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Breakfast at Tiffany's - Novella Cut


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This idea was proposed on the "Fantasia Cuts" thread (https://fanedit.org/forums/threads/fantasia-cuts-of-films.26808/#post-432787), making Mr Yunioshi an invisible character in order to spare audiences of what is commonly considered an embarrassing feature in an otherwise beloved film. It is actually quite easily achieved, no more than a couple of hours work.

A more interesting proposition would be to try and conform the film as much as possible to the original novella, essentially taking the romance out of a famous romantic comedy. I've made a quick go of this (using the DVD) and the deletions take the runtime down from 115 minutes to just under 90.

Further work would be needed in a few places, is there any interest here? If so, I'll get a copy of the Blu-ray and have a proper go!
I think the only part I really dislike about that movie is when it melts down into the lulamae stuff in the third act - it's a weird twist and different tone than the rest of the film. I've thought about trying to edit it from time to time but it's a tricky one since you can't completely cut it - the ending is great and it's a heavy callback to the brother fred stuff. I guess maybe you could shortcut it with neighbor fred bringing him to her, but I think the audience probably needs some of the backstory. Dunno, haven't played with it yet, just thought about it from time to time.

The Asian neighbor stuff really never bothered me, he's just a goof character the way any other slapstick character in older movies is, and granted I'm white, but I have a feeling that white people are the ones most often "offended" by him on behalf of other people who don't care much, but that's just my read - usually when I see people complaining about that character that's who it is. And typically it's complaining that the actor isn't actually Asian but plays a stereotype, which you really can't tell from the film imo unless you look up who plays the role or are a huge fan of the actor in question.

I'm not saying don't do it, just offering my perspective on a character that's a pretty common target of this type of criticism, given the prevalence I'm surprised it hasn't been done already.
I think the only part I really dislike about that movie is when it melts down into the lulamae stuff in the third act - it's a weird twist and different tone than the rest of the film. I've thought about trying to edit it from time to time but it's a tricky one since you can't completely cut it - the ending is great and it's a heavy callback to the brother fred stuff. I guess maybe you could shortcut it with neighbor fred bringing him to her, but I think the audience probably needs some of the backstory. Dunno, haven't played with it yet, just thought about it from time to time.
Are you referring to when Doc appears? If so, I'd say that this is in the second act, not sure how I'd tackle it yet either though.

The Asian neighbor stuff really never bothered me, he's just a goof character the way any other slapstick character in older movies is, and granted I'm white, but I have a feeling that white people are the ones most often "offended" by him on behalf of other people who don't care much, but that's just my read - usually when I see people complaining about that character that's who it is. And typically it's complaining that the actor isn't actually Asian but plays a stereotype, which you really can't tell from the film imo unless you look up who plays the role or are a huge fan of the actor in question.
I find the character quite a distraction personally and not at all funny. He appears once in the book (right at the very start) and is referred to by others a few times, but is my mind it is worth removing him from the film even if this means losing the character point of Holly always losing her key.
Are you referring to when Doc appears? If so, I'd say that this is in the second act, not sure how I'd tackle it yet either though.

Yeah you're right, I was thinking he was after the animal masks party day with neighbor Fred, but you're right it is about half way through the film. From what I understand the book is a completely different tone, not nearly so upbeat, so I don't really think of it as a "book movie" but personally I don't think the "losing the key" stuff would be a big loss if cut, it's just one of the attributes in her life where she's a bit of a mess, more of an ongoing joke than a core character trait.
From what I understand the book is a completely different tone, not nearly so upbeat, so I don't really think of it as a "book movie" but personally I don't think the "losing the key" stuff would be a big loss if cut, it's just one of the attributes in her life where she's a bit of a mess, more of an ongoing joke than a core character trait.
It's not as different as you might think, once you take away the bits added to the film it actually follows the book's story fairly closely. Maybe playing around with the music could have an effect in making things less "upbeat".

The major thing would be how to handle the ending, as that is where they deviate a fair bit.
Spent a little more time working on the more book-accurate edit and probably will release it at some point, might be appropriate now to move this thread to IN-THE-WORKS.

There are still a fair few things that still need doing though, spoilers for both the edit and (implicitly) the book to follow.

