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Mountain hiking


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Any mountain hiking enthusiasts here?

I've become one myself, about five years ago when I visited my country highest mountains (which are Tatra mountains) for a first time. Since then, I've passed most of the trails on the polish side of those mountains, most of them with my wife, some of them with my daughter who started at the age of 6.

Three years later with one of my friends I've reached the top of the highest mountain in Poland which was quite an experience (it is around 2500 meters above the sea level). It took 14 hours to go there and back again (not counting another 6 hours of driving). I am only doing one day trips though.

Here's the short version of the film I've made there:
No one? That's quite disappointing.
I’m an avid hiker and climber. I’ve been to 6k meters twice, once in Peru and once in Nepal. I’ve done big walls in Yosemite, Colorado, and Zion. I’m in my 50s now and have twin 9 year old boys. So things are bit tamer. The kids climb though mostly indoors. Though I have started to take them on some via ferrata. My kids do a YouTube channel of their travels while we’re living in Europe. Here’s some that feature hiking:

And one featuring a cool via ferrata, though my kids weren’t tall enough for this one.

Now that's more like it, some great views there :)
I've started in my mid 30s, earlier always liked it but only visited smaller mountains. Not doing anything extreme, but there were some trails that I would not take my kid with me there, just like the one below:

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So that’s right on the Poland-Slovakia border? It’s beautiful. We were in Bratislava just last week. Slovenia is another great hiking country that often gets overlooked. We are hoping to get to Poland this August if we can.
Yeah, the first video is right on the border (first peak at 6:15), and the second of the peaks is on slovakian side. The second video is placed entirely in Poland (it's a little part of so called "Eagle's path" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Orla_Perć) but it's quite near to the border too. I'm planning to be there again this August.
I enjoy hiking when we're on vacation in areas that have mountains, but I don't live anywhere near any.
Started exploration of slovakian part of Tatra mountains this year. Some really great trails and there is a LOT of them there.

Totally missed this thread. While I wouldn't say that I'm an avid hiker, the better half is and as a result I've had some really neat adventures in the high lands. Thanks for sharing your adventures!
And that is also the reason I am not doing any fanediting recently.
Too many mountain videos still waiting in line to be edited into something watchable.
We had a busy summer, but after skiing in Zermatt last winter I decided I wanted to climb the Matterhorn. We came directly from two weeks with my wife’s family in Turkey at sea level so I wasn’t really properly acclimated. As a result I was moving very slowly. The guides have strict turnaround times and I didn’t quite make it. I was so close to the summit I could taste it. I’m hoping to give it another go next summer when I can acclimate better. But unfortunately we’re in our last year in Europe and have to move back sometime in the next 11 months. So I’m not sure I’ll be able to fit it in.

This is as high as I got. Absolutely gutting to have to turn around.


I do love a good hike, but living where I do (southwest England) there's not a lot of mountainous terrain. Plenty of steep hills across vast swathes of rugged country (think Rohan in The Lord of the Rings), but mountains they are not.
Matterhorn... that would be something.
Absolutely gutting to have to turn around.

Yeah, I know your pain.

Three years ago I tried one of harder trails in Tatra mountains, there was only one person willing to try it with me (same guy I've reached the peak of Rysy with - first video linked) , but when we finally got there and were half way through, suddenly I got some stomach problems and needed to stop. Then somebody helped me with some pills and I got better, but still wasn't sure if going up will be a good idea in that circumstances, that day I had only one hour of sleep and really didnt feel comfortable in difficult terrain.

I haven't been back there yet.
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