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Halo 4 Reflow (Overhaul/Fanedit Mod)

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Hello! I saw there was a games forum here and figured this may be of some interest. I created an overhaul mod for Halo 4 on PC called Reflow. It aims to overhaul Halo 4 to enhance the overall experience of the game as much as possible visually, story-wise and gameplay-wise, while also remaining close to the original feel of the game. I personally love Halo 4 and a lot of what 343 was going for, but it has many rough edges. My goal was to smooth those edges in any aspect possible, to elevate the game as a whole.

Overbearing visuals have been dialed back, enemies are more fun to fight, the combat sandbox has been tuned for satisfaction, and the overall presentation has been improved with various enhancements and quality-of-life changes. The mod also features many dialogue changes and could be considered a fanedit of the campaign. I removed and rearranged many lines of dialogue to enhance the mood and tone of certain scenes, as well as utilizing some unused dialogue. The game now maintains its somber tone throughout the entire story.

I made a trailer showing the graphical and gameplay changes:

If you're interested, you can find more info on everything the mod changes, screenshots and the download at the Nexus Mods page:

This looks so cool! If I could run Halo 4 on my laptop, I would definitely play this! Do you plan on making anymore Halo mods?
Thank you! For now, I have no plans for more mods as I'm working on a few edits at the moment. I have an idea I've been kicking around of a Halo CE mod to improve small aspects of the gameplay and try to improve the later half of the game with better directional markers and enemy placement, but keeping it vanilla otherwise. It would be awhile before I could get to that though.
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