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Jaws Archives


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By DigitalFreakNYC

A series of rare and unreleased material covering the Jaws franchise.

Jaws Archives - Volume 1


Original film name: Jaws, Jaws the Revenge
Disc name: Jaws Archives – Volume 1
Film studio name: Universal Pictures
Edit crew name: DigitalFreakNYC
Date Original Film Was Released:1975, 1987
Date Edit Was Released: January 4, 2007
Total Preservation Runtime: approximately 99 minutes

Type…………………..: DVD
Video Format……..: NTSC
Aspect Ratio……….: 4:3 fullscreen (deleted scenes are 16:9)
Audio Format……..: Dolby Digital AC3 – 256/192kbps
Language……………: English only
Subtitles……………..: none
DVD Authoring……: DigitalFreakNYC

TITLE………………………………............……….: DURATION
The E! True Hollywood Story: Jaws………: 88 minutes
Deleted Scenes of Jaws The Revenge….: 11 minutes

* Case Artwork by Ash595
* Information file (*.txt)

SPECIAL THANKS to Ash595 for the cover artwork!! YOU ROCK!!!

Jaws Archives - Volume 2


Original film name: Jaws
Disc name: Jaws Archives - Volume 2
Film studio name: Universal Pictures
Edit crew name: DigitalFreakNYC
Date Original Film Was Released:1975
Date Edit Was Released: January 21, 2007
Total Preservation Runtime: approximately 54 minutes

Type.......................: DVD
Video Format............: NTSC
Aspect Ratio.............: 4:3 fullscreen
Audio Format............: Dolby Digital AC3 - 384 kbps
Language.................: English only
Subtitles..................: none
DVD Authoring...........: DigitalFreakNYC

TITLE...................................................: DURATION
Bravo's Page To Screen: Jaws...................: 46 minutes
Jaws: The Original Trailers........................: 8 minutes

* Case Artwork by Ash595
* Information file (*.txt)

SPECIAL THANKS to Ash595 for the cover artwork!! YOU ROCK!!!
Thanks throw.
nice. I'll have to dig around. I don't know what DFNYC is up to these days, he says he is still working on things, but he hasn't put anything out in a long time. An unofficial 3rd volume to this set might be nice until (if) he gets back in action.
Cool, i got special on caddyshack that aired by BIO.
hmmm, this might not need a preservation. There is a DVD available straight from the History Channel:


I'm a little confused about the runtime though. I saw on a AVSforum topic that this aired in SD as 2 hours, and then in HD later as a 1-hour cut. The history channel store page has contradictory information:

The text description says:
In this two-hour special, we'll celebrate this classic, looking back at the movie's origins; the adaptation of an enormous bestseller to the first real "summer blockbuster" and how Spielberg broke new ground in location filming, despite months of setbacks.

however under Additional Details it says: Run Time: 50 Minutes

I wonder what it actually is? I'd hate to shell out $25 for a cut down 1-hour version of a 2-hour special.
A demon told me its 90 minutes ;)
ahh, that would make sense for a "2-hour" television special. After commercials, it would be about 90 minutes. So the history channel store page has the correct information in the text description, but the wrong info in the DVD specifications list.

so it looks like this one doesn't need a preservation :)
I dont think its the same, the one im getting its letterboxed and BIO says its 1.33.1.
well, the bio page has contradicts itself, so I wouldnt be surprised if they screwed more info up. Does the one you are getting look official? i.e., does it have FBI warnings, look professionally done, etc?
Its a TV cap.... so my feeling its the "Additional Details" is wrong, i looked on youtube and the trailer is letterboxed, so i think this needs no preservation.
It makes sense that it was shot in 16:9 since it aired on their HD channel. Its pretty lame though that they released a letterboxed version. FFS, how hard is it to just release it properly? I mean, holy hell their charging $25 for it. Sounds like something Lucas would do...
Nah it be a personal cap.
yeah, I know, but there is a good chance the official DVD is letterboxed since the show is widescreen, but the DVD specs say 1.33:1. I guess we could try to contact the official store to find out for sure, but who knows if they would reply.
Yea a good chance, becouse the bio logo goes over onto the black bars.
the version i was was infact 2hrs so it would have been around 90 min w/o commercials.
and it was HD 1.85:1
The link at the bottom of the page for the Jaws Archive 1, where it says "Other releases in this series" doesn't link to Volume 2. It actually links to Throw's "The Harry Potter Archives - Year 6 Volume 1".
Thanks, fixed now. Maybe throw is trying to get more hits ;)
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