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Planet of the Apes TV Movies (Help finding)


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hope its is ok to ask this and it is in the right section. if not, please feel free to delete.

these were made and released in the early 80's from the tv series Planet of the Apes. i just recently came across these on a fansite about Roddy McDowell and that he donned the ape makeup to do beginning and ending for each of these made for tv movies. i have never seen the added McDowell scenes or these tv movies. Were they released on dvd across the pond? i am just trying to figure out where to better focus my search.

Back to the Planet of the Apes
The Forgotten City of the Planet of the Apes
Treachery and Greed on the Planet of the Apes
Life, Liberty and Pursuit on the Planet of the Apes
Farewell to the Planet of the Apes
Funny story, I actually discovered the POTA franchise with the tv movies FIRST, before the theatrical movies, back in 80 or 81, when they aired as part of an APES marathon week on an American super-channel... I want to say WGN Chicago, but I could be mistaken.

As far as I know, and I could be very wrong, the tv movies have never had a physical release. I have looked many times over the years and never found any concrete evidence of it. It certainly was not included in the various APES collections over the years. I wish it was, as I would love to revisit them. Though if memory serves, they were very choppy tv edits.

As for the Galen intros and outtros, I know those were made specifically for Network Affiliates and were not part of the TV Movie package when they went into wider syndication. They were not part of the tv movies when I originally watched them and only discovered them years later on Youtube.

But if you if you ever find them, please let me know. :)
Funny story, I actually discovered the POTA franchise with the tv movies FIRST, before the theatrical movies, back in 80 or 81, when they aired as part of an APES marathon week on an American super-channel... I want to say WGN Chicago, but I could be mistaken.

As far as I know, and I could be very wrong, the tv movies have never had a physical release. I have looked many times over the years and never found any concrete evidence of it. It certainly was not included in the various APES collections over the years. I wish it was, as I would love to revisit them. Though if memory serves, they were very choppy tv edits.

As for the Galen intros and outtros, I know those were made specifically for Network Affiliates and were not part of the TV Movie package when they went into wider syndication. They were not part of the tv movies when I originally watched them and only discovered them years later on Youtube.

But if you if you ever find them, please let me know. :)
i know the made for tv movies were certain episodes of the tv series cut together and they had McDowell come back to do the intros and exits like he was telling the story to someone from the research i have done so far. i am surprised these tv movies were not released anywhere. the 1977 Amazing Spider-man tv series was done the same way, episodes cut into movies and released overseas in the theatres and on video tapes. i am a member of the dvdprofiler community as well and no-one over there has seen these ape tv movies released either and a lot of that community is across the pond. I am going to continue the search and if i find them i will definitely let you know.
here are the intros and exits for the tv movies. this is what it says under the video

When the Planet of the Apes telefilms began syndication, ABC's owned and operated stations, who bought them for their afternoon movie programs (with titles such as The 4:30 Movie), asked Roddy McDowall to re-create his role of Galen in a series of new beginnings and endings specifically for these stations, billed as "The New Planet of the Apes". The introductions created originally by 20th Century Fox to begin each film were replaced by a now-aged Galen (McDowall) examining the events of the telefilms. The beginnings and endings revealed Virdon and Burke's final fates: "They found their computer in another city and disappeared into space as suddenly as they’d arrived". According to "TV Zone Special #17" (1995 issue) McDowall filmed these "two years after the demise of the first run episodes of the Planet of the Apes television series", which would be December 1976. The ABC openings and closings of these telefilms were neither broadcast by other stations nor included on any home media release.

these are the episodes that were spliced together for each of the made for tv movies
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