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Star Trek: Picard

Maybe someday someone can put together a short edit of S1 and S2 (like 1 or 2 ep length) that tells you just enough to understand S3. 😁

I'm not I'd even want to watch that but it would be worth making. I'd be more interested in somebody making a "Previously on STP..." longform recap trailer thing (like 5-minutes or so), in the style of the ones ST used to have for two-part episodes. All the plot beats you need, with some nice music and no need to actually sit through any full scenes. Preferably with Majel Barrett saying "and now the conclusion..." at the end :) .
Like many, I truly hope Paramount rewards Matatlas with his proposed LEGACY series.
Hopefully once Discovery wraps up and they need to fill a hole in the schedule.

Ideally, Jeri Ryan should headline the series, she's earned it and she carried a great deal of the worst from Picard. No Rafi though, rofl.

Not saying a great deal there but I know what you mean. This season does sound like it's finally getting it right in the opinion of pretty much everyone I hear. If you all don't hate the final episode, I might actually watch S3. I've read enough about the S1 and S2 travesties to not need to watch them exposition wise. Hopefully I can pretend this franchise went from the last TNG movie, straight to S3 Picard, with nothing in between ;) . I'll still have a hard time getting past how ugly and dark it looks visually though.
There is a Youtuber called Dave Cullen who has sang the praises of the third season the entire time, and he hated seasons one and two. His non-spoiler overview is worth a watch, he loved the final episode and you will be 'grinning from ear to ear', he also gives a fair and balanced take on what it does right and wrong in his subsequent episode reviews
Maybe someday someone can put together a short edit of S1 and S2 (like 1 or 2 ep length) that tells you just enough to understand S3. 😁
Wraith did a TV-to-two-movie edit of Season one and I'm working on a one-movie edit of Season 2.
Overall I'm still liking this season, but I don't really like having The Borg back as the big bad again this season, and I don't understand why they just used The Dominion as a big red herring for 8 episodes. Maybe it will all make more sense next week, but I doubt it.
, and I don't understand why they just used The Dominion as a big red herring for 8 episodes. Maybe it will all make more sense next week, but I doubt it.
Allies. Every war needs them.
For their masterplan to work, they needed someone able to infiltrate Starfleet to change command orders, get the majority of Starfleet where they needed them and insert/oversee the new code into the Transporters. They certainly could not have done it themselves. It also shows how desperate they have become in the last 25 years.
I thought it was diabolically genius!

FYI for those who want to really appreciate the final two episodes, and the Deep Cuts Matalas has made, I recommend re-watching the final episode of Voyager "EndGame", ;)
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FYI for those who want to really appreciate the final two episodes, and the Deep Cuts Matalas has made, I recommend re-watching the final episode of Voyager "EndGame", ;)

Damn. I'm quite a ways from that. Having originally got bored with Voyager back in the day shortly after 7 turned up, I'm currently re-watching (and now watching) it from the start. Just viewed S4's The Killing Game 2-parter. I still dislike it suddenly becoming the 7 show but my love of characters like Tuvok, Neelix and especially the Doctor is keeping my enjoyment high. It feels like the writing got better in the show just after I bailed on it. The recent Doctor centric episodes 'Message in a Bottle' and 'Revulsion' are among the best ever ST episodes. So I've got about 80 episodes to watch before I get to 'Endgame'.
Allies. Every war needs them.
Right, I get the in-universe plan. My objection was to so much time being spent on screen with Vadic since nothing really comes of her part of the story, and then shoving all of this into the last two episodes.
An advance review of episode ten spoiled a few things for me, but that shouldn't impact my enjoyment. I knew what was coming in episode 9 and still cried

Also, there's something in the last episode that again makes it clear someone did not like season two rofl.

PICARD S3 E10 "The Last Generation"

Perfection. Utter perfection.
Everything I wanted and more.
Tears were shed. Laughter was invoked.
1000% emotionally satisfying.

THANK YOU Terrry Matalas!!!!
I have some quibbles with the season, but overall it was pretty good. Huge improvements over the first two seasons, and a much better send-off for this crew than Nemesis.
Overall I enjoyed the finale, I thought the central core reactor was very remisant of the millennium falcon taking out the death star reactor in return of the jedi. My only fault with the episode is that they built up the changeling Starfleet takeover as a major threat, then they solved it in a single voiceover line of dialogue.
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Also the ending teased a q + jack crusher team up sequel bait or series spinoff. Or a captain Hansen spinoff. If the writing is as good as season 3 has been ,count me in.
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I'm drowning in Shaw and Seven romance fanfics right now
I think they should consider making a worf and riker spinoff series. The banter between those two characters are comedy gold.
Also the ending teased a q + jack crusher team up sequel bait or series spinoff. Or a captain Hansen spinoff. If the writing is as good as season 3 has been ,count me in.

The showrunner has plans for a show called Star Trek Legacy. This presumably is baiting that endeavor.
Posted in the main STAR TREK thread about The Roddenberry Archive being now online.

But I thought I would share this video here too, since it loosely connects to Season Three...

Is anyone able to provide the opening credits (FC music) isolated without sound effects please?
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