  • While I have removed all traces of Paul's name barring seeing it on his book, I need to do a little more audio work to fill in the gaps and smooth over new cuts, but I think it works quite well.
  • Mr Yunioshi is now an invisible character, talked about but never seen or heard. The one issue I have remaining is that Mickey Rooney's credit remains in the title, its fade-in overlapping with the previous one's fade-out and played over Holly's moving reflection. Might see if there are any tools that can remove this text, but with it being so large I'm not sure of what results to expect. A simpler solution might be to modify the credit to say something like "And no longer starring...".
  • Think I have settled on how to end the film, unlike the book they do find Cat after going back to look but now we fade to black on the image of Holly holding him before she and Paul embrace, will then have a few text cards play out, maybe adapting sections from the book. Ending with Holly in the taxi felt too abrupt, and I think this modification still captures the bittersweetness of the book.
  • Not sure how to re-introduce Jose to the story when he and Holly get together. I have cut the second library scene, while it does have a book basis I can't currently work out how to remove Paul's romantic proclamations, so any ideas would be appreciated!

About 89 minutes now, 26 less than the original. Not sure what I might call it, was thinking of something like "The Novella Cut" in reference to its (comparative) brevity and literary origin. Have been thinking of applying that sub-title to a second edit of Being There (again following the original book, alternately described as a novel or novella), may yet do it someday!
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Think I have achieved the objectives I set out for with this edit (Novella Cut), not bad for a few evenings' work over the course of a week!

If anybody is interested in seeing a DVD-based workprint I'd be happy to hear opinions, if watch-throughs (including my own) turn out favourably I think it might be time to get the Blu-ray!
Just finished watching the Novella Cut for the first time, sorted out the few issues that cropped up and I think it flows quite nicely. The only additional changes that I may want to do would perhaps be to try and modify the music in certain places to alter the mood, but that might be a future alternate audio track to think about over the long term.

Will upload a copy of the DVD-based workprint so anyone interested can have a look as well if they wish. Once I recreate this in HD from the Blu-ray it will replace the original if I ever feel like revisiting the story again, but will probably also create another (lighter-touch) version that removes Yunioshi and a couple of minor continuity errors, for those who enjoy the film-exclusive romance.
Having constructed a version of the Novella Cut I am happy with using an old DVD, I will be remaking it using the Blu-ray that has just been delivered. Will probably be my next listing, have another four projects already pretty-much done but I keep finding new alterations to make every time I have a watch-through!

How's this for a tagline?

Taking the romance and "comedy" out of a beloved romcom.

