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Doctor Who

I really hope they keep going through the whole classic series and giving them the 1080p upscale treatment (along with continuing to animate the last few missing episodes). I wonder how they decide what order to release them?
The order is just random based on consumer interest and what time and budget they have to do a set. The plan is to do every season, as well as the TV movie/Wilderness Years set so we just have to be patient. The pandemic slowed down the production of these, and now that the animations have restarted they've probably decided to stay clear from the 60s as much as possible. That era has a lot more episodes to clean up and requires a lot of work so it's not surprising that they're saving that largely until the end. Right now more than half the classic series is on Blu-Ray, and the rest should be finished within the next 3-5 years barring any major problems or issues.
I have a theory about the War Doctor regeneration. When John Hurt's character goes gold, his face gets the close-up, it cuts away quick after a little bit of a morph but those are clearly Eccleston's eyes.

So, things we know:
1. They have a whole season of footage of Eccleston
2. There's no way in hell he'd come back to film something new for the show, even for a brief shot
3. They probably wouldn't be able to use footage from another show, either because of permission or budget
4. There's not much deleted material in the sense of entire unused camera angles. I've heard they only shoot what they need, and the schedule is fast-paced and somewhat taxing, even grueling.

The shot of Hurt/War Doc looking upward toward camera was blocked, staged, and angled to match an existing Eccleston shot from Season 1 that they re-used as the post-regeneration 9th Doc, and it's in an episode, and likely they didn't want to imply Eccleston's involvement because of the bad relations they have with him, so they didn't use his full likeness, just an implication of it. Thus, if "we" find the original clean shot, "we" can extend the effect to show the full transformation into Eccleston. I'm going to scrub through the episodes tomorrow when I have time and see if I can catch it. If I'm right I'll find it. If I'm wrong, oh well, it's worth trying.
Hello! I figured I would share with the people following here that I'm working on a fan edit of An Adventure in Space and Time that I think would be of interest to Doctor Who fans. You can find more about it in my thread on the fan edits in-the-works board. Please go check it out!
That's not right. So anyone who just watches TV as per usual has a risk of it being spoiled. I'm fairly unhappy about that.
I was looking something else up and noticed people in the UK were going ballistic about this on twitter and asking for questions to be raised in parliament :LOL: . Dr Who should be "appointment to view" TV for families to all watch together, which isn't going to work if only the adults can stay up and see it at a different time. I was already worried about the consequences of the BBC sharing it's most long standing and popular IP with Disney, so them being able to dictate the broadcast time to the BBC is not a good sign.
Superfan Ian Levine has been working on A.I recons of missing episodes, here's one for The Daleks Masterplan

(YT embedded video not working, but just click on the link and it'll open a window that can play it)

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This scheduling benefits me as an American because the episodes will be available at 8:00pm EST/5:00pm PST the day "before" so I can watch before I go to bed like a normal night of TV, but I would be mad if I was in the UK and had to avoid the internet all day to avoid spoilers. But I do already have that issue with Paramount+ releasing Star Trek at 3:00pm EST/12:00am EST. I can't stay up that late to watch, and I'm not going to get up early to watch before work so I just don't get online at all on Thursdays.
I got the Season 15 Tom Baker blu-ray set. Not sure about what looks AI upscaling on the video tape elements but the use of AI upscaling of the film elements is insane and bad. It was HD material already, you've just downscaled it. Who worked on this? Peter Jackson?!?
Also they may be rehashing a bit of Pyramids of Mars in one of the stories
I recently found out about this version of the Doctor Who theme, arranged by Rebecca Pellett and performed by the Cincinnati Pops Orchestra, and consider it one of the best-sounding versions I've ever heard.

[...] the Doctor Who theme, arranged by Rebecca Pellett and performed by the Cincinnati Pops Orchestra [...]
Very nice! As if Ennio Morricone adapted the Doctor's theme for a big budget Hollywood film. :cool:
Has anyone done a truncated edit of each season to produce a movie cut of the various Doctor's?
Very nice! As if Ennio Morricone adapted the Doctor's theme for a big budget Hollywood film. :cool:

Sergio Leone's Once Upon A Time... In Time. (Alternate regional title: Run, you sucker!)

Seriously, that is a fantastic version. It's short enough to serve as a TV opener, but they kept the oft-omitted Middle Eight (the most heroic part of the theme in my opinion). If they ever do that rumored Paul McGann spinoff / interquel, this would be ideal. What with being the middle portion of the Eighth Doctor's story and the middle eight... you get it!
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