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Best Superman 1 + 2 combined edit


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Hey there! So I’m trying to see which of these two edits I should watch, Superman The Epic Cut or Superman: The Richard Donner Vision. They both sound great but The Epic Cut has a couple negative reviews that mention cutting out too much, whereas the The Richard Donner Version is made by a newcomer so I have no idea which one to watch
My perfect version would be Lois not dying in the earthquake (already done in several fanedits), but DYING at the hands of the villains at the end of Superman II. This event is what causes Superman to reverse time, not simply Lois knowing his secret. I just don’t have the special effects talent to make the Lois death work.
My perfect version would be Lois not dying in the earthquake (already done in several fanedits), but DYING at the hands of the villains at the end of Superman II. This event is what causes Superman to reverse time, not simply Lois knowing his secret. I just don’t have the special effects talent to make the Lois death work.
Superman does NOT reverse time at the end of SII just because of Lois. IMO the time reversal works much better at the end of SII as originally intended. he does it for numerous reasons.

1. To restore all the destruction worldwide (White House, Mount Rushmore etc)
2. To save the lives or UNDO the deaths of everyone Zod and Ursa killed
3. To put ZOD and co back in the Phantom Zone prison where they belong
4. To eliminate the obvious fear worldwide of almost being conquered
5. Lois

Also, he really isn't supposed to disobey his father and interfere with human history until Jor El is dead and gone and Supes has become the father (Son becomes the father, father becomes the son) so it's now Superman's decision as HE is the man (the father) now. It's part of his arc. Everything is kinda screwed up by moving that into part 1 but I still enjoy it. I presume that wouldve led to some reshoots with Marlon Brando back in 1979 if Donner had stayed on to finish SII.

Anyway, not hassling you, just saying.
Everything in your post can still be taken into account in my version. In my ideal cut, the time reversal is still at the end of II, regardless of the reasoning. Shrug.
My perfect version would be Lois not dying in the earthquake (already done in several fanedits), but DYING at the hands of the villains at the end of Superman II. This event is what causes Superman to reverse time, not simply Lois knowing his secret. I just don’t have the special effects talent to make the Lois death work.
What if you have the three villains cause the earthquake that kills Lois?

Not sure how you'd connect the two, but it's worth thinking about.
What if you have the three villains cause the earthquake that kills Lois?

Not sure how you'd connect the two, but it's worth thinking about.
Interesting take but I think that's probably too much, at least for me. What is Lex doing instead?
Everything in your post can still be taken into account in my version. In my ideal cut, the time reversal is still at the end of II, regardless of the reasoning. Shrug.
Time reversal works best where it was originally written, as the ending of II. Everything was leading up to that point and that's what the whole Kryptonian prophecy is about the son becoming the father etc.
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