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Boon's guide to fanediting with Sony Vegas

The pixel ratio is square. Right click properties on the video and change to widescreen.
2. Vegas settings
we are working with a 23.976fps lagarith avi and pcm wav audio.
use this template:
NTSC DV 24p Widescreen (720x480; 23,976 fps)
width: 720 height: 480 field order: none (progressive scan) pixel aspect ratio: 1.2121 (NTSC DVD widescreen) frame rate: 23.976 (IVTC film)
full resolution rendering quality: best
motion blue type: gaussian
deinterlace type: none

resample ad stretch quality: best
low pass filter quality: best

I usually make no changes there and leave it to 29.97, but you can and probably should use 23.976

the program:
to have it properly sized, right click on the video stream --> properties:--> tab: media --> pixel aspect ratio: 1,2121 (NTSC DVD widescreen) , field order: None (progressive scan)
--> ok

this is always the step i always seem to forget until i'm practically almost finished.
i not sure if you guys are over looking it too, but it may be worth a double check if nothing else.
TV's Frink said:
The pixel ratio is square. Right click properties on the video and change to widescreen.
Appreciate the quick response Frink.

Where should I be clicking this exactly? I haven't used Virtualdub in a while so I'm a little out of practice. I have all my settings in Vegas right, as the video is the same in Windows Media Player as well.
In Vegas. Right click on your video clip in the timeline.
Thanks. Its amazing how you can do something so many times but once you haven't done it in a while you completely forget what you're doing.
Anyone know if its possible to flip a shot in vegas ie: ships coming from the left, want them to come from the right.
Post moved.

It's very easy. On my phone right now but can answer later if someone doesn't beat me to it.
How I do it. Go to the crop option, flip the shot manually that way.

First make sure to split the shot you want to flip so you don't flip everything.


Press the crop button on the timeline, move the left and right edges all the way over.





The F should now be backwards and in the middle. (If you want crop parts of the shot off, that's cool.)

You also can do; right click on the crop panel and choose "flip horizontal"
The picture is in spanish but you can see how it is.
^Yes, that's what I do.
AEmovieguy, your my savior!

I noticed this same ghost effect in my videos & just couldnt figure it out. So I tried changing the smart resample to disable smart resample, & it fixed it! The only thing is, the frame rate from the original video, project properties etc. all match, so it must be something else that causes this problem. So the question is, what exactly IS smart resample, & what is it supposed to be used for, & when should you or should you not use it??

Also, am I the only one who uses DVD Shrink to rip DVDs to VOB files (With compression settings set to no compression of course), than simply drag & drop the VOBs into Vegas? I assumed that VOB files arent compressed in any way, since they are not converted & changed into another format before importing. Am I doing this right, or is there a better way? For rendering, again I render as uncompressed AVI file, than import to DVD Architect for the final DVD burn, & to me it looks perfect, (with the exception of the ghosting effect which now I know how to eliminate) & I am anal, so I would notice if it still diidnt seem right.
You're not alone. I also rip using DVD Shrink, but then I put it through VirtualdubMod to make it an avi, as I find them easier to work with. Plus in VDM, you can still set the avi with 5.1 sound (from what I can remember anyways). Someone please correct me if I'm wrong on the last bit.
Awesome. & I stand corrected on the resample issue, all though it did fix the ghosting, it actually caused other issues, so I double checked & I was in fact rendering the video at 29 frames a second (NTSC) when in fact the project media was 23 frames, so I tried re-rendering & it turned out perfect, gosh I feel so stupid now! But if I didnt read this thread & go through all that, I never wouldve discovered the real problem on my own, so it was still helpfull!
I'd really like see you finish or add to the 4. Vegas image editing
That is the most interesting part for me.
Don't hold your breath, Boon is on on an extended vacation. Best to just ask what you're looking for and wait for someone to help you.
I hate to post to a thread that's been stagnant for nearly 10 months, but this does seem to be the go to thread for Vegas.

This may seem like a simple question, but how does one go about rendering the video separately as an elementary stream? How about with audio? Is it as simple as just muting the audio/video and then doing a "Render As"?
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