without any of the social satire and commentary that Verhoeven used that gratuitousness to convey.
I read that Snyder himself called the Director’s Cuts of these movies “Verhoevenesque.” I worry that means lots more graphic sex and violence but without any of the social satire and commentary that Verhoeven used that gratuitousness to convey.
The mind boggles. Snyder is a guy whose movies I want to like, but he's much like 21st century George Lucas in that he just doesn't work with people who can accentuate his strengths as a filmmaker while hiding his weaknesses. Until he finds that right blend, or reverts to closely adapting pre-existing material like 300 and Watchmen, my expectations will remain low.
His stuff is way too graphic, I'm disturbed by his desire to make things as uncomfortably inappropriate as possible, I like the DCEU trilogy, but otherwise his stuff's way too inappropriate. Rebel Moon is what he wanted yes, but also repulsive to me as an audience member.
I was avoiding this, but decided to humour it.

I didn't like it, then I did, then I didn't, then I thought... It was OK. Overlooking some bad dialogue, the first act is decent, and I really liked the robot at the start. Gave me Clifford Simak pastoral sci-fi vibes, and his speech to the young girl hinted at a wider world of lore while we were stuck on a farming planet. Breeds imagination. I liked the mood.

Less interesting once we start hopping from planet to planet and there's less and less tangibility to the surroundings. The leading lady is quite well developed, I think, especially once we have that massive flashback insight into her past, but everyone else is cardboard, and there's little excuse with the runtime.

Overall, watchable and enjoyable, if thin and derivative. I don't think it's great, I do think the criticism is overblown. I wouldn't mind watching Part 2.
I decided to try it based on the mixed reactions.
I have to say, from the beginning I feel like I'm watching a Tommy Wiseau movie.
I mean everything is so awkward and staged. The script is full of completely unnecessary garbage, it's taking 20 minutes to do a 5 minute scene. The actors are stilted and wooden, with camera angles that are so basic, I'm falling asleep.
I'm totally incredulous that this is the same guy who did the Watchmen, The 300, Man of Steel etc. I guess there's a lot to be said for the producers of those movies. This was so painful I just had to switch it off when they were so clumsily trying to pull the wool over the eyes of the friendly military guy for no apparent reason.
I have to say, from the beginning I feel like I'm watching a Tommy Wiseau movie.

Harsh! hahaa

fire flames GIF
I'm totally incredulous that this is the same guy who did the Watchmen, The 300, Man of Steel etc. I guess there's a lot to be said for the producers of those movies.
That's the thing that gets me. I really enjoyed Dawn of the Dead, and found 300 and Watchmen to be solid, if flawed, adaptations. Man of Steel made it clear Snyder did not identify with the character at all but was watchable. I found BVS and ZSJL borderline unwatchable tripe, but both were made while Snyder was engaged in "creative differences" with his employers, so I'll cut him some slack.

The Netflix era is supposed to be Snyder "unleashed" from the overly restrictive working conditions he latterly suffered from at Warner Bros. If Army of the Dead and Rebel Moon are the best examples of him unleashed, maybe he needs to be put back on a leash.
Overall, watchable and enjoyable, if thin and derivative. I don't think it's great, I do think the criticism is overblown. I wouldn't mind watching Part 2.

I definitely liked it more than you but I think your review is more than fair. Very keen to see part 2 and then make some edits
Grabbing popcorn and definitely tuning in for Part Two.
It's kinda weird how low-key the release for the second movie has been compared to the first.

Netflix went all out on their advertising blitz on Part One. For the entire month leading up to it the trailer played everywhere, there were posters on the streets and sides of buses, and they really tried to make sure people were hyped for it by the time it dropped.

In comparison, Part Two has had a trailer drop that I had to go out of my way to watch and... nothing, apparently? It's apparently been in theatres for the past week, and nobody seems to have noticed or cared.
Has it really been in theaters? I posted the above be used I happened to come across an article about it that said there was a screening a week ago but that professional reviewers were under embargo and only a few blogger type reviews had surfaced so far.
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