Here is a change list for those who might be interested:
  • Shift the Paramount mountain logo forward to make room for a couple of text cards, introducing the story as if this a retelling of Paul’s experiences (as in the book).
  • Modified Mickey Rooney’s credit so it now reads “And no longer also starring…”
  • Removed Mr Yunioshi from scene of Holly arriving home with Sid.
  • Removed exchange between Holly and Mr Yunioshi.
  • 2E (Emily Eustace, the decorator) does not address Paul by his name.
  • Cut short scene of Emily Eustace after Holly says “How do you do.”
  • Cut Mr Yunioshi complaining about the sound of the gramophone and preceding shot of Holly in her dress, fade from end of last scene (previous item described) to Holly climbing out of the window in her dressing gown.
  • All references to 2E removed from scene where Holly comes to see Paul through his window.
  • Removed Holly reading the title and author credit on Paul’s book, cut in middle of a single shot by zooming in to create a new medium shot of Holly looking at the book.
  • Cut scene where Paul talks to 2E on the phone, fades from him having read the note to the party.
  • Fade between two static sections of a long take, to hide O.J. Berman asking Paul about his name.
  • Another early cut to hide Paul’s name after “…I’m gonna let you know, bam!”
  • Cut Mr Yunioshi calling to complain about the noise.
  • Muted Paul correcting Berman about his name as he helps José escape.
  • Cut scene with 2E after the shot through the window of Doc outside.
  • Cut Paul telling Doc his name.
  • Trimmed shot of Paul as he responds to Holly’s musing on the dancer, he is already looking at her and doesn’t stumble on his words.
  • Trimmed references to 2E where Holly drunkenly tries to pay Paul.
  • Removed Paul’s “In a minute.” and Holly’s “So I guess it’s pretty lucky neither of us is rich, huh?”, he responds to her initial question with an ironic “Yeah.”
  • Removed reference to 2E in conversation where Paul says that he’s sold a story, required zooming in on a shot facing Paul to hide Holly changing position between shots.
  • Deleted entire scene of going to Tiffany’s, fade between different shots of them walking on the street.
  • Cut short scene where Paul shows Holly the card index at the library as his name is spoken, fade to their number being called then them at the counter.
  • Cut out section at the counter where Paul’s name is spoken.
  • Removed final bit with 2E and second scene in library
    • Fade from the two of them arriving home having stolen the masks to Holly arriving home with José.
    • Paste in some edited dialogue extracted from second library scene, where Holly talks about marrying José.
    • Cut out Mr Yunioshi
    • Play music from Paul/Holly kiss scene as she and José arrive, it cuts out when Holly is heard reacting to the letter.
  • Removed extended look between Paul and Holly after she mentioned ranch houses and knitting patterns.
  • Removed Mr Yunioshi from scene where Holly and Paul are arrested, had to remove final shot of Holly “What do you mean?” as this gave a too-abrupt cut to the next scene.
  • Cut Paul spelling his name at the police station.
  • Reduced volume of the telephone operator, we hear something but Paul’s name is not clear.
  • Removed back and forth of O.J. Berman not knowing who Paul is, he introduces himself as a friend of Holly’s at that they met at a party and is recognised as “Fred baby”.
  • Cut sections of taxi conversation to remove references to romance, including when Paul is at the door.
  • Zoomed in slowly onto Holly’s face after Paul leaves the taxi, to hide that she has the ring in her hand.
  • Slowed down final shot of Holly alone holding Cat to 50% to accommodate a fade-out, she and Paul end the story looking at each other but never embrace.
  • Have a few text cards as the music plays out as normal, saying that (like the book) they never saw each other again.
Comes in at 89 minutes as opposed to the original 115, might be ways to be even more faithful to the book but I quite like things the way they stand. If people have other ideas I'd be glad to hear them!
Very nearly completed the final version, now sourced from the Blu-ray so looking infinitely better! Two more shots need to be upscaled and inserted, but after that I just need to check the transitions and watch through with subtitles enabled, with any luck it will be ready for submission tomorrow.
Just found out that Channel 5 did a de-Yunioshied version in 2022, some edits are (unsurprisingly) very similar to mine but there are a couple of things that I've done differently.
  • Mickey Rooney is still credited as appearing, I've altered this so his name still appears but is listed as "AND NOT STARRING...".
  • When Holly and Jose arrive at her apartment, the Channel 5 version keeps the water dripping down from Yunioshi (having been disturbed in his bath) but leaves no explanation why, Paul is coming down the stairs obviously dry.
When I eventually get around to doing my refinement on this idea, I think I will call it the Channel 5-ish Cut.
Submitted listing to IFDB, hope I was in time for the upcoming round!
Put together the version that only removes Mr. Yunioshi (Channel 5-ish Cut), comes out at 111 minutes: in addition to the two changes (compared to the broadcast) mentioned last Saturday, it has a couple of minor trims to the scene near the start where Paul and Holly meet 2E (Paul's "decorator") as she arrives in the cab.

These are to remove two very small continuity errors, the positions of Holly's sunglasses between cuts, and are also present in the Novella Cut.
I love seeing an edit to an older classic film. Ironically I was talking about these movie today with my friend and we were both cringing about Mickey Rooney’s character. I wasn’t wowed by this movie the first time around, so I’m looking forward to checking out this Novella cut at some point.

Keep up the good work!
I love seeing an edit to an older classic film. Ironically I was talking about these movie today with my friend and we were both cringing about Mickey Rooney’s character. I wasn’t wowed by this movie the first time around, so I’m looking forward to checking out this Novella cut at some point.

Keep up the good work!
Thanks, hope it doesn't disappoint!

If you just want a version that removes the offending character though, I expect to have it ready in a few days. As the title suggests I was pipped at the post (by a mere two years) by Channel 5, albeit to (seemingly) a not inconsiderable number of complaints. Would hope that this wouldn't be the case here, considering that we can choose which version to play as opposed to being stuck with whatever is broadcast!
Pleasantly surprised at the interest in the Novella Cut, 4 requests so far, many thanks! The Channel 5-ish Cut (a much lighter edit, just removing Yunioshi) has also been finished and uploaded, if anybody wants to see it just PM in the usual manner.
Many thanks @Wraith for first review of the Novella Cut, glad you enjoyed it so much and apologies for not noticing for two days!
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