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Picard Season 3


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I was disappointed with the first two seasons of Star Trek Picard, but the first four episodes of the third season are in, and I liked them. I created no fanedits myself, but with this season I think it would be relatively simple to create a Star Trek-Movie-Edit: An intro with the existing caption "in the 25th century", than a location shot of Starflleet Academy from the second season, the framing scene from the episode 4 beginning (Picard questioned by cadets) ending with "...you're never ever without hope", than movie-like intro credits with clips from the Next Generation and a theme from an earlier Next Generation-movie, then removing the entire Rafi-subplot and some superfluous scenes (Picards housekeeper/new love interest and some flashbacks) and ending with Picards Log entry and a "to be continued"-caption, then the existing end credits (which are very movie-like), and the result would be a two and a half hour movie, maybe "Star Trek XI: Picard Part One" or "The Final Voyage", something like that.
I was thinking the same...I would love to find a way of editing out all the mystery box content, maybe Beverly and Jack simply got the short end of a bad deal and that's why Vadic is after them in a re-edit?
I find there's so much in it that is left unaddressed. it has questions that it raises but does not acknowledge, for example, the way beverley is behaving is completely out of character, but the director does not acknowledge this, making it feel like they don't know what they are doing. a simple juxtaposition between old beverley and current beverley would have helped that. just one example of course. I don't know if all of that could be caught and fixed. I find it very difficult to watch as I am not capable of turning my brain off.
There's just so much that doesn't make sense that I never got past the first 20 minutes.
I have been very impressed with season 3. It’s basically a completely different show. I wouldn’t turn this into a movie cause I think there is too much good stuff in it, and Star Trek has been in desperate need of good stuff for a long time. Plus trek always works best as a tv show. That being said, some nips and tucks would serve it very well...

Let’s axe, the casual swearing. Tone down the characters speaking slang like it’s the 2020’s and everybody drinking like synthahol isn’t a thing (people in the TNG world are supposed to be more evolved than that). Trim all of Raffi‘s scenes pre-Worf (god she sucks, and every time it cut to her it ruined the pacing). Take out a few shots here and there of Stewart looking around like he forgot he was filming. Remove mention of the Seven Raffi romance and Picard being an android (we’ll have to wait until the end of the season to see if this is possible but so far it easily is). Get rid of the pop songs starting each episode (other than that the music has been phenomenal). And if possible, improve the lighting.
I liked Season 3 more than 1 & 2 (not a high bar to clear) but it was full of padding, fat and treading water. All the good bits could easily fit into a 3 hour feature length I think. Cut out as much of the Jack / red door tedium as possible, cut out ALL the swearing, cut out as much of the pointless Raffi / Worf side-stories as possible, all the repetative Vadic scenes, the false empty conflict and drama between Shaw / Picard / Riker / Seven, and you could make something worth watching more than once. There were a couple of episodes that didnt advance the story one bit and could pretty much be removed compleley. I feel no compulsion to see the whole ten full episodes ever again. The only episode that was up to scratch in its entirety with classic Trek in my opinion was episode 4, so a lot of that could be kept.
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I liked Season 3 as it is, but if you do end up editing it I'd watch it for sure.
I think it's possible to do an edit without including Vadic, but it'd require some precision repeat viewing and constantly rearranging furniture to cover your tracks
I've watched the first 4 episodes now, and as everyone knows they make a semi-complete story. To me it seems like 4 episodes gave us one episode's worth of story! So rather than making feature-length movies of the whole season, I wonder about making the first 4 episodes into a 45 minute to 1 hour episode. I don't know about the rest of the season yet. From what I read it sounds like the last 2 episodes make a good movie.
Anyone still interested in making a fanedit of Picard Season 3???

TLDR: This is about fixing the Star Warsy phasers and warp jumps and making them Star Trekky!

I don't have enough interest in it to put in the work, but if anyone's going to do it, and they also have some visual effects software and abilities, maybe you'd be into fixing some of the annoying Star-Wars-style visual effects and sound effects. The phasers are shooting short little laser "bullets" with a harsh, punchy sound effect, rather than the longer, sustained beams with more pleasant sound effects that Star Trek always had. Likewise, when ships go in and out of warp speed, they're suddenly slamming in and out with harsh sound effects, like in the Star Wars prequels, and not like Star Trek's warp jumps always were. This is part of the show's general attempt to make everything harsher, tougher, cooler, more bad-ass, but to me it just comes across as annoying and inappropriate. (Oh and there's also an original-series beaming sound effect that should be replaced by Next Generation beaming sound effect! It seems like the creators liked Star Wars best, Star Trek original series and movies second best, and hated Next Generation!)

For the phasers, it might be relatively easy to animate a proper phaser beam right on top of the "bullet" effect, I'm not sure.
For the warp jumps, maybe speed-ramping could slow the ships enough to make it close to the familiar Star Trek effect.

And maybe it's possible to brighten up the red parts of the uniforms? The yellow ones looked fine but the red ones are so dark the red often looks black.
Ah, now I see that Star Trek - Seeds of Conspiracy is a Picard Season 3 fanedit in the works.
Ah, now I see that Star Trek - Seeds of Conspiracy is a Picard Season 3 fanedit in the works.
I'm currently having somebody make an end credits for me. Also, I'm restructuring a couple of scenes at the request of someone est watching it for me. I'm almost done with it. If there any question you have, DM me or check out my forum post.
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