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Marvel Cinematic Universe


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hello all! i noticed that the 'movies' forum of this website tends to basically have one thread per movie and a couple of general threads, but after some time looking for a 'general MCU thread' i couldn't find it, so... i decided to create it! i'm sorry if this thread already exists, and if so, mods feel free to merge threads.

but the reason i created this thread is because i've been rewatching all of the MCU feature films before the next Avengers, and i've actually been ranking them. not only that, but it's the first time ever since the lead up to the 2012 Avengers that i deciced to watch several MCU movies back to back, and it's also been my first time rewatching many of them. my current ranking is as follows (only movies i've watched recently, and i've been doing so in release order, but Captain Marvel is in here due to me having watched the movie not so long ago):

1. Iron Man
2. The Avengers
3. Captain Marvel
4. Captain America: The Winter Soldier
5. Iron Man 3
6. Captain America: The First Avenger
7. The Avengers: Age of Ultron
8. Thor
9. Iron Man 2
10. Thor: The Dark World

i actually love 1-9 and will certainly rewatch them at least a couple of times. The Dark World is the only one i really don't feel like revisiting, so it's a shame that it has one of the six infinity stones in it, therefore making it 'important'. oh well. Guardians of the Galaxy is up next, and i'm hoping i'll have a blast. we'll see.

got any thoughts on the MCU as a whole? ranking of the movies? have you been rewatching them as a collective piece?

i'll make sure to make some follow up posts with some thoughts i've been having on the franchise as a whole for the past few days where i've been rewatching it, i just don't have the time right now. cheers!
FYI, Ms. Marvel is a different character than Captain Marvel.

Well, technically, in the comics Carol Danvers was Ms. Marvel first, but they skipped that step in the movie and had her go straight to being Captain Marvel.

The current comic Ms. Marvel is Kamala Khan (I think), while Carol Danvers is still the current Captain Marvel.
The first Iron Man and Avengers films were decent popcorn flicks, but Captain America: The First Avenger is the only MCU film I consider a great film. The rest of the cinematic side of the MCU I hate/dislike/am indifferent towards/disappointed in.
Duragizer said:
The first Iron Man and Avengers films were decent popcorn flicks, but Captain America: The First Avenger is the only MCU film I consider a great film. The rest of the cinematic side of the MCU I hate/dislike/am indifferent towards/disappointed in.

That’s surprising. I mean, I like the movie very much, but I personally would put it around the quality of films like The Incredible Hulk, Ant-Man, the Thor films (more or less), Doctor Strange etc.

Then again, I am an MCU fan, so...

What do you think of Captain America: The Winter Soldier? The best MCU film by far, IMHO.
Masirimso17 said:
Duragizer said:
The first Iron Man and Avengers films were decent popcorn flicks, but Captain America: The First Avenger is the only MCU film I consider a great film. The rest of the cinematic side of the MCU I hate/dislike/am indifferent towards/disappointed in.

That’s surprising. I mean, I like the movie very much, but I personally would put it around the quality of films like The Incredible Hulk, Ant-Man, the Thor films (more or less), Doctor Strange etc.

Steve Rogers is pretty much the only major MCU superhero I like as a person. That and The First Avenger being a period piece are enough to boost the movie above all the others for me.

What do you think of Captain America: The Winter Soldier? The best MCU film by far, IMHO.

I consider it the second-best MCU film, but it lacks je ne sais quoi, so it didn't have any staying power for me. Maybe if a proper second sequel had followed instead of that derailing piece-of-shit Civil War, I'd look back on it with more appreciation. Who knows?
Okay you lost me when you said Civil War was a piece of shit. I think it's a great movie and one of the best MCU films.
Yeah, I've learned pretty quickly not to talk to Duragizer about movies.
I love the MCU and it's possibly my favourite movie franchise of all time. There are so many good movies and great characters that I have almost always have had a good time watching them, and I'm very excited for the future of it.
ChainsawAsh said:
FYI, Ms. Marvel is a different character than Captain Marvel.

Well, technically, in the comics Carol Danvers was Ms. Marvel first, but they skipped that step in the movie and had her go straight to being Captain Marvel.

The current comic Ms. Marvel is Kamala Khan (I think), while Carol Danvers is still the current Captain Marvel.

right, but she was ms. marvel first, and all my prior contact with carol was as ms. marvel. when people say captain marvel i think of when he was mar-vell first and foremost, and when i think of the girl incarnation i primarily think of her as monica rambeau, not as carol.

anyway, it's just easier for me to call her miss marvel, it's automatic. but i'll switch over to captain marvel if you like ;)
Collipso said:
anyway, it's just easier for me to call her miss marvel, it's automatic. but i'll switch over to captain marvel if you like ;)

You had me googling for a Kamala Khan animated film I suddenly thought I missed. The movie's called Captain Marvel, regardless of your familiarity with the character, if you're referring to the film, I would recommend using its title, otherwise most won't recognize what you're talking about or may misunderstand.
Duragizer said:
The first Iron Man and Avengers films were decent popcorn flicks, but Captain America: The First Avenger is the only MCU film I consider a great film. The rest of the cinematic side of the MCU I hate/dislike/am indifferent towards/disappointed in.

this is quite interesting! while i enjoy the captain america movies quite a bit, i think the first iron man is still the best the MCU has to offer. it's 100% a character movie, and has the best acting out of all the movies. the ending was pretty lame, but that goes for 99% of superhero flicks, MCU included.

and i do enjoy the first Cap a lot! it was much higher in my list until yesterday i think, and i'm starting to think i prefer it over winter soldier. i had only watched winter soldier once, and i held it in a very high regard, but rewatching it showed me the movie isn't as great, even if still pretty awesome. CAPTAIN marvel and the first Avengers are just movies i enjoy too much. if it wasn't for that, the captain america movies would be 2-4, alongside the first and third Iron Man.
Marvel Marathon Update: I showed my little cousing Guardians of the Galaxy. She loved it, though she got bored in the Knowhere scenes. Nevertheless, it's high up on her list.

