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Prism_Skywalker's Fanediting Support Thread


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Thanks for pointing that out.
That's really interesting, my guide wasn't intended for that. I'll make sure I specify in my OP.


I don't re-encode for editing, I let my NLE create proxy files.
If I need to for some reason though :-

Encoding for editing.... I use ffmpeg. (FFmpegGUI-2)
Output Container = MP4
Video Codec = Apple ProRes
Audio Codec = PCM
I set everything else on auto or leave it on default.

This results in a very large file that is easy to edit with. it's usually something like 300-400 GB but it is pretty much maximum quality.
How do you download ffmpeg for mac? I am on a older model computer, I want the compiled version, no terminal code, can you help?
Help @tremault I just want to edit, not write Java I'm gonna break my computer if I'm not careful what do i do for the entire thing as one download??
I dont even know what the heck i am doing amymore this is so stupidly difficult, it may have encoded but I have no audio track? I dont know what the heck is wrong!! :/
I dont even know what the heck i am doing amymore this is so stupidly difficult, it may have encoded but I have no audio track? I dont know what the heck is wrong!! :/
I've been working with video since 1996. It takes time to learn all the ins and outs of how it works. check out the videohelp dot com website and just read stuff that interests you, you can learn how this stuff works over time. patience.
@Prism_Skywalker can you plainly state what you are trying to accomplish with rendering/encoding, and what steps you are taking? Maybe also let us know what your computer specs are.
@asterixsmeagol I am just trying to rip bluerays and get them into a editing software without quality loss and without taking 20 hours. I think Avidemux will help I am just going to need to figure out audio issues with @tremault (Also I am on a MacOS 10.13.6)
@asterixsmeagol I am just trying to rip bluerays and get them into a editing software without quality loss and without taking 20 hours. I think Avidemux will help I am just going to need to figure out audio issues with @tremault (Also I am on a MacOS 10.13.6)
For simplicity's sake, if you're trying to rip Blu-rays then you don't need Handbrake. Use MakeMKV to rip the Blu-ray, which will create a 1:1 copy of the movie (depending on the speed of your Blu-ray drive it shouldn't take longer than an hour) and use Avidemux or Shutter Encoder to repack the MKV to MP4, which will take minutes and not affect quality.

Handbrake should really only be used for the final render of your edit.
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@asterixsmeagol No it wont let me copy, I've set audio to copy and it says Avidemux only accepts specific formats. Such as AAC, AC3 and E-AC3, so I am stuck, it won't convert to MP4. I then attempted to go through the audio options of Avidemux and none of them work, do I need to reencode with the specific channel it wants? Or...?
@Prism_Skywalker You might want to look into this work flow:

Rip with any of the following:
- Download- Official Beta Key
AnyDVD - Website (not free)

Remuxing tools for Ripped BD or DVD:
- https://forum.doom9.org/showthread.php?t=125966
mkvtoolnix - https://mkvtoolnix.download/downloads.html

Why Remux?
Might want to only have a specific video file, specific audio tracks, and specific subtitles and remuxing will give you more tooling for this.

Convert your mkv to mp4 without dealing with any specific encoding using ffmpeg using a cmd like:
ffmpeg -i input.mkv -c copy output.mp4
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@Prism_Skywalker I've moved your posts that were not on topic from Tremault's thread on Handbrake to this new thread. Please post your fanediting software questions here. If you have questions that do not align with another thread in the Fanedit Software forum, please post them here instead of taking the other thread off topic.
I'll sum it up, how do I easily turn Bluerays into editable files on a MacOS, what programs do I use to not make it twenty hours. I'd use Avidemux but it wont let me copy audio it wants specific channels. I just want to keep quality and quickly export, my mac is a 10.13.6, and I dont want to use ffmpeg as I don't want to mess with terminal. And when I say specific channels it's like wanting AC3 and such, dont remember specifics but basically the audio on the blueray wont work?
Okay, I'm going to assume that you're still trying to get the movie from the Blu-ray disc onto your hard drive, so will begin from the very start.

  1. Download and install MakeMKV, then register using the beta key provided by the developer.
  2. Run MakeMKV, insert the Blu-ray disc into your drive, and open the disk in MakeMKV when it prompts you.
  3. Select the file(s) you want to rip. In almost all cases this will be the stream with the largest filesize. You can include as many or as few audio and subtitles streams as you want. For maximum compatibility I'd suggest just using the 5.1 surround AC3 stream.
  4. Choose your output folder and proceed to ripping the files. Your drive speed will determine how long this should take, but it shouldn't take longer than an hour or so. All this process does is copy the exact files you selected from disc to your hard drive and wraps them in an MKV container.
  5. Download and install Shutter Encoder.
  6. Run Shutter Encoder and either drag the MKV file you created into the 'choose files' box or use the 'browse' button to open it.
  7. Under 'choose function' select 'rewrap' and in the drop-down menu next to it select 'MP4'.
  8. Under 'audio settings' click on 'convert' and in the drop-down menus next to it select 'AAC' and '640'.
  9. Select your output folder, click 'start function', and let the program do its thing. As it is only re-encoding the audio it shouldn't take very long.
You should now have an MP4 Blu-ray rip which has zero loss of video quality and the audio in AAC format, which will be compatible with all non-linear editors.
Ok hey, so double checking, is Shutterstock the best thing to use? I have a new mac that is the latest specs and just wanna know what will have the fastest speed and fastest quality? Double checking so I don't download 20 softwares.
Okay so ignore what I said: I am about to get on to my latest specs and model MacOS computer and would like to know what software gets it done quick and quality wise. To get it into a state for editing, all I want to do is quickly and quality wise convert a Blueray from MKV to MP4 without suffering time and loss. @MightyAttackTribble @DigModiFicaTion
Rip the disc using MakeMKV

Convert MKV to MP4 using aviDemux
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