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NFL Football


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This is a thread to discuss NFL Football.  (I mean American Football, not Soccer)

The Eagles blew a 17-0 lead today.


Brutal loss man.

I also feel bad for Browns fans.  But at least they have an actual team this year.  I kinda wish they had tied and were 2-3-2 right now, that would have been funny.

My Bears completed a hail mary that would have tied it but the receiver was tackled at the one. :(
You should feel even worse for the Lions. They lost to the Browns.
I hate the fact that the Eagles are playing in London.    

NFL, quit playing games overseas.  It just doesn't work.  They are into soccer there,  not football.  It is just silly stupid that they do this.  

Additionally, because of the timing of the game, I will miss it as it takes place the same time as our church service + Sunday School.   :mad:
If it was silly and stupid and didn't work they wouldn't do multiple games every year.

If you had a conflict at the normal time you'd be happy it's earlier.

Can't please everyone.
Each of these London games is taking away one of the team's home games.   Fortunately this time it is Jacksonville that is losing a home game.  They better not take away a home game from the Eagles.    

TVs Frink said:
If it was silly and stupid and didn't work they wouldn't do multiple games every year.

Do you really think it is making football popular in Europe? 

TVs Frink said:
If you had a conflict at the normal time you'd be happy it's earlier.

Can't please everyone.

I guarantee you back in the day, the timing was arranged so it wouldn't cause a conflict with church services.  Sunday morning church services is nothing new.  The problem here is the time difference between the states and London.  

In any event football and London go together about as well as Mustard and peanut butter.
Is there a way to block a thread from showing up for me?  :p
My area doesn’t have a professional football team. New York City.  :p
jrWHAG42 said:
Is there a way to block a thread from showing up for me?  :p

Why would you wish to block this thread from showing up for you?  (I am assuming this is the thread you wish to block, because you posted this in here)
Joking because probably doesn't like football.
I'm not interested in football whatsoever. My grandmother and uncle tried to get me into it, but I can't. 
Tecmobowl us a good game though. 
Anyways, I'm not one to criticize others for liking it. If there's no way to block it, I'll just leave you all in peace.
Warbler said:
Oh, one of them.


What if someone called you "one of them" because you don't like something they like.  Kinda demeaning...
TVs Frink said:
Warbler said:
Oh, one of them.


What if someone called you "one of them" because you don't like something they like.  Kinda demeaning...

Frink, my hero, coming to defense.
Warbler said:
TVs Frink said:
Warbler said:
Oh, one of them.


What if someone called you "one of them" because you don't like something they like.  Kinda demeaning...

I was only joking.

I got it. Don't worry, soon enough you'll get to know Frink enough to know that he has no sense of humor.
jrWHAG42 said:
Warbler said:
TVs Frink said:
Warbler said:
Oh, one of them.


What if someone called you "one of them" because you don't like something they like.  Kinda demeaning...

I was only joking.

I got it. Don't worry, soon enough you'll get to know Frink enough to know that he has no sense of humor.

I know Frink well from ot.com,  he is always complaining about my lack of sense of humor!
Warbler said:
jrWHAG42 said:
Warbler said:
TVs Frink said:
Warbler said:
Oh, one of them.


What if someone called you "one of them" because you don't like something they like.  Kinda demeaning...

I was only joking.

I got it. Don't worry, soon enough you'll get to know Frink enough to know that he has no sense of humor.

I know Frink well from ot.com,  he is always complaining about my lack of sense of humor!


I'm confused, who's the truly humorless one?
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