Even though Carol Danvers is her favorite MCU superhero right now, as a movie she's thinking less and less of Captain Marvel. It just dropped under the first Captain America, despite her first thoughts being that it was better that Captain America.

Her current list:

  1. Captain America: The Winter Soldier
  2. Thor
  3. Guardians of the Galaxy
  4. The Avengers
  5. Iron Man
  6. Captain America: The First Avenger
  7. Captain Marvel
  8. Iron Man 3
  9. Thor: The Dark World
  10. Iron Man 2
Next up is either Guardians 2 or Age of Ultron. When would you guys suggest showing Guardians 2 to her? Immediately after Guardians 1? Before Infinity War? Somewhere else? Below is the order we're going with, minus Guardians 2.

Avengers: Age of Ultron
Civil War
Black Panther
Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man
Doctor Strange
Ant-Man & The Wasp (except post-credits scene)
Thor: Ragnarok
Avengers: Infinity War
Avengers: Endgame
i'd suggest going release order tbh. that's how we all experienced it, and honestly if you're watching the films back to back it all makes sense. why did you opt for your order?
Collipso said:
i'd suggest going release order tbh. that's how we all experienced it, and honestly if you're watching the films back to back it all makes sense. why did you opt for your order?

I made it according to the times they take place.

Black Panther - one week after Civil War
Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man - Two months after Civil War
Doctor Strange - Starts at Late 2016
Ant-Man & The Wasp - Right before or at the Same time as Infinity War, but very disconnected with it
Thor: Ragnarok - Right before Infinity War, two years after Age of Ultron
Infinity War - Right after Ragnarok
Endgame - Right after Infinity War

Feels like it flows better... Though I might put Ant-Man & The Wasp after Infinity War for the quantum stuff I suppose.
Masirimso17 said:
Collipso said:
i'd suggest going release order tbh. that's how we all experienced it, and honestly if you're watching the films back to back it all makes sense. why did you opt for your order?

I made it according to the times they take place.

Black Panther - one week after Civil War
Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man - Two months after Civil War
Doctor Strange - Starts at Late 2016
Ant-Man & The Wasp - Right before or at the Same time as Infinity War, but very disconnected with it
Thor: Ragnarok - Right before Infinity War, two years after Age of Ultron
Infinity War - Right after Ragnarok
Endgame - Right after Infinity War

Feels like it flows better... Though I might put Ant-Man & The Wasp after Infinity War for the quantum stuff I suppose.

oh! makes sense. that's a nice idea, though i still prefer watching release order for pretty much anything. 

and regarding the time the films take place, i thought spider-man took place 8 years after the first avengers? but civil war was 8 years after the first iron man. i thought there were at least a few years in between the first iron man and the first avengers. hmm

edit: just checked my copy of homecoming, and it does say 2 months after civil war, but at the beginning it says 8 years after the first avengers. i'll have to check civil war later to see if it really says it's 8 years after Iron Man (which would make sense considering that the movies sort of kind of take place in the year they're released, right?)
Collipso said:
oh! makes sense. that's a nice idea, though i still prefer watching release order for pretty much anything. 

and regarding the time the films take place, i thought spider-man took place 8 years after the first avengers? but civil war was 8 years after the first iron man. i thought there were at least a few years in between the first iron man and the first avengers. hmm

edit: just checked my copy of homecoming, and it does say 2 months after civil war, but at the beginning it says 8 years after the first avengers. i'll have to check civil war later to see if it really says it's 8 years after Iron Man (which would make sense considering that the movies sort of kind of take place in the year they're released, right?)

I suggest you don't worry about the timeline because it is beyond repair at the moment. All we can do is cut the most offensive inconsistencies like @"Bobson Dugnutt" did in his Spider-Man edit.
Collipso said:
and regarding the time the films take place

Best just to come up with some head-canon that works for you and stick with it, every official and unofficial MCU timeline has contradicted something from one of the films. I firmly believe the Spider-Man "8 years" thing is the biggest issue in that regard, and I just assume it's blatantly wrong or rounding up/down.
Oh yeah, it's best to just ignore the "8 years" bit in Homecoming. It's the only thing that *really* screws with the timeline (though placing Phase 1 movies in the right year is a matter of debate as well).
yeah, i guess Homecoming is the one that screwed up the most. regarding phase 1: Iron Man 2 is 6 months after Iron Man, and happens roughly at the same time as The Incredible Hulk. the Earth segment in Thor happens immediately after Iron Man 2. the 'present day' bits of The First Avenger are when? 2011 i think? which means:
  • Iron Man: 2008
  • Iron Man 2: six months after that (2009ish?)
  • The Incredible Hulk: ''
  • Thor: immediately afer the previous 2 movies (so still 2009ish)
  • Captain America: 2011?
  • The Avengers: 2012
that's sort of what i'm working with right now.

correction: i think Captain America is just a few weeks (at most) before Avengers. hm
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