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Covers and Criterions by Dugnutt

Bobson Dugnutt

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I've been making a few covers for my own and other edits, so I thought why not make a thread. 

Here's a Criterion-styled cover for @"Adywan"'s Star War's Revisited to start off


It's still a work in progress as I need to add some text on the back spine box thing. Not sure what to put there, but suggestions are welcomed.
Using the criterion style is proving to be a popular art choice
I can see why, it looks very neat and tidy. Its a good asthetic
Here's one for Empire Strikes Back, haven't put anything in the Special Features bit yet as I don't think he's released the disc yet. Also need to figure out what to put in the box bit. 

Here's one for the eventual Return of the Jedi Revisited

Great covers! I really like what you've done with the Mcquarrie art.

For the text, how about:
Adywan is dedicated to creating the best version of the original trilogy of Star Wars. He is a passionate Star Wars fan, geek, and all around awesome person who wants to achieve what the Special Editions should have done. You can see more at originaltrilogy.com and fanedit.org.
Alright, here is what is a finalised version of the SW:R Criterion. 


Next cover will most likely be for one of my favourite fanedits and the one that showed me that I could make a film better myself with just a computer.
One of the greatest fanedits ever created, Jack and Jill Extended Edition by @"Neglify" 

On your SW: Revisited cover there are some minor typos (you said should of unstead of should have). Other than that, it looks very good.
Awesome. I did make that one in HD, but I don't know if the actual BD-25 was ever fully assembled and uploaded.
@"tomahawk"'s The Incredible Hulk: Extended Edition


There isn't much artwork for TIH because I assume no one really likes it, so I used the artwork from the MCU Phase 1 Box-Set
I really like these covers. I marked up the Star Wars cover with some suggestions to strengthen the layout

Also, see the triangular rock behind the lucasfilm logo? That would be a perfect place to put the FE logo. Just slide the other logos to the left.

DVD Special Features could also be moved up above where I indicated, then align the baseline of the dvd features list with indicated red line

Ideas like wrapping text around the sun would work well on the Jedi cover as well. On the back page, the text could be slanting/tapering to smaller and smaller lines so as to follow the direction of the storm trooper's back on the speeder bike.
Realised I've had some covers sitting around for a while for some upcoming and released edits, so here are few. The colours are wrong on the 1st Seinfeld cover and the Spider-Man 3.1 for some reason. But looked fine before I uploaded, so uh.

Seinfeld: Extended Season 1&2 


Age of Ultron: Extinction Edition 

This one is still ITW kinda 

Spider-Man 3.1 - The Hybrid Cut

Justice League - Ultimate Edition

Made a cover for X-Men: Days of Future Past to replace the photocopied rental cover I currently have

These are great - What would make me feel whole as an editor is having one of your fanedit collection covers for my edits.....hint hint :p
Last Impressions said:
These are great - What would make me feel whole as an editor is having one of your fanedit collection covers for my edits.....hint hint :p

Here's a work in progress cover for your La La Land edit

Fonts, placement among other things are not yet final, but I'd like to know your, first impressions ;)
Nice job....love the fact they are not dancing LOL -I'm thinking maybe the colour yellow of Mia's dress will pop when you add the criterion(esque) template . Looking forward to seeing the final product....and thank you
Bobson Dugnutt!  I am getting ready to release my Star Wars II and III fanedit called “Revenge of the Sith: A Star Wars Story”… 

Would you be willing to give a go at doing a cover art for it?  

If you accept, could you please try one out that uses this teaser poster?  

Let me know… thank you